
Xianz Profile Editor v1.2

Welcome to the Advanced version of the original Xianz Profile Editor - a quick & easy CSS code tool to customize your own personal profile page on Xianz, everyone's favorite Christian social networking site!

Follow these easy steps:

  1. Change the form values below to suit your personal preferences.
  2. Click the "Generate Xianz Code"-button to generate the code.
  3. Select and copy the generated code that appears in the large text field at the bottom of the page.
  4. Take the code and paste it into the text field marked "Advanced users: Personalize your profile with CSS" in the Customize-section of 'My Profile' on Xianz.
  5. Click on the round Checkbox above the text field on that page and then click "Save" at the bottom of the Customize-page.
  6. Go to 'My Profile' and admire your beautiful new profile (if your changes don't show up immediately, hit Refresh a couple of times or try quitting your browser and then re-loading the page).


User Mode:
Do you want to use this Advanced Editor or one of our provided Skins?
Comments in CSS Code:
Leave comments in the code so you can see where the changes are?


Background Color:
The background colour of the entire page
Background Image (optional):
If you would like to have an image for your background, type in the URL of the image here
Image URL: 
Tiling:   Center:   Attachment: 


Master Text
Font Set:
The style your text is printed in
Font Faces


This changes all the non linked text on your profile, ex. "Testimony Comments, Votes, Smaller Headings

Size:    Bold:    Italic: 

Heading Text:
This changes the headings in your left nav, "Here For," "Gender," "Age," etc. and dates in your testimonies

Size:    Bold:    Italic: 


Master Links
Link Color:
These changes will effect all links on your profile, including: History, Tabs, All Left Nav Links, All About Me links, etc.

Size:    Bold:    Underline:    Italic: 

Link Background Color:
Do you want to have your links highlighted with a specific color?


Link Hover:
The color your links change to when your mouse is over top of them

Size:    Bold:    Underline:    Italic: 

Link Hover Background Color:
Do you want to have your links highlighted with a specific color when your mouse is over top of them?


Master Headings
ex. "Robbie"

Size:    Bold:    Underline:    Italic: 

Name Underline:
The color of the line under your name
      Size:    Style: 


Large Headings:
(ex. "More about ____", "___'s Blog", "___'s Friends", "___'s Testimonials", etc)

Size:    Bold:    Underline:    Italic: 

  Background Color:  


Master Boxes
Make all boxes transparent:
Do you want your profile transparent so you can see your background image or would you like to have your boxes to have a specific background color?


My Profile Box BG Color:
The main background color of your profile
My Profile Box Border:
The color of the border of your main background of your profile
      Size:    Style: 
Profile Background Image (optional):
If you would like to have an image for your profile background, type in the URL of the image here
Image URL: 
Tiling:   Center:   Attachment: 


Edit Profile Box BG Color:
The background color of the "About Me" section on your profile
Edit Profile Box Border:
The border color of the "About Me" section on your profile
      Size:    Style: 


Nav Bar Box BG Color:
The background color of the top navigation bar on your profile, "Home" "Invite" "Messages" etc.
Nav Bar Links Box BG Color:
The color the links background on the Nav Bar of your profile


All Other Boxes BG Color:    
All Other Boxes Border:       Size:    Style: 


My Profile Photo Border:       Size:    Style: 


Photo Thumbnail Size:
Photo Thumbnail Border:       Size:    Style: 


Dates (ex. "March 12, 2006"):    

Size:    Bold:    Underline:    Italic: 


See All-Links (ex. "See All
Posts", "See All (__)"):

Size:    Bold:    Underline:    Italic: 

See All-Links Hover:    

Size:    Bold:    Underline:    Italic: 


Line above See All-Links       Size:    Style: 


   Your Name


   Left Navigation


   "My Blog"-Box (only if you have one) AND "My Groups"-Box (only if have joined one)


   "My Testimonials"-Box (with all your testimonials)


   "My Friends" and "Invited By" Boxes


   Headline Box


   Top Nav Bar


   Footer (with copyright notice, etc.)


   Custom Scrollbars


   Custom Cursor (Body)


   Custom Cursor (Links)


Generate Code
Xianz CSS Code:
Done? Now follow these easy steps:

1. Click the "Generate Xianz Code" button.

2. Select & copy the code to the right.

3. Paste it into the text field marked "Advanced users: Personalize your profile with CSS" in the Customize-section of 'My Profile' on Xianz.

4. Click on the round Checkbox above the text field on that page and then click "Save" at the bottom of the Customize-page.

5. Go and admire your beautiful new profile.


Don't Change  |  Default Xianz Color  |  Transparent