
What emails and social networks are supported?

List of supported services

  • Friendster (comes with Invite Sender only)
  • MySpace (comes with Invite Sender only)
  • Hi5 (comes with Invite Sender only)
  • Facebook (comes with Invite Sender only)
  • Orkut (comes with Invite Sender only)
  • Hotmail
  • MSN
  • Hotmail Live
  • Yahoo mail
  • Gmail
  • AOL
  • Lycos (including international
  • .Mac (
  • (and all its domain variants)
  • FastMail.FM (and all its domain variants)
  • Rediffmail
  • Indiatimes
  • GMX
  • LinkedIn
  • IcqMail
  • Microsoft Outlook CSV
  • Microsoft Outlook Express CSV
  • Mozilla Thunderbird CSV

List of domains supported by contacts importer


Last update: April 17th, 2007 01:43

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