Becoming a Xianz Member
So you want to be a member of the newest and most talked about Christian social network?
Once a member you can enjoy all the services and features that the site offers.
Join Now!
We hope to see you part of Xianz soon.
Xianz Team
General Member Features
- NEW Members can create their unique username during registration for their personal profile URL (eg,
- Ability to edit personal profile, upload photos to the photo albums, change account settings and many more!
- Ability to upgrade membership plans using paypal payments
- NEW Recurring billing for paid membership plans and member can view last 5 transactions and next billing period
- Members can see who has view their profiles
- Member voting system
- NEW 5 most recently updated member profiles will be listed on main page
- Members can edit and customize their profile layout []
- NEW Members can upload multimedia content in their profile which can be broadcast through online windows streaming
- NEW Allow members to cancel their account
- NEW Members can upload multiple photos to their account
- Members can create a member ignore list
- Ability to bookmark a Group, listing or a member
- Write a testimonial for a friend
- Email notification which will send an email to the member when there is a new action to be taken (i.e invitations, new friend request, new testimonial and more)
- View History - Members are able to view the history of member profiles or groups they have visited.
- Compose new messages just like any ordinary emails and send them to the member's network of friends
- View inbox/sent/saved messages
- Bulletin Board: Bulletin board messages created by a member will be broadcast to al friends
- Search for new friends and increase the member's network of friends
- Basic Search: search by first name, last name, email, distance and degrees
- Advance Search: enhance search functions where members can search for friends by age, schools, gender, occupation, interest, company and many more! Members have the ability to display only friends with photos and sort search results.
- Members can create listings which will be posting in the Listings Directory
- Members can select the category where their listings will be posted and have the ability to upload photos, select the period of the listing (up to 30 days), make the listing anonymous. Members also have the ability to publish a listing to their groups (which only group members can view) or selected network of friends
- Ability to search listings by keywords, category and subcategory, distance and degrees
- Members can notify friends through email about their new listings
- Groups draw together individuals who share a common interest. These groups can be focused on any subject, affiliation, or activity. Book clubs, soccer teams, and alumni groups can form their own Groups, as well as family members, hobbyists, or professionals
Members can create groups which will be listed in Groups Directory
- Group Events - Members can create a group event
- Discussion Board - Enable members to post messages in a group
- NEW File sharing system
- Manage Group - This feature allows a member to manage the group type (public, moderated or private) and change other settings such as group URL, title, description and category
- View the most popular and newest groups in the directory
- Ability to search for groups by keywords
- Member can invite friends to join their network
- Support for multiple invitation
- Members can view the invitations they have sent to their friends and its status (whether their friends have signed up)
- Members can start their own online blog with a unique blog URL
- Blog search function
- Ability to create blog categories
- Ability to edit/delete blog entires
- Allows customization of blog layout such as custom header/css, background settings including music/image, blog font, color, time format
- Built-in HTML editor for blog entries
- RSS 2.0 support

- Members can view all topics and forum stats (number of post/ topics and last post)
- Ability to create new forum topics and post replies
- Ability to browse event categories
- Members can search for an event by keywords, category, dates degrees and distance.
- NEW Ability to create new public/private events
- NEW Event creator can specify the max number of guests each member can bring and allow comments by members
- NEW Built-in RSVP for each event: participating members can reply with yes/no/maybe and specify number of guest they are bringing
- NEW Event creator can invite friends in existing network or enter the email addresses for non-members to join event
- NEW Members can now add events to their calendar
- Ability to chat with other members
- Members can select chat rooms to talk to other members
- Members can send private message or chat invitation to selected members
- Ability to configure chat rooms (set display layout and sound controls)
- Members can have their own personal online calendar
- Ability to view/add new events
Instant Messenger
- Members can send/reply IM to friends or other members
Popularity Rating on Reps
- Image rating system where images of members are randomly displayed
- Show top 25 men and women
- Show most rated men and women
- Show men and women by age
Affiliate Program Coming soon...
- Unique affiliate link for each member
- Support for Tier 1 and tier 2
- Support for recurring commissions
- Displays affiliate account stats overview
- Shows affiliate commission details including amount earn and date
- Members can withdraw affiliate earnings via paypal