OOOO! so i'm actually typing a blog. a short blog. but a blog nonetheless! so on September 10th, 2007 i shall be starting my senior year at FHS! *Gaspizzle* i shall share with u the schedule i have for the first semester well my schedule as of today...i think i need some reorganizing or something cause there is a class in here i dont know anything about hahahaha!!
1st period: Enviromental Science (everyday + 2nd period on Wednesdays and Fridays)
2nd period: Studyhall on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
3rd period: Problem Solving (what in the worlddddd!! i dont even know if this is a class??)
4th period: Studyhall (why couldnt they have put gym class here?!?!? *shakes fist*)
5th period: Lunch
6th period: Senior Refresher Math
7th period: College Tech Prep English
8th+9th period: Interactive Multimedia 2
then second semester i have child development!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 *sigh* i wish i had room for webpage production...maybe i can swap that for *problem solving* whatever that is... lol!! ttyl! Rawk on and God bless!