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12:03 PM  [24 Sep 2008 | Wednesday]


It has been a long time since I have written here at xianz. I have been thinking and busy with life. Ever since my mom passed away last year, I have been getting out of the house more often. I have been reconnecting with the Stonecroft ministries women's group locally. I have been also getting more involved at the current church that I'm attending, Calvary Chapel Mountain View. I have been attending a Truth Project small group as well. I also have been busy with work. I have a coworker who was diagnosed with cancer a few months back. He is around my age. So I have been working a lot of weird hours. I haven't dropped off the earth but I have been living my life away from the computer.

10:29 AM  [01 Jan 2007 | Monday]

New Year's Resolutions

Well, it is a new year.  I'm hoping that things will go more smoothly this year.  This past year has been difficult.  I do realize that my "me" time will be extremely limited with my mom being sick.  I will be staying home with her on my days off from work.  I won't be doing a radio show this spring semester (I love doing jazz radio).  The only way that I can do a radio show this semester is to try and get my mom into adult daycare or get someone to help out.  Not too sure if either one will be feasible with my mom. 

One thing that I resolve to do is to read the Bible differently.  I have read it chronlogically but I will be reading a portion of the OT, NT, Psalm and Proverb daily.  I hope that I can stick to it.  I have problems in the past with this style of reading. 

Happy New Year to all

Mood: awake
Profile URL : http://xianz.com/jazzcaster

Blog URL : http://xianz.com/blog/jazzcaster
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