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Artist/Band Info Albums & Tour Friends & Fans updated 01/19/2007
Adult Contemporary / Modern Worship / Pop Rock
from the fields

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Member since 08/21/2006
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From The Fields's General Info

Member Since
August 21, 2006 6:57 pm
Band Website
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Band Members
  • tim dishongh (vocals, keys and arranging),
  • kathy dishongh (vocals and songwriting),
  • steve garcia (guitar, bgvs and arranging),
  • larry norman (bass),
  • john tresnak (guitar),
  • ben solomon (drums and percussion),
  • khalilah stonum (bgvs and songwriting)
Jesus... the most creative mind we will ever know. They gave him a manger for a cradle, a carpenter's bench for a pulpit, thorns for a crown, and a cross for a throne. He took them and made them the very glory of his career. ~W.E. Orchard
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Record Label
Basil Records
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album name undecided at this point
in progress... to be completed by fall/winter 2006

Tour Dates/Shows

Sat Dec 23 6:00:00 2006 - Christmas Concert with Glenn Green {free}
Harvest Fellowship Church, San Antonio
TX, United States
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John 4:35 ...I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.
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Latest Blog: August 25, 2006

Being "silent and still" has never been a strong point for me... especially when facing a spiritual challenge. Such is the case with the inspiration for this song. I was right in the middle of a difficult situation that left me asking questions such as, "How much longer Lord?"... "Do you see what's happening?"... "When will it let up?" I'm so grateful that my Savior never grew weary of hearing the cries of my heart, and that He beautifully revealed peace in the midst of pain.

During this "teachable moment" of my life (I seem to require many of those, by the way), He gently guided me to scripture that spoke not just to my circumstances, but to my attitude regarding them. As you can guess, the underlying theme was to "wait." As if that was not challenging enough, I was to wait with hope and expectation. He had no intention of removing the situation, but He did have a desire to make something beautiful out of it. I held on tightly to His words and actually believed them. I began to praise Him in spite of the challenges.

One afternoon I began praying and journaling about my situation and my newfound confidence that God was working in and through it, and the words and melody to "Wait For You" came to life. It was such a sweet, tender moment. He was my peace, my hope, and my song no matter what was going on in my life. I remember feeling overwhelmed that He would give me... someone who begrudgingly listened to his voice... someone who wrestled with obedience... a song of hope and encouragement about the very thing that was pressing in on me. I am reminded of a quote by Pastor Ben Patterson that puts everything into perspective... "The success of our waiting lies not in who we are, but in who God is. It is not our strength that will pull us through to the end, it is God's amazing love and mercy."

Psalm 5:3 'In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."

James 5:7-11 "Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near. Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door! Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy."

May my compassionate Savior turn your sorrow into song! WAIT ON HIM!!!!!!!

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A Little About ...

Location San antonio, TX, United States
Denomination Non-denominational
Current Mood praising

from the fields's Bio

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Hear "Wait For You" on the Build the Church Podcast www.buildthechurch.com (Nov. 8th #203)

My husband Tim and I have the amazing privilege to lead worship at Harvest Fellowship Community Church in San Antonio, TX. Every member of "From the Fields" is actively involved in our ministry... we are in awe of their talent and humility. None of us are sure why God is opening this new door of opportunity for us or where this may lead. We are just having a blast getting to spend time together in worship as we are recording this project. This is not something that any of us pursued it is only Gods grace and blessing that have been demonstrated to us, so we are striving to be obedient to whatever purpose He has for this new ministry and project. Hes placed a new field before us to work to further His kingdom and bring Him glory that will always remain our purpose.

    A Little About the Band (*bios were written by each member):

  • Tim Dishongh (vocals, keys, arranging):

    Tim has been in full-time ministry since the age of eighteen. He has a Bachelors and two Masters degrees in music and ministry. He is a skilled pianist and vocalist. He has been involved in everything from singing jingles on the radio to coaching nation-wide vocal seminars, but his dearest passion is leading worship. Nothing pleases him more than seeing others worship the one true God in pure abandonment. Tim and his wife, Kathy serve at Harvest Fellowship Community Church in San Antonio, Texas. They have been married for seven years and have the most amazing two year old son, Jacob. On a side note, their name Dishongh (French) actually means From the Fields God is so awesome

  • Kathy Dishongh (vocals, songwriting):

    Kathy is honored to serve alongside her incredible husband, Tim in ministry at Harvest. The two of them met at Baylor University while pursuing degrees in music. Although she has always been involved in music, this new endeavor of songwriting has completely taken her by surprise. Undoubtedly this is Gods hand moving, and she finds that this process of songwriting has caused her to be more vulnerable and broken before the Lord than ever. She adores her boys (husband Tim and son Jacob) and nothing brings her greater joy than worshipping together as a family. Kathy is also a certified chef, and she is convinced thats the REAL REASON everyone wants to be in the band free food during rehearsals!!!!!

  • Steven Garcia (guitar, bgvs, arranging):

    Steven has been writing and composing music for over 15 years and has recently released 2 Christian children's albums, Hi Dee Hi and Wake Up. Steven, who is self-taught on acoustic and electric guitar, keyboards, and drums, is currently working on an adult worship album and also his 3rd Children's album due for release this fall. He is the associate worship leader at Harvest Fellowship Community Church and the Music and Movement Teacher for the Harvest Preschool. He loves to bring people just as they are into a real worship experience with God. Steven has been married to his wife, Lauren (most awesome girl ever!) for over 6 years and has a 5 year old prodigy son, Benjamin.

  • John Tresnak (electric guitar):

    John taught himself guitar, starting at fifteen, by playing along with the radio. He always wanted to be in a band, so during his senior year, he jumped on the opportunity to play bass in a ska band. Around the same time, John started attending a local youth group at Harvest Fellowship Community Church. Quote from John: Although I didn't know God, or ever attended church I felt Godcalling me there. I experienced a peace and meaning that was lacking in my life, even in music. After two months of Wednesday night youth I gave my life to Christ, and that same night the Worship leader, needing a bassist asked me to play. Two weeks later I was on the Worship team, and I began to experience God's presence even when I left church. After a year, I had been writing songs on guitar and felt called to start a band. I played in Kubrick for three years, where we wrote completely original music, and I learned a lot about being a musician and songwriting. However, God closed the door over a year ago and opened up one with the Harvest Praise Team and From The Fields.I look forward to God's perfect plan for From the Fields,and the experiences ahead.

  • Larry Norman (bass guitar):

    Larry has played bass guitar since he was 16 years old he started playing in a high school garage band with some friends. There have been many of periods in his life where he didn't played at all. God was teaching him several things during those quiet times. He started playing in ministry about 4 years ago, about the same time that Tim and Kathy came to Harvest. Larry re-dedicated his life to the Lord around that time. He was saved when he was 8 years old, but during his 20's and 30's drifted away from God and pursued his own interests. He is grateful that God never lost hope for him.

  • Ben Solomon (drums, percussion):

    Originally from west Texas (Permian Basin area), much of Bens musical influence is from good ol' 70s, 80s, and 90s rock and roll. As a percussionist, he had formal training through drum corpse and marching band on all percussive instruments. (Much of what Ben knows he owe to his high school band teachers.) He consider drumming a whole separate ministry from everything else he does, and he actively plays with 4 or 5 different ministry groups weekly. Along with drums, Ben plays keys and even writes songs. He is a "prodigal son" Christian, and he knows that his purpose is ministry in music. Quote from Ben: I know God has a plan to use me in a big way, and I can't wait to see what it is.

  • Khalilah Stonum (bgvs, songwriting):

    Khalilah was born in Galveston, TX. and grew up in a little town named Hitchcock most of her childhood. She started singing when she was three with her mother as her accompanist. Khalilah has always been a member of the choir at church but it wasn't until Aug. 1999 at U of H that she became a member of a gospel group called Good News Gospel Choir. She sang with them for 3 years and had a whirlwind experience with traveling and performing at different concerts. It was definitely a growing experience for her. Music & poetry have always been a part of Khalilahs life, but she didn't start writing songs until she was 19. She recorded her first song on a CD called IN SPIRIT & TRUTH, which was sponsored by the Baptist Student Union at the University of Houston. She moved back to SA in 2002 and in Sept. 2002 joined the Praise Team at Harvest Fellowship Community Church. In 2005, she and Kathy decided that they had the same passion for writing and Kathy decided to allow her to look at some of her songs. They started off at Kathys piano together and now they are here waiting to see how God will move and bless.

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Testimonials for from the fields

this user is offline nowsend Raining Grace a messageadd Raining Grace as a personal friendblock/ignore Raining Grace  Raining Grace options (Modern Worship)
March 16, 2007

Hi From the Fields.  Thanks for becoming a friend of Raining Grace.  God bless your ministry!

this user is offline nowsend NarniaFans.com a messageadd NarniaFans.com as a personal friendblock/ignore NarniaFans.com  NarniaFans.com options (excited)
February 08, 2007

Thanks for the Add, from your friends at NarniaFans.com!

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November 27, 2006
Nice to see you over here! We have to stop meeting like this! LOL

Peace and Blessings,

this user is offline nowsend elise a messageadd elise as a personal friendblock/ignore elise  elise options (joyful)
November 13, 2006
wow your music is aweosme i loved it

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November 04, 2006

christian glitter graphics myspace code christian images
Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

Keep praising him with song - thanks for the invite  

this user is offline nowsend Paisley Yankolovich a messageadd Paisley Yankolovich as a personal friendblock/ignore Paisley Yankolovich  Paisley Yankolovich options (Contemporary)
October 31, 2006

Thanks for adding me! It’s great to be here in such good company!


I have songs on here that you and your friends can download for FREE! It would mean a lot to me if you took the time to listen.


There is also a FREE CD available for download on my website!


Just visit www.paisleyyankolovich.com Click on "Lyrics/Music." Scroll all the way down to the CD, "Not Unclean" (my first, came out in 2004), and download away!


I really hope you enjoy my music! P

this user is offline nowsend Elaine a messageadd Elaine as a personal friendblock/ignore Elaine  Elaine options (irate)
October 28, 2006
Courtesy of MsTags.com

Yours In Christ,

this user is offline nowsend Pam a messageadd Pam as a personal friendblock/ignore Pam  Pam options (loved)
October 12, 2006


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October 01, 2006
Hosted by SparkleTags.com
Hosted by Sparkle Tags

this user is offline nowsend Rickie a messageadd Rickie as a personal friendblock/ignore Rickie  Rickie options (grateful)
September 28, 2006
Hosted by SparkleTags.com
Hosted by Sparkle Tags

this user is offline nowsend Lisa a messageadd Lisa as a personal friendblock/ignore Lisa  Lisa options
September 18, 2006

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September 15, 2006

this user is offline nowsend Glenn a messageadd Glenn as a personal friendblock/ignore Glenn  Glenn options (Adult Contemporary)
September 11, 2006


Thanks for the note.  I did hear about the festival but I will be out on tour for the month of October and won't be returning till first of October 29th.  It seems like every time I plan tour dates out of state some Festival or event happens in my own back yard.  I hope you guys can get in on it though.

Blessings!    -Glenn

this user is offline nowsend Andrea C. Parker a messageadd Andrea C. Parker as a personal friendblock/ignore Andrea C. Parker  Andrea C. Parker options (Singer-Songwriters)
September 09, 2006

Yes I have heard of it.  Just helped them get in article in saworship.com about the event, (I write a music column for saworship.com).

Did I tell you about the CHARTS e-newsletter I send out once a week.  Email me at so I can add you to it!  It is packed full of things going on that you can be apart of!

this user is offline nowsend Monica a messageadd Monica as a personal friendblock/ignore Monica  Monica options (ecstatic)
September 08, 2006
Hey friends!!! :)
I am so excited to hear about your new ministry and so blessed to have my ears listen to the song on here. It is absolutely beautiful and I cannot wait to hear more! You two are such a blessing in my life and I am humbled to be called your friend and experience this journey with you as your family! :) Love you ALL! -Monica

this user is offline nowsend Chris a messageadd Chris as a personal friendblock/ignore Chris  Chris options
August 31, 2006

Hey thanks!   This site is pretty neat

this user is offline nowsend Unleavened a messageadd Unleavened as a personal friendblock/ignore Unleavened  Unleavened options (Modern Worship)
August 29, 2006

this user is offline nowsend The Glorious Dregs a messageadd The Glorious Dregs as a personal friendblock/ignore The Glorious Dregs  The Glorious Dregs options (Alternative/Modern)
August 28, 2006
he actually auditioned for us... also my wife used to work at the preschool at harvest and he would come and sing songs to the kids... talented guy...

this user is offline nowsend The Glorious Dregs a messageadd The Glorious Dregs as a personal friendblock/ignore The Glorious Dregs  The Glorious Dregs options (Alternative/Modern)
August 28, 2006

nice to meet you folks...  now I do know that steven can play that guitar though! :)

this user is offline nowsend Glenn a messageadd Glenn as a personal friendblock/ignore Glenn  Glenn options (Adult Contemporary)
August 28, 2006

Hey Kathy & From the Fields,

Thanks for the kind words and I do hope we'll be seeing you all soon.  Lots of prayers and blessings to you guys as you start your ministry. 

For others who may read this testimonial, I encourage you to check out the music and mission of From the Fields.  You will be hard-pressed to find a group of people more devoted to the message of Jesus Christ and more dedicated to God's calling.  They are the real deal!

Be Blessed!!     -Glenn

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