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Artist/Band Info Albums & Tour Friends & Fans updated 08/07/2008
Gospel / Praise & Worship / Singer-Songwriters

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Member since 08/07/2008
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August 7, 2008 8:48 am
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A Little About ...

Here For The Cause Of Jesus Christ
Interests God, Jesus, Our Purpose Here, Gods Church, Writing Songs and Singing For our Lord!
Hometown Diamond City,Ar.
About me
Thank you for stopping by. Hope you enjoy our songs. We are only here to worship our Lord Jesus Christ.
FOR BOOKING MERCY'S CRY Call;Bruce Backofen;317-574-0499 Office or 317-506-6706 Cell Or Email; Bruce@destinymgtgroup.com

Lisa Davis Gobin was born in Harrison Arkansas. From a very musical family, her Mother started teaching her to play guitar at the age of four.
Bill, Lisa's older brother played about any instrument he picked up. He wrote many songs and Lisa was encouraged to do the same.
Come evening, the sound of music and sweet harmonies echoed around the Ozark Mountain home Lisa was so blessed to be raised in. Learning about God and how to sing a new tune was her biggest joy.

At age twelve Lisa wrote her first song. It wasn't long after that she was invited to start singing publicly.
Bill took Lisa to Mountain View. AR. where they became known singing at the weekend "Hooten Nanny" home of the Ozark Folk Festival.
Lisa also joined a Band and started traveling locally in the region to sing for any one who invited her. Her sweet voice and pure honest love for the gift God gave her made it a joy for her and everyone that had the opportunity to listen. Although she had to pass on many opportunities because of her young age.

Eventually Lisa met Singer/Songwriter Bob Morris and his wife Faye. Bob was known for many hit songs { The Buckeroo song} by "Buck Owens", and {Drifter} by "Silvia".
Lisa then appeared with the Morris's at the Old Opry House in Russellville, AR.
Sadly, not long after, Lisa was invited to be a part of what would be a farewell concert to Bob. With Freddie Hart and many more of Bobs friends. Bob Morris passed away from cancer shortly after.
His friendship and unique personality had a wonderful influence on Lisa. "Never give up your dreams".

Lisa found herself wanting to have more of a normal life as she started coming of age.
All her friends were getting married and having babies. So, shouldn't she? Lisa did make an attempt at marriage, but her music just couldn't be put on the back burner too long. Her desire to perform was greater than her desire to be a good wife.
By this time Lisa's skills as a song writer were becoming more professionally honed. She was seen as a notable song writer among her peers, as well as an exciting stage performer and that sweet voice had become more powerful.
Lisa Davis had her own unique sound, and she was very busy trying to be everywhere she was wanted.
Lisa's marriage ended sadly. But her music still came first.
Many opportunities prospered for her. Managers, Recording, Touring and Nashville! Doors were opening for Lisa almost everywhere she turned.
Then Lisa fell deeply in love. Six months later at the age of twenty three she married the man she knew she would love forever. He returned that very same love. Everyone that knew them "knew" they were in true love.
Lisa started being more picky about her schedule. She started turning down more dates to travel, and even declined a new tour that had been in the planning for several months before. What dates Lisa did make were with her own band and her husband escorting her every step of the way. Lisa had never been so happy in her whole life.
In the second year of their marriage Lisa became pregnant. Almost three months into her pregnancy she lost the baby due to what they called an etopic pregnancy.
The baby was embedded in her left fallopian tube instead of the womb. The tube ruptured almost causing death for Lisa. She not only lost the baby that they wanted so badly but she lost so much blood she was going into shock. That day changed the way Lisa felt about life forever. Knowing that the only reason she was still alive was by the pure grace of God. Her husband never left her side. They cried together and hoped to try again to have a baby.
Almost a year later Lisa experienced another devastating blow when her husband didn't come home from work one day......
Worried out of her mind, looking for him, even having the police look for him. Lisa's husband remained missing for three days. Then her heart was broken to pieces when she found out he had left her for a much older woman. He wanted a divorce! Lisa never got a reason why. It was just over?

Lost and so broken Lisa tried to pick up her life, her broken heart, and go on. She became so cold to the world. She started taking more jobs playing the bars, drinking and doing her best to do her worse.
The country music she was raised on slowly started coming out harder, she started doing more southern rock, blues, and putting her soul into every note. Drinking and belting out the pain in every song she did. Her writing was a mirror of her life. The songs that everyone was requesting was just the moaning of what was left of Lisa's shattered life.
Several years passed, Lisa's Father and Sister had both passed away. Giving up on a real relationship with anyone, alcohol kept her mind numb. Her days were spent sleeping until the sun went down. So many trials she was yet to go through.
Lisa started working in a recording studio to make extra money doing demos for people. Still singing in the clubs but not going anywhere.

Thinking that things just couldn't get any worse, Lisa married again. The only thing they had in common was they liked to drink.
Lisa found herself having to stay straight more just to take care of her husband who would get drunk and want to fight.
After coming home from touring the North East part of the U.S. Lisa felt such an evil presence in her home.
She found her old bible and slept with it in fear that something wanted her dead. A couple days later her husband tried to commit suicide.

That was when Lisa first got down on her knees and prayed for help. Knowing she couldn't live like she had anymore, yet not knowing how to live her life any different Lisa started going to a small church. That is when God really started dealing with her.
Lisa knew that God wanted something from her, just didn't know what it was.
Lisa had been having pain in her neck for years and had been taking pain pills for a while. Finally an MRI showed that she had broken her neck at some point in her life. She now had herniated discs and bone disease from the early injury. She needed surgery. Lisa couldn't even feel her hands by the time she was able to have the surgery.
Pinched nerves, spinal damage, carpel tunnel, fibromyalgia and a panic disorder. Lisa was a physical mess, the pain was constant daily. Then another MRI showed a tumor on her lower spine. The Doctors said that she would never sing again after the surgery to fuse her cervical spine. That was all she knew how to do!
But if she didn't have the surgery she would be paralyzed, there was no other alternative. Lisa really felt her livelihood and her dreams being destroyed. Yet, she also felt God trying to tell her something. Could it be possible that she wasn't supposed to sing again?
Lisa's marriage had ended. Still together her and her husband were there only as friends. Trying to help each other with physical care, but that was all.
Lisa was changing. Her faith in God was becoming greater and she wouldn't let her husband or anyone come to her house drinking.

Lisa had the surgery and it was true, she couldn't sing.
Lisa turned to her bible instead, realizing she didn't want to die and have to tell God that she had never read his book.
She not only started reading it, but studying it and applying it to her life.
After a year she started feeling like she could sing if she tried. She tried and her voice couldn't even hold a note. She prayed for God to restore her voice. Lisa wanted to sing for Him. Not only for God, but to God.

Lisa had never seriously sung or even listened to Christian music since she was a kid. She still had a love for music, but the old country tunes she used to listen to just didn't fill her heart anymore.
One evening Lisa was flipping through the TV channels and went across TBN{Trinity Broadcasting Channel}.
She heard a sound that not only filled her heart but filled her spirit with a joy she had never felt. After all these years how could she have missed this?
They were debuting a new album of some guy named Michael English. "Never heard of him before, but he can sing!"
Lisa worshipped God through the songs and the voice she heard.
She couldn't sing, but the way this fellow sang she could hear her own vocals in her mind and hear the spirit filling every note.
The next day Lisa went to a local Christian Book store and bought every album she could find by Michael English. Not understanding why she couldn't find more than two at the time she asked about finding more?
The owner told her a little more about Michael English and that a lot of Christian music stores just wouldn't carry his CDs because of his past! That really hit Lisa where she lived. She thought, "Man, if you knew my past - You probably wouldn't let me buy anything here!"
Lisa took her two CDs and went home, eventually finding more of Michael English's music to listen to.
For another year Lisa studied her bible and worshipped the Lord listening to the spirit filled songs of Michael English, and trying to sing along.
One day while in worship Lisa fell down with her face on the floor of her bedroom. Lisa asked God to use her in any way he wanted no matter if she could sing or not.
Lisa Davis was a child of God and her past was blotted out, her life was just beginning. Lisa was like a new baby and wanted nothing but her Father's love. When Lisa stopped praying and got up off the floor, she heard a voice inside of her that said "sing".
Lisa opened her mouth and took a big breath that came out a sweet, clear sound. Lisa could sing!
Lisa continues to sing for the Love of her life...Jesus Christ.
Lisa's marriage did end.... but, God did put love in her life.
She met Dwayne Gobin.
The way they met was all through, and for the cause of Christ. The fact that they fell in love is just the icing on the cake.
Today Dwayne and Lisa love each other more than the day they married. They work and sing for, and to the one and only living God. That is why you're reading this, all because God never gave up on
Lisa ?.He truly is the God of second chances. Amen!


Dwayne Gobin II: Any one who realy knows this man can not deny that Jeremiah 1;5-9 will bring Dwayne to your mind every time you read it.Jer 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart for my holy purpose. I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations." Jer 1:6 I, Jeremiah, said, "Almighty LORD, I do not know how to speak. I am only a boy!" Jer 1:7 But the LORD said to me, "Don't say that you are only a boy. You will go wherever I send you. You will say whatever I command you to say. Jer 1:8 Don't be afraid of people. I am with you, and I will rescue you," declares the LORD. Jer 1:9 Then the LORD stretched out his hand and touched my mouth. The LORD said to me, "Now I have put my words in your mouth" Now for those of you who do not understand this, please allow me to explain. Dwayne was born and raised in the heart of Kansas. Dwayne's parents were told that if he made it to birth, he would be born without legs, arms, or a brain. His mother "being the believer she is" asked God to make her baby whole.....That she would give her baby back to Him...." The Lord God". Being very small at birth the doctors had a lot of "ifs" the first few hours and days of Dwayne's life. But, God didn't have any "ifs" in his plans anywhere when it came to Dwayne. This little boy learned about his merciful savior for the first few years of his life from his mother. Never thinking that one day soon his mother would leave. Though broken and terrified this precious little boy soon found him self with out that image of security and comfort that only his mother could give. Dwayne's father tried hard to make up for what was lacking in his little boys life, although that would be something that could never be made up. only dealt with by a different type of creativity. Dwayne started writing his own songs of love to God when he was nine years old. God always comforted Dwayne. Then Dwayne became the age where growing up gets difficult for all....." trying to become a man!"...... .Dwayne had so much hostility inside and turned to drugs and alcohol to try and relieve his demons. Dwayne had become out of control. He wanted nothing to do with the God who had been there for him growing up. So much his desire to run from it all he remembers telling God to leave him alone. Dwayne ran from home and finished High School while living in a one room apartment alone and working two jobs to try and support himself. Still, "Mom" the woman his Father married and also took Dwayne to raise, love, and be her own along with her own two sons. Made sure that Dwayne always had a hot meal everyday. In school Dwayne was interested in the performing arts. So that was his high spot in school. He had such a hunger to create; he had even taken piano lessons for five years as a boy. His acting ability took him through his high school years with awarding credits. Dwayne finally started taking steps slowly back to God. He got involved in acting at church. Having done high school plays, musicals, community theater, and skits while taking a missions trip to Mexico. Then he spent a year in Drama ministry while attending a Christian College. Dwayne, even though trying to be the man Gods word said he should be, kept looking for someone. That special one to love him and be by his side for life. Dwayne married, but he was always looking for lost causes....someone his love could fix! When he needed to love God and Dwayne first, then let God pick his wife. Dwayne finally learned this," after" falling for threats that at the time ended him unable to see his only daughter. Everyday he prays that God watch over his little girl and some way reunite them as father and daughter. Dwayne now has over two hundred songs to his credit. But the biggest and most important thing to Dwayne is speaking the word of God. Full filling the words of a man he didn't know at a pier by the ocean {as a child}. The man told Dwayne that someday he would preach Gods word. Then later again in his twenties, a woman from church said the same thing. Not to mention the times Dwayne heard the words over again in his spirit. Dwayne takes classes through Luther Rice University for a formal education in ministry and now plays and sings with the love of his life, his wife Lisa. Writing is how Dwayne and Lisa met. Lisa was in a studio recording her first Gospel CD. She was looking for some new material when she went to the web and found Dwayne's work. just a tiny bit of it....but she loved it!"?. and He loved her". ."For the first time God brought Dwayne a woman who loves The Lord as much as he does! Dwayne is also a published Poet in England and he has so many songs it would take the rest of their lives to record them all. Two of them are already on their new CD. They will be adding more I'm sure! Dwayne is also getting very learned in producing. Although,Lisa could live in the studio and do the same note all day till it sounds the way it should. Dwayne is as meticulous at his writing. So I believe they make a wonderful Godly match. Amen!
Denomination Just Christian


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