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Part 1 ABC Nightline Debate- Rational Responce Squad vs Way of the Master
   Runtime: 00:06:50 | Views: 6227 | Favorited: 8 | Comments: 8 | Type: public | Added on: 13-05-2007
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Atheist Pushers versus Bible Pushers.\r\nBoth are just as bad.\r\nThese people are trying to push Atheism on people. The Way of the Master are pushing Jesus, God onto people on the streets. I am a Christian I don't believe in proselytizing. I believe a person should have the choice to decide if they want to be Christian or not. Not have someone shame them into becoming Christian. Just what The Way of the Master duo try to do.\r\n
JerryWE1962 // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (7) -
\nWe cannot show anyone Jesus personally. It is God Himself through the Gospel message that uses the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that "the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing". \n\nWe can be an example, be the light and the salt and walk in faith, praying and believing but it is really God who moves. Saying I can reveal God to someone by pointing to something only really shows them it was created. They may believe this but the focus should actually be on the fact that according to the Bible we are lost, so using the Law to do this, and also that Jesus is the One who said He will show up and make Himself known.\n\nRevelation 3:20\n20Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.\n\nRomans 1:20\n20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.\n\nThe Universe itself points to the Creator. \n\nDebating with someone that this "must" mean it was the God of the Bible is not going to make sense to people. It will help but truthfully it is the Word that accomplishes its purpose.\n\nIsaiah 55:11\n so is my word that goes out from my mouth: \n It will not return to me empty, \n but will accomplish what I desire \n and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.\n\n
skatebible // Videos (1) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (2) -
I am sad to see that we still thing that we can still win people to God with fear and not love. Jesus loves sinner and hate the sin but we must show love to people not just tell them whhat is wrong with thier lives. God is loving he wants us to talk to people about is love. Focusing on people sins will only make people run from God. It is the Holy Spirits job to show people that the need help from God and see the in in thier life. I will pray for Kirt. I hope that none of us forget that it was the love of God that saved us not the fear of going to hell.
bigal // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (2) -
whe they see the love of God in our lives they will beleive.
javier // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (43) -
There is only one thing that atheists and Christians agree on together - Atheists are not going to heaven when they die!
Pricelesspearls // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (31) -
"Lord, open the eyes of the hearts of the people how by Rational Responce squad has denied You, give us a chance to reach them!\nI ask this in Jesus powerful name, Amen!" -Razz
NGRazz // Videos (7) | Favorites (16) | Playlist (135) -
I think to get the gospel out there to millions of people. I agree that they didn't prove there is God without faith but they preached it and I believe many were touched by God. As far as the debate went, both sides were weak!
RobbieD // Videos (284) | Favorites (10) | Playlist (737) -
It was great to see the RRS PWN the way of the master. can you believe the garbage that Kirk and Ray put up? I mean first they say they can PROVE god with out using the bible and Ray FAILS in his opening statement by using the 10 commandments! So that makes Ray and Kirk liars because they knew they were going to invoke the 10 commandments so why did they agree to it?
LunarShadowX // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (11) -
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Featured Xianz VideoFeatured on ABC News. Check out part 1-5

Part 1 ABC Nightline Debate- Rational Responce Squad vs Way of the Master with Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort
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