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numa numa guy
   Runtime: 00:01:40 | Views: 9636 | Favorited: 65 | Comments: 46 | Type: public | Added on: 17-01-2007
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Comments (46):
This guy rocks\r\n
passion8 // Videos (0) | Favorites (2) | Playlist (13) -
this is so funny thanks
shawnfischer // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (19) -
// Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (0) -
My room-mate knows this guy personally and says he is a hoot in real life as well. LOL he never thought so many peeps would love this rendition, lol
Elizabeth // Videos (0) | Favorites (1) | Playlist (225) -
I have the cd of the band that made this song they are a romanian group called Disco Zone, this song is about a guy missing his love and telling her he will always love her lol.
Tex15 // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (1) -
I loved this one the first time I saw this one, and I still love it! Next get the one where Napolian does the dance okay. God Bless!!!!!!!
iforgot17125 // Videos (0) | Favorites (5) | Playlist (10) -
this is heka funny.....especially the little hand dance thing he was doing
// Videos (0) | Favorites (1) | Playlist (38) -
o my that is the most funniest thing
katsgalore6 // Videos (0) | Favorites (27) | Playlist (294) -
um.... wow cool music
// Videos (0) | Favorites (20) | Playlist (118) -
thats rediculously hillarious
duckhunter_89 // Videos (0) | Favorites (26) | Playlist (87) -
that was sooooooooo funny!!hahaha lol
Jesus_Freak_13 // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (4) -
the video was freaken funny man
JesusFreak10 // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (31) -
This is sooooooooooo awesomely funny!
// Videos (0) | Favorites (40) | Playlist (149) -
It's an honor made to Ozone,and a good hilarious clip indeed.But the Numa Numa iei is really good performed,although Ian is not a romanian guy,bravo!
Foxer // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (65) -
oh come on... if u don't like this video... u r CRAZY! it is HILARIOUS
// Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (19) -
that is in the top 100 coolest songs of this year now.
// Videos (0) | Favorites (14) | Playlist (66) -
I wish I was that dorky... lol
Frogman_X // Videos (1) | Favorites (8) | Playlist (40) -
thats funny my venture teacher showed us that in class my friend said its desturbing
maggie // Videos (0) | Favorites (4) | Playlist (28) -
hahahahahahahahahahahaha this is freakin halarious
kool_cameroni // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (4) -
You cut to short!!!
kaya122 // Videos (8) | Favorites (11) | Playlist (64) -
soooooooo funnnnnyyyyy
// Videos (0) | Favorites (150) | Playlist (212) -
totally cool!
Alyx // Videos (1) | Favorites (12) | Playlist (200) -
sk8tr1 // Videos (0) | Favorites (1) | Playlist (21) -
very funny needed the laught tonight
angels1203 // Videos (0) | Favorites (47) | Playlist (159) -
o ya that is an old one but still makes me laugh everytime\n
// Videos (1) | Favorites (4) | Playlist (339) -
MandyChic // Videos (0) | Favorites (87) | Playlist (215) -
lol that guy is weirdly cool!! lol
Happy_Cheerleader // Videos (0) | Favorites (14) | Playlist (29) -
I love it that's halarious!!!!
Kissed_By_an_Angel // Videos (0) | Favorites (2) | Playlist (161) -
This is an oldie but still great!
Markiestar1013 // Videos (0) | Favorites (1) | Playlist (73) -
suthernluvr08 // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (1) -
this is the most funny video i have eva saw in my life.......\r\n~Rian~
prettyinpink // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (1) -
MCRrocks // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (10) -
lyfeofmusic // Videos (6) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (38) -
omg ahhhhhhh
// Videos (0) | Favorites (3) | Playlist (32) -
Love the eye brow double lift!
areddunn // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (22) -
I love this video!
Aiedail // Videos (0) | Favorites (3) | Playlist (11) -
errrm thhas not normal but i love it
// Videos (3) | Favorites (11) | Playlist (75) -
I think he's so cool...
Davy59 // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (5) -
i like to dance with Mr. numma numma, lol, im a loser!!
// Videos (0) | Favorites (19) | Playlist (24) -
hahaha!!! thats great! \r\n
DSora // Videos (0) | Favorites (80) | Playlist (419) -
i like him lol
risingsunshine // Videos (0) | Favorites (4) | Playlist (19) -
hahah gotta love my fellow techno lovers!!!\n\nbounce on bro!!!
// Videos (2) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (74) -
I'm In love!
dancer // Videos (0) | Favorites (1) | Playlist (134) -
love it!
meliving4him // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (27) -
i think this guy likes this song....LOL\n
// Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (55) -
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Video Details
Here's the original numa numa guy. watch as he lip syncs to the song that he made a hit! it's hilarious.
Channels: Comedy Music
Tags: numa guy lip sync
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