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The Phone
   Runtime: 00:04:48 | Views: 6689 | Favorited: 17 | Comments: 20 | Type: public | Added on: 18-01-2007
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this is not very good cause i thou ght this was for christians not good when people are smokin not good i will neaver post any thing like this on my page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
crazyboo // Videos (0) | Favorites (13) | Playlist (63) -
man this just cracks me up great job guys!
// Videos (0) | Favorites (3) | Playlist (22) -
lol okay then! rock on?
// Videos (3) | Favorites (11) | Playlist (75) -
this is halarious :D
brick // Videos (2) | Favorites (2) | Playlist (112) -
Haha that was cool.. and funny and stuff.. lol.. and Dak says its so true.. Robbie doesn't like to be told to call. He'd rather believe you don't have a phone :P hehe... great vid!
// Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (18) -
Hahaha very nice guys. That was awesome. I always flick the firealarm bells when I walk by too :P
Snayr // Videos (2) | Favorites (3) | Playlist (41) -
robbie...he sounds canadian! lol canadians are cool, my youth pastor is from edmonton...the one with the huge mall =]
7h3_j0k3r // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (209) -
really dumb .. especially the cigarettes
Ray_ // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (92) -
lol! now that was a freaky, funny kind of thing! lol! 2 thumbs up! lol
Tonya_maeB // Videos (4) | Favorites (1) | Playlist (14) -
Hey !! What's your number !!! (Hahahahahhaha)
// Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (43) -
lol you two are funny good work on the vid:D
sweetie // Videos (1) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (15) -
You guys are funny.crying over a phone.sounds like me LOL..thanks for sharing.
// Videos (0) | Favorites (3) | Playlist (199) -
Nice Diet Pepsi plug!!!! Now I KNOW you guys are crazy!
sipofpepsi // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (52) -
I liked the part where Monty made the bell ding. I guess I will have to watch the sequel now, so I can find out what happened to him. (Oh, the suspense...)
datbirdie // Videos (3) | Favorites (23) | Playlist (290) -
Ahahahaha, that was PRICELESS! Kevin, nice crying act there bro! Man, that had to have been way F-U-N in making! Zillion Kudos dudes!
Elizabeth // Videos (0) | Favorites (1) | Playlist (225) -
What happened to Monty? Is he dead? Who was on the phone? Find out by watching The Phone II !
RobbieD // Videos (284) | Favorites (10) | Playlist (737) -
wow guys... just... wow
// Videos (1) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (30) -
funny guys - thanks for the laugh!!!!
// Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (37) -
LOL You guys are just craaaazy!!!! :P
Kode // Videos (17) | Favorites (4) | Playlist (199) -
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Video Details
Featured Xianz VideoCheck out Kevin and Robbie D on Xianz!

A comedy short starring Kevin Austin as "Monty" & Robbie Davidson as "Shawn. A man and his love for his phone! Robbie D productions
Channels: Comedy People
User Name:  RobbieD Instant Message this user nowsend RobbieD a messageadd RobbieD as a personal friendIntroduce this friend to another friend!write RobbieD a testimonial
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