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Casting Crowns - Does Anybody Hear Her?
   Runtime: 00:04:32 | Views: 7359 | Favorited: 85 | Comments: 24 | Type: public | Added on: 23-02-2007
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Comments (24):
This is the song/video that changed the way I look at myself as a Christian and started me on the road of self re-discovering. God is good when you are obedient to His call, no matter how unworthy you my feel to do so.
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I think this can lead alot of people to christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
crazyboo // Videos (0) | Favorites (13) | Playlist (63) -
i swear this song represents my life!\r\nMARIAH
// Videos (0) | Favorites (3) | Playlist (6) -
i love this song!!!!!!!!!!
Benner_girls // Videos (0) | Favorites (3) | Playlist (36) -
Why are so many of you feeling like her? Here's why - just like her, you don't know Christ... have you "confessed with your mouths that He is Lord"????\r\nCome on people!!! Have you not heard the Word of God!?!?!?\r\n...never even met Him...???
hennessy61 // Videos (0) | Favorites (10) | Playlist (176) -
i dont how many times i have felt like her. i like this video cuz it can actually relate to ppl
GuitarHero301 // Videos (0) | Favorites (4) | Playlist (145) -
i love this video it is just so touching i almost cried
katsgalore6 // Videos (0) | Favorites (27) | Playlist (294) -
I enjoyed it alot!!!!!!
GodzGal // Videos (0) | Favorites (13) | Playlist (66) -
that is so sad beacuse that is what some poeple feel like :(
morgank93 // Videos (0) | Favorites (3) | Playlist (171) -
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mallard // Videos (0) | Favorites (21) | Playlist (89) -
A few days ago, I went into a neighborhood with my church group to evangelize where everyone seemed all messed up and lost. I felt overhwelmed. Now I look back with a smile. We did a little bit of work to show these people we care. We even got to take a couple of kids to church with us as regulars, now. Maybe they'll find a way out of there. We can only hope. Spend the time, people. It's worth it.
storymom // Videos (0) | Favorites (19) | Playlist (54) -
i love tthis song\n
Sometimes this is how I feel in my church, esp. right now during this rough time in my life. Great song for people to take inventory of themselves in how they treat people in their lives, esp. visitors in church.
crazyteenmom // Videos (0) | Favorites (19) | Playlist (75) -
Great Video. I have heard it several times, but it hit me more today.\r\n
polkadotfluff // Videos (1) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (35) -
I can totally she what the girl is going through thats so sad all she wants is to be accepted i felt that before.
Kissed_By_an_Angel // Videos (0) | Favorites (2) | Playlist (161) -
Keep up the good work.God bless this group and their works.
em2em // Videos (0) | Favorites (21) | Playlist (176) -
i LOVE this song! it totally discribes me...
dinosaur_xxx // Videos (0) | Favorites (4) | Playlist (10) -
great message
mruthp // Videos (0) | Favorites (16) | Playlist (95) -
Great video!
SisterAmanda // Videos (0) | Favorites (3) | Playlist (8) -
Love It!! Casting Crown are very anointed!
spiritled // Videos (1) | Favorites (6) | Playlist (32) -
Cool video.
cutter // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (3) -
Powerful message we should all listen closely to!
kneemail4u // Videos (0) | Favorites (6) | Playlist (67) -
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Casting Crowns - Does Anybody Hear Her? Music Video
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