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   Runtime: 00:10:00 | Views: 355 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1 | Type: public | Added on: 18-12-2007
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People voted this short film into the top spot in Round 2, giving me a spot in the finals round week beginning January 14th. This Censored Version of the video entered in Project Breakout was posted by request. 'A' WORD ON THE STREET A' controversial, "intense issue", 2000 men and women on the street are given voice... 'A' stay at home Dad and multi-disciplinary artist goes coast to coast asking 2000 Canadians, "What's your view on abortion?" Inspired by a comment made by Canada's foremost abortionist, Dr. Henry Morgentaler during an interview for the upcoming feature documentary, Aborted Artist. In this Best of B.C. video poll compilation, see and hear what Canadians think or if they'd thought it through at all yet. Leave a comment and/or your view on abortion and you'll be entered to win cool prizes... Remember to login and vote 15x a day for John S.C. Hetheringtons new short film submission January 14th! Thanking you in advance for your support!!!
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