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I am Canadian
   Runtime: 00:00:59 | Views: 2606 | Favorited: 6 | Comments: 9 | Type: public | Added on: 19-01-2007
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Well I am a proud AMERICAN!!!!!!!!
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There is nothing in the Bible that says it is wrong to drink. Jesus wouldnt have turned water to wine if it was bad.
kaya122 // Videos (8) | Favorites (11) | Playlist (64) -
"I am Australian" and we say ZED too. Neat video.
Picklemouse // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (29) -
It's a great video eh?
RobbieD // Videos (284) | Favorites (10) | Playlist (737) -
I'm a proud canadian...and the beer is a canadian thing! the few, the strong, whoops thats the marines. anyways. Go CANADA Go. Go oilers too. I LOVE CANADA
// Videos (76) | Favorites (3) | Playlist (164) -
Yeah... it's a shame that our Canadian Beer companies are some of the most patriotic out of all Canadian companies. When I become a multi-millionaire... I'll change that. Because I am more patriotic than any beer company.
frozenean // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (25) -
Well,Tum,I liked everything about this video until the end where the subtle Molson beer promo was slipped in. Not cool!!
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this makes me proud to be a canadian!!! hehehe
ian // Videos (90) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (170) -
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This is a hilarious commercial for Molson Beer Company which is based in Canada. Phunny stuff!!!!
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