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His Will
   Runtime: 00:02:10 | Views: 4284 | Favorited: 7 | Comments: 4 | Type: public | Added on: 15-04-2007
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Enough to get anyone to think
dontbugme // Videos (0) | Favorites (4) | Playlist (42) -
Great Message, I teach this same message to the children at the church i go to. Not every one who says Lord Lord, will enter into the kingdom. We need a personal relationship with jesus Christ. Our good works or deeds does not get us into heaven. For even the demons believe and they shuter..
2live4christ // Videos (0) | Favorites (5) | Playlist (32) -
Just another perspective for you:\n\nI hear this, and think - I'm not good enough, I have to DO something. If I'm not DOING good deeds than I'm not gonna enter heaven, so I will do good deeds and live in this state of limbo. I don't know maybe it just me, and I'm not telling you not to make/post videos like you see how it could be taken in a way other than it is meant? I have a hard time seeing the message, but rather seeing that im not good enough and I have to perform to get salvation. Do you have any thoughts?
NickL // Videos (0) | Favorites (8) | Playlist (140) -
awsome,i want this on my page as a daily reminder
monarolid // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (1) -
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Featured Xianz VideoNot everyone will be in Heaven

Showing God's Word to show His Way
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