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talking cats
   Runtime: 00:01:10 | Views: 4505 | Favorited: 40 | Comments: 19 | Type: public | Added on: 23-01-2007
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oh long Jhonson... so funny
idiot_tv // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (19) -
guitarhero // Videos (0) | Favorites (3) | Playlist (66) -
My cat says no when I give him a bath. It's really weird.
Robyn // Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (15) -
they are even beter than the talking dogs!
// Videos (0) | Favorites (14) | Playlist (66) -
I wish my cat said he loved me,sooner or later they will walk on 2 legs and get clothe...poor oh long Jhonson cat,he's talking to himself because he has had a long day,hehe.The hello cat and the momma cat had the best voice though.
dreamreacher89 // Videos (0) | Favorites (2) | Playlist (10) -
thats sooo funny!
jesusfreak12 // Videos (0) | Favorites (11) | Playlist (63) -
JAHAHAHA..reminds me of the half dead cat on the side of the road that i saw today!..pssshhahahahaha
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extremely odd vocals... but at least they're trying to communicate in their own cattish ways...
HABITATION // Videos (4) | Favorites (1) | Playlist (17) -
Wow i wish my cat sould talk to me!
sk8tr1 // Videos (0) | Favorites (1) | Playlist (21) -
AWW, that's so cute. :)
MandyChic // Videos (0) | Favorites (87) | Playlist (215) -
That last cat was creeepy but way cool video!
Elizabeth // Videos (0) | Favorites (1) | Playlist (225) -
they're unbelievable,cute and funny cats.meowsss!!
em2em // Videos (0) | Favorites (21) | Playlist (176) -
lol!!!\r\nhow cute!!\r\ni wonder how they teach them to say that!?!?!
Magpie // Videos (0) | Favorites (3) | Playlist (25) -
indomitable // Videos (0) | Favorites (4) | Playlist (49) -
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// Videos (3) | Favorites (11) | Playlist (75) -
AAWWW!!!! thats cute!!!
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Video Details
if there are talking dogs, then there must be talking cats. here are a few.
Channels: Pets & Animals
Tags: talking cats
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