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8:47 AM  [01 Oct 2008 | Wednesday]


All alone I stare at the window

Feeling the soul in me cry

Hearing the paingful screams of my heart

Crying silently: Why?

Why are my dreams scattered, destroyed?

Why am I put in this cage?

Why is the world silently watching?

Why can't they hear my rage?

Why is the barbed wire holding me prisoner;

Blocking to freedom my way?

I see above me the snow covered mountians.

Majestic, proud, and high.

If like a free bird I could reach their peaks

Maybe from there the world would hear my cry: Why?

-Anne Frank


I think so many times we feel like this, obvuosily(sp) not in the same manner she did, but similar. We feel trapped, suffocated, like there is no way out of the problem or situation currently facing us, but notice how she saw the mountians? There is always a 'ray of hope.'

I will write more on this subject later, it is hard pressed on my heart, but I must go to my next class right now.


Mood: apathetic
Profile URL : http://xianz.com/GraciousLeighAnn

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