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My URL: xianz.com/GraciousLeighAnn
Grace updated 01/27/2009
  414 views. 25 since last visit 01/27

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#47122 Member since 09/19/2008
URL: xianz.com/GraciousLeighAnn


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I have always had a desire to know ASL, and have taught myself quite a bit, I also Fluently speak Doule Dutch, if you even know what that is.... I know bits and pieces of Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, and very little Swaheelee.
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Favorite books
TWILIGHT, NEW MOON, ECLIPSE, BREAKING DAWN!!!!!!!!!! STEPHINE MEYER!!!!!! *sighs* They are all... all just so wonderful... oh yeah, my other favorite authors are Jeffery Deaver, James Patterson, Heather Graham, and I forgot the other ones name, lol. Other Books, Cutline, What lies Beneath, Whispers in the Walls, Speaking Tonges, and Black-eyed Suzie.
Favorite music
Pop, TECHNO, Alternative, TECHNO, Rock, TECHNO, Oldies, oh yeah, did I mention TECHNO?!?!?! >d'_'b< I love Bennie Benassie, Toby Mac, Casting Crowns, Crystal Lewis, Avril Levigne's old music, (her new stuff is wronchy and it flat out sucks) I actually like Christina Aguilara, thought nobody ever listens to her any more, as well as Good Charlotte, lol. And my absolute, without a singl doubt, biggest, most ginormous favoritest artists is my church youth band... you should go to the web site and listen to some of their music, it is so amazing! sevenministries.com The Seven Band is Great! They have a major gift from God and they are putting it to some heavy dutty use... :]
Favorite movies/tv
The Pride and Prejudice, My Girl, Alvin and The Chipmunks[[lol, long story]], and, National Lampoons; Van Wilder... hahaha Oh yeah, all of the American Pie movies, can't forget those, and yes, I am a Trecky... can't believe I just admitted that, but I am... And I never watch t.v.
I've traveled to
In the U.S. I have been to TX, OK, AZ, AR, CO, FL(the Key West), MI, MO, MT, NE, NM, UT, WY. Outside of the U.S. I have been to the Yucatan Peninsula aka Progreso, Mexico, Cozumel, Mexico and that is it for now, but I plan on being a missonary to Spain, so I will see a WHOOOOLE lot more. :]
I am about to rejoin dance, but Have yet to do it.
I want to meet people for
Friendship, I am not interested in dating, please do not ask, my life is entirly too complicated at this moment and I don't any more to deal with.

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Do not arrouse or awaken love until it so desires. Song of Songs 2:7

Latest Blog: October 01, 2008

All alone I stare at the window

Feeling the soul in me cry

Hearing the paingful screams of my heart

Crying silently: Why?

Why are my dreams scattered, destroyed?

Why am I put in this cage?

Why is the world silently watching?

Why can't they hear my rage?

Why is the barbed wire holding me prisoner;

Blocking to freedom my way?

I see above me the snow covered mountians.

Majestic, proud, and high.

If like a free bird I could reach their peaks

Maybe from there the world would hear my cry: Why?

-Anne Frank


I think so many times we feel like this, obvuosily(sp) not in the same manner she did, but similar. We feel trapped, suffocated, like there is no way out of the problem or situation currently facing us, but notice how she saw the mountians? There is always a 'ray of hope.'

I will write more on this subject later, it is hard pressed on my heart, but I must go to my next class right now.


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A little about me...

Do you Smoke? No
Do you drink alcohol? No
Marital Status Single
Body Type Slender
Do you have any Children? One day
Height 5ft8 - 5ft10 / 1.73m-1.78m
Eye Color Green
Hair Color Miss Clairol 33 or 34
Race/Ethnicity White-Caucasian
Do you have any Pets? Horse
Do you want Children? The Brady Bunch

A little about me...

Position/Title Sales Inventory Managor and Agricultre Assistant
Company Big Bob
Occupation Sales Inventory Managor and Agriculture Assistant
Industry Marketing and Advertising
Salary That's personal

A little about me...

High School Currently, I am homeschooling, yet I have gone to many schools in this \"area\"
Bible School I want to attend Masters Commision and SAGU(SouthWestern Assembly of God University)
College/University I am also currently attending Mountian View Community College for Daul-credit

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November 23, 2008
Cookiemonster003.jpg picture by squiresmurf

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November 10, 2008

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September 29, 2008
Cookie.jpg picture by squiresmurf
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