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Artist/Band Info Albums & Tour Friends & Fans updated 05/16/2007
Alternative Metal / Rock / Hard Rock
Burning Theory

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Member since 06/07/2006
4 photos in album
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Burning Theory's General Info

Member Since
June 7, 2006 10:11 am
Band Website
Click Here
Band Members
Chris , Jake , Aaron , Kenny
Sounds Like
Us, A fresh breeze in the cool morning air, Pillar, Disciple
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The Prognatus
The Full Length Debut Album From Burning Theory is out Now Go to www.burningtheory.com to pick one up today.

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Rank: 3993
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The Prognatus
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Latest Blog: May 16, 2007

Well I think its best that we let you guys know whats been going on with us as of late.  Burning Theory has been on the road for awhile now and has been working at there new music we have lost our Singer as of this week  he has been a awesome guy and we wish him the best we are still looking as of right now for a new vocalist we are just awaiting on God to put this person in our paths so we can cross. Other than that we have been recording our new music with a producer that is amazing he is Pillar's sound tech and have already been getting some good reviews of the music ( no vocals yet) from some big and i mean BIG bands like POD and Papa Roach we were blown away when we found out that they heard the music and really liked it they even are helping us out by letting us use some of there equipment. God has been really with us lately We know something big is about to happen thats why we wanted to release to our xianz fans a song that we like to think is a worship song... well to us it is maybe to you too its called OVERCOME please take a listen to this and let us know what you think its on our last album (The Prognatus) and we never thought we would get some feedback until now when we started playing it more live and everytime we play it we have people worshiping to it its so amazing that God picked us to use to minister to all the lost and the christians we thank him all the time about what he has done and what he has planned for our futures again we thank you guys out there for keeping us going alot of you may not know what kind of impact you guys have on us because alot of bands get discouraged when people dont show to shows or if they dont buy your music or something like that.. its not about that to us we are only here for our lord and savior Jesus Christ

Ok i know this was probably all jumbled up and i might of lost you guys at some point but its its just on my mind and heart telling me what to say.  we pray for all of xianz and everyone out there that you may have generous blessings poured out to you as this site and people are a blessing its self.

God Bless

Burning Theory

PS. Please Keep us in your prayers

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A Little About ...

Here For Networking, Friends
Location Bartlesville, OK, United States
Interests Music, Church, Computers...
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Denomination Non-denominational

Burning Theory's Bio

Imagine a blank piece of paper. You have in your hands the tools to decorate this piece of paper to your satisfaction. But heres the catch , people are watching you. So do you opt for the easy way out and start decorating it in such a way that other artists before you do just to please your audience ? Or do you follow your heart and decorate it with your feelings and emotions not caring weather or not your impressing anybody. Well for Burning Theory , the second choice is the one we have chosen. We are a band of 5 members hailing from the small town of Bartlesville, Oklahoma. We have all grown up listening to many styles of music and studying the sounds of the world. We love music plain and simple. We do not stand together trying to impress anyone with our art that we create on stage, but try to reach the audience with the emotion and message behind our music. We play what we feel and what we like, were not going to promise its the most creative or the most catchy music in the world. But its ours. Burning Theory was not made overnight. Burning Theory is the result of 5 seperate paths, brought together for a certain goal, a calling, to reach people with the message inside there music. It all started with Shawn, The Lead Guitarist. Unhappy with previous arrangements in organizing a band he finally gave up on relying on other people to define his future and went ahead with an online journal filled with his lyrics and music that he created in hopes of findind the perfect people to start his band. His journal, entitled "Burning Theory", was up for the world to see. He promoted it to many people in hopes of finding some artists. After a few offers and jam sessions, one of Shawns friends who he had jammed with alot growing up approached him about joining this "Burning Theory". They jammed and talked about what the goal of the music was and decided to go all out and start a band with the working title "Burning Theory". Now that Aaron was a part of the band playing the drums , they had some spots to fill . They prayed and prayed for god to send them the perfect band members to complete this band. A week later god showed to them a friend who loved music and played guitar .Instead of having him play guitar, god told them to have him play bass. They werent sure why, but they did it expecting there friend to turn them down, he quickly said yes and Daniel was now a part of the band .Now being a 3 piece band, all they needed to play shows was a singer, so the search was on. They prayed and prayed asking god to send them what they needed. After some long a discouraging tryouts with singers, something came out of nowhere. A second guitarist. They were all friends with him and he had only been playing guitar for a little over 3 months but he fit in perfect. So now with Shawn, Aaron, Daniel and Kenny making the music in the band they needed the perfect front man with a powerful voice . After a few more tryouts, morale was low. They were so eager to get out there and start playing, becuase they had full songs done musically, but now vocals. So one night after some heavy prayer, god lead Shawn to a a litte black notebook underneath his bed. He opened it up to an old phone number . The number was of a friend who him and Aaron had jammed with awhile back before Burning Theory was even thought of . So faithfully, He picked up the phone and called. Finally after talking with the friend, they decided to meet up once again, for onew final tryout. He came and the rest is history. Chris stepped up to join Burning Theory as there lead vocalist and brought a new vibe to the band. Now that the lineup was complete all that had to be done was practice. After many weeks of practicing nonstop. They played there first gig at there church. Opening up for two other acts. From then on they played when and wherever they could. Building a fanbase was key to them so they as much as possible .After playing a handful of gigs and getting a pretty big buzz going they got an offer in an email about playing at a music conference in Dallas, TX. It was called the XMG music conference and catered to bands that were looking for some advice and helpful tips from A&R representatives from various record labels. They traveled down to Dallas , staying 6 nights and 7days.They met many bands and people in the music industry and also played some local gigs while they were down there. Finally the big day came when they were booked to play the Hard Rock Cafe in front of the Labels. They went up and rocked the stage and the labels were very impressed. They complemented on everything. The only thing they said was to start buidling a fanbase and start touring. So when Burning Theory came back , they started booking even more shows and have been playing shows almost every weekend. Some in town, some out of town. They are ready to travel and start heavily touring. Although times get rough and the band gets tired, they will not give up, they proudly say "We're just paying our dues".

Burning Theory has 210 Friends

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Shouts: Burning Theory's Latest Shoutouts from Fans & Friends


:) :D :(
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Testimonials for Burning Theory

this user is offline nowsend NFINIS a messageadd NFINIS as a personal friendblock/ignore NFINIS  NFINIS options (Rap/Hip Hop)
October 28, 2007
We just want to encourage you all to praise
God in everything because he is for you
and not against you and he is working everything out for your good!

God Bless,
Mic Anon & Q.S.

this user is offline nowsend Caddy a messageadd Caddy as a personal friendblock/ignore Caddy  Caddy options (pleased)
March 05, 2007
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
Have an awesome day!

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February 13, 2007
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

this user is offline nowsend The Orphan Family a messageadd The Orphan Family as a personal friendblock/ignore The Orphan Family  The Orphan Family options (Southern Gospel)
December 10, 2006

Merry Christmas.

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October 25, 2006
Image Hosted by Image Holder. Your Pictures in internet.

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September 03, 2006
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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August 26, 2006
Image Hosted by Image Holder. Your Pictures in internet.

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August 26, 2006
Image Hosted by Image Holder. Your Pictures in internet.

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July 03, 2006


Thanks for the add! Check out the new single from singer/songwriter John Cox, "Beautiful Savior" on xianz.com/korecords

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June 16, 2006
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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June 16, 2006
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this user is offline nowsend TERROR DAEMONUM a messageadd TERROR DAEMONUM as a personal friendblock/ignore TERROR DAEMONUM  TERROR DAEMONUM options (Hard Rock & Metal)
June 11, 2006

Great smooth sound, guys. Thanks for finding us.


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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June 11, 2006
Thanks for adding guys...
keep rOcKiN'!!!!!

Visit Charlie & Heather

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June 08, 2006
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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June 07, 2006
Thanks for the invitation! How awesome it is to have a band like yours from Oklahoma. ROCK OUT FOR JESUS.

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June 07, 2006
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

this user is offline nowsend Yna a messageadd Yna as a personal friendblock/ignore Yna  Yna options (content)
June 07, 2006

                                                                       So glad Ur Here!  YJ

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June 07, 2006

your song is great! take care & may God bless you always ..

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June 07, 2006

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June 07, 2006
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

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