Thu May 25 0:00:00 2006 - {Free}
Any The first ever weekly Xianz cast of "In Xianity with Myx and Tumnus. Catch the show this thursday here at Xianz!
Are those curds in your gravy or are you just happy to see us? It's road trip for Myx and Tum as we head to the great white north for some Tim Horton's and search for poutine!
This podcast we get to hear from the ever awesome Ryan, aka "snayr". He gives us the skinny on that delicacy of the north called poutine, as well as let us know what he's been up to in his life.
Musically we have the fun and talented Monica Dennington. She tells us all about Tic Toc Ministries and how God is using her and her husband in some amazing ways!
To grab some coffee and donuts and if you're lucky, some poutine...and enjoy the latest installment of In Xianity!
This was the first podcast I have ever listened to and it was awesome! I am new to Xianity and the site and I loved it! You guys cracked me up and now I wanna buy Leigh's cd. Can't wait for the next podcast!
I am a Nigerian and just came accross Xianity. So far, I find it interesting and really loaded. Chirstians need their own 'market place' in this overcrowded world where thy can talk accross denominations, classes, generations, cultures and nations. I hope you keep it up and allow free expression from all.
July 01, 2006
Hi Ken and all......................I just want to congratulate you on the podcast.... my friend amanda was great..........and iI even got a you remember
Im waiting to hear your Scottish accent...have a practice..........."Its a braw bricht minlicht nicht thhe nicht"....translation..............Its a lovely moonlit night
God bless.....................ron
Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. The minute it crops up, all our irritation and resentments slip away, and a sunny spirit takes their place.
~Mark Twain
After God created the world, He made man and woman. Then, to keep the whole thing from collapsing, He invented humor.
~Bill Kelly, "Mordillo"
Thanks For the Laughs!!!!
June 30, 2006
Thank you both for making me feel so at ease with my podcast interview
and making me laugh till my sides ached lol
Your doing a great job and may God continue to bless you both in abundance :)
Yours in His grip
June 25, 2006
You guys rock and keep up the excellent job and I love listening to u guys talk and yall make my nights so wonderful and sweet!