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URL: xianz.com/Magen
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Artist/Band Info Albums & Tour Friends & Fans updated 04/19/2007
Pop / R&B / Black Gospel

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Member since 01/01/2007
5 photos in album
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Magen's General Info

Member Since
January 1, 2007 4:28 am
Band Website
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It's You
A unconventional blend of Pop, R&B and Hip Hop that I call Urban Pop

Tour Dates/Shows

Rank: 3361
# of Votes 13
Overall: 9.9616
Character: 10.0000
Personality: 10.0000
Style: 9.9231
Profile: 9.9231
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A Little About ...

Gender Female
Age 16
Location Beachwood, OH, United States
Denomination Non-denominational
Current Mood good

Magen's Bio

God has given Magen (pronounced Megan) a passion for both Himself and for singing that enables her to effectively share
her love for Christ. Magen's mission is to write and perform music that will encourage young people and adults alike to
stand up and celebrate their life in Christ and share His love with the world around them.

This Cleveland, Ohio-based teen has been performing her infectious blend of Pop and R&B infused gospel all across the
state, and there's no slowing down in sight for her.

You won't find her music on a big time music label, at least not yet. Many devoted listeners of Christian music have
probably never heard of her. But that isn't stopping this young lady from making her mark in the music industry.
Magen at the age of fourteen has one goal: To give everyone an opportunity to know who God is and what He can be
for him or her. After just one listen, you know her mission will be accomplished.

Magen is a performer that grabs her audiences attention from the first note. With her own unconventional blend of Pop,
R&B and Hip Hop, which she classifies as Urban Pop, Magen through the power of the Holy Spirit breaks down walls,
touches hearts, and leaves Teens wanting to know more about Jesus Christ.

Magen has made an impression on everyone that has seen her. With the sexual or gangster image that many popular
recording artists of today portray, the positive image that Magen exemplifies has made her one of the most sought after
artist for live performances in the Northeast region.

Young people need to know that they are special and that God has a plan for their lives. In a world of mixed
messages, where teens are victims of commodity, it is so refreshing to see a young lady using her platform to tell her
peers that they are far more than another face in the crowd.

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Digital Downloads

Saving Myself $.99 Make payments with PayPal - Download with PayLoadz Make payments with PayPal - Download with PayLoadz

Saving Myself w/rap $.99 Make payments with PayPal - Download with PayLoadz Make payments with PayPal - Download with PayLoadz

Jesus Alone $.99 Make payments with PayPal - Download with PayLoadz Make payments with PayPal - Download with PayLoadz

It's You $.99 Make payments with PayPal - Download with PayLoadz Make payments with PayPal - Download with PayLoadz
My video for Saving Myself

Please use the share button and send this video to as many people as possible this would help me a lot!!

Magen has 147 Friends

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Magen has 3 Favorite Bands

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Shouts: Magen's Latest Shoutouts from Fans & Friends


:) :D :(
:o :p ;)
:| x( :~
:angel: :roll: :blush:
:bomb: :bye: :bye2:
:sick: :shiny: :clapping:
:love: :king: :cupid:
:cursing: :evil: :bigeyes:
:unhappy: :frustrated: :gun:
:tired: :nono: :yuck:
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Testimonials for Magen

this user is offline nowsend erica a messageadd erica as a personal friendblock/ignore erica  erica options (broken)
January 29, 2007
Heyyyyy!! :D

this user is offline nowsend Rachael a messageadd Rachael as a personal friendblock/ignore Rachael  Rachael options (loved)
January 20, 2007

this user is offline nowsend Tiffany a messageadd Tiffany as a personal friendblock/ignore Tiffany  Tiffany options (anxious)
January 16, 2007
SURE! i would love to be friends as well!!!

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January 04, 2007

And my name is Crystle and I have you on Myspace too

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January 03, 2007
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThank you and God Bless you too!

this user is offline nowsend Liza AKA Loooo12 a messageadd Liza AKA Loooo12 as a personal friendblock/ignore Liza AKA Loooo12  Liza AKA Loooo12 options (Adult Contemporary)
January 03, 2007
Hey are you on myspace?

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January 02, 2007
I had never heard of you before, but I clicked your picture thinking you were a new member and not a new artist. I listened to your songs, though. And let me tell you, not my style of music usually. But I loved it. I have been going through such a hard time and I think God must've put you here for me at this very moment. You're such a blessing. Keep up the amazing songs.
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