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My URL: xianz.com/Spiritual_Warrior
Shaun updated 07/17/2008
  134 views. 133 since last visit 07/17

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#46217 Member since 07/16/2008
URL: xianz.com/Spiritual_Warrior


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English, Spanish
I've traveled to
Canada, Mexico, Most of the former Soviet Union, Colombia, and many South American countries
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Friendship, fellowship, dating, prayer

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A little about me...

Here For I
Gender Male
Age 34
Location Charlotte, NC, United States
Interests church, God, music, camping, backpacking, rock climbing, rapelling, Service Dogs, teaching people to resolve their conflicts with their voices and words...not their fists.
Hometown South Bend, IN
About me

I have an incredible son. He is 4, and just finished his first year of school!  I love him with all my heart!! I am so proud of him.  He lives with his mother in Texas.  I am an Army combat vet, therfore I love to do anything outdoors, from camping, rock climbing, rapelling, backpacking, or just getting out into nature and surrounding myself with the beauty that God has created.  Don't get me wrong I also enjoy staying at home and spending a nice quiet evening inside just relaxing.  Music is a huge influence in my life.  Without music, we would loose a very important form of communication.  Especially of emotions.  Music can inspire you, make you laugh, make you cry, or somthing somewhere in the middle.  I love listening and playing music.  It has been a wonderful part of my life since I was a young child.  My family is very important to me.  Without God and my family my life would not have turned out to be as happy and fulfilling as it is.  My family and I are very close and God and I are getting closer and closer everyday.  I live my life like everyday is my last.  I take time to stop and appreciate everything that I have and everything that has been done to help me throught my life.  I strive to repay those that have helped me and extend that love and help to others that are in need. 

Educate, Empower, and Enlighten

Denomination 7th Day Adventist
Current Mood excited

A little about me...

Do you Smoke? Trying to quit
Do you drink alcohol? No
Marital Status Divorced
Body Type Toned
Do you have any Children? Yes
Height 5ft6 - 5ft8 / 1.68m-1.73m
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Black
Race/Ethnicity Asian
Do you have any Pets? Dog
Do you want Children? That's up to the Lord

A little about me...

Position/Title Owner/Head Instructor/Security Consultant
Occupation Conflict Resolution Consultant
Industry Public Safety
Salary Not listed

A little about me...

Education Some College

Shaun has 2 Friends

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Shaun's Favorite Bands

Ken_SDB is online! talk right nowsend Ken_SDB a messageadd Ken_SDB as a personal friendblock/ignore Ken_SDB  Ken_SDB options (Classic Rock)

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:cursing: :evil: :bigeyes:
:unhappy: :frustrated: :gun:
:tired: :nono: :yuck:
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