The first several years of your life, you spent with various and sundry teeth missing. If you live long enough, the last few will be spent like that as well. Along in between these is where we spend most of our time. There are different growth points along the way, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, that mark our journey, and contribute to who we are. Usually, we recognize when we grew 3in. over the summer, start to go grey or bald, put on a few pounds, but not always. We are usually very surprised when we discover something about ourselves that we didn't know before. Others probably saw it, but we didn't. Typically, we hate those extra pounds we see in mirror daily. We hate the Crossword puzzles because we don't know every map dot in Africa, or every pronoun in the French language. Most of the time, we can ignore the neighbor who thinks we're a jerk, and hang out with our friends and have fun. I'm obviously not trying to be too serious here, the point is, we have mile markers all along our way, scenic overlooks to the really good memories, warning signs to the really bad ones. Its very important for us to consult our maps along the route of life. You can't map where you haven't been, but once you've been there, you got it. Take the time to look over your map, see the places you highlighted. Do you remember why? Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually.
Here's a poem that talks about some of the stages or markers in my own life:
It's easy Lord for me to say,
How much I love you today;
You saved me, and forgave me,
And showed me a better way
It's easy Lord for me to pray,
For things I need today,
So I can show, everywhere I go,
That I serve the Lord always.
It's harder Lord to sing the song,
That to Jesus I belong,
While others cry, live and die,
And sing it loud and strong.
It's harder Lord for me to see,
This world of grim reality.
Where sin demands the death of man,
And drowns his soul in misery.
Help me Lord to learn to hide,
Behind the Cross on which You died,
Put self away anew each day,
In Your Will always abide.
Help me Lord deny the lies,
Rid myself so You can rise.
Teach me how, I humbly bow,
Nothing hidden from Your Eyes.
Thank You Lord because You care,
Because You always meet me there.
When I confess, You Heal and Bless,
And fill me beyond compare.
Thank You Lord for Your great Love,
Boundless Gift, from above;
Mine to know, a Light to show,
And tell the world of!
Wherever you happen to be at this moment, if you need encouragement or prayer, please share it. If you're happy and things are clicking together, share it. If you know the Lord and you love Him, share it.
In His Love, Dave
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