I was working on theChristianSwapShop.comauction site when someone wrote in and asked about Christianity and if its closer to socialism than we think.
OK OK...First, to do this, you have to remove the aspect that Socialism at its core is Atheistic. Its a leap, but go there anyway.
The basic premise is this: How much is to much? How much should you own vs how much should you use to help the poor? Yes there is the 10% you give to church, but how much more should you give to help others who are in more need than you.
My brother is a great example. My brother, Pete, is fantastic in my eyes! He's been a devout Christian for as long as I can remember. He volunteers, he gives to the church, he lives a moral life. Pete has worked VERY hard. As a result he has been able to provide well for his family. They live in a 10,000 sqft home. They have 3 or 4 vehicles along with a pricey BMW.
The question is this: Is it OK for him to have so much? How much is he expected to donate to the poor in the name of Christ before its enough? Is it OK to live so well while others are suffering, or should he give it all up for the poor? Should we all live by Socialist rules where wealth is distributed equally so that everyone is taken care of?
My name is Robert Brunstetter I am the project Director for: The Southern Africa AIDS Orphans Project thru the OAR Foundation PO Box 381 Clemmons NC 27012-0381 1-(866)-551-9819 336.499.6878 saaop1@gmail.com http://www.theoarfoundation.org/index.htm (James 2:17) Project Description and Details The OAR Foundation: The OAR Foundation was developed to allow people to be able to raise funding, support, and awareness for their projects under the umbrella of a non-profit 501 3c charitable foundation. The foundation receives no compensation for providing this service. Description: The Southern Africa AIDS Orphans Project (SAAOP) has been established to assist an existing non-profit organization dedicated to helping the orphaned victims of the AIDS virus in Southern Africa, and to give both help and direction to inner city teens by allowing them to participate in giving aid to the children of Africa. SAAOP will select underprivileged high school teens to travel to Southern Africa on a 2 week trip to work with the children under the care of the non-profit agency. Work will be assigned by local personnel according to the groups needs during that time. Benefits to the teens: Teens will be required to work together keeping a written and photo journal of their experiences. The journal may be used by the teens for their Senior Project, as a reminder of their experiences, and to raise awareness with others. This may be the only chance that the selected teens may ever have to travel. For them it will be a chance to see another culture. They will be exposed to the REAL needs of others less fortunate than themselves. They will leave Africa knowing that they have taken steps to make a difference in the lives of others. The teens will also gain an appreciation for what they have at home. This trip may cause an underprivileged teen to take a different direction in life. The world may see a lifetime of good created in the teens life as a result of just one trip taken in high school. Benefits to those in Africa: AIDS orphans, widows, and grandmothers within the village will benefit from the visits by having persons made available to assist in building, educational, and social projects. The people within the village will be given the opportunity to feel purpose in their lives as they educate the visiting teens about their culture and experiences. On both sides love, caring, and sharing will be given. All will benefit. The Southern Africa AIDS Orphans Project is a faith based Christian project. Throughout the experience all parties will know that Christ is at the base of everything being done. The teens will be taught : " It's not if you can see that others need help. We all see that they need help. This life is meant to see if you will be the one to take action and reach out to those who are in need, or if you will be among those who simply stand by and wish that someone else would do something." The teens will be exposed to a very real James 2:17 that states: So also faith, if it does not have works, is dead being by itself. The Orphans, widows, and grandmothers will be able to see that Christ is alive through the help being offered by others from so far away. They will see that Christ offers hope to all in need.
I just wanted to let everyone know that the Christian online auction Site has started to make progress. The purpose is to allow Sellers to donate any or all of their sales proceeds to any one of over 50 Christian Ministries.
Auction sales have started being made and money is starting to flow to the different ministries. We had over 30,000 page views in the first month. The radio show ( the Christian Swap Shop ) that's connected to the site has grown from a half hour every Saturday to 1 hour every Saturday from 8am to 9am. We just added an additional market as well.
Ive updated the site so that you can now post resumes, jobs, yard sales, and services for free.
As always its free to list items for auction or for sale.
God has been reaching down to touch this ministry. Its growing because all of you are putting the word out and because you're registering and using the site.
Your prayers are always needed. Praise to God for making this grow, and for allowing this to be an avenue for supporting Ministries.
If you have a 501c3 Ministry that you want listed on the site then please email me at: