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1988 Captain Ken's Beef Stew Mix Commercial
   Runtime: 00:00:30 | Views: 2598 | Favorited: 1 | Comments: 8 | Type: public | Added on: 05-04-2007
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Comments (8):
This is so very cheesy, and I can sadly say I actually remember seeing this on TV!
hoosierhill30 // Videos (0) | Favorites (7) | Playlist (29) -
That is hilarious. I can relate.
joeychips // Videos (0) | Favorites (1) | Playlist (41) -
tht is heka funny....omg...
// Videos (0) | Favorites (1) | Playlist (38) -
What the bloody heck?
Skywalker6 // Videos (0) | Favorites (19) | Playlist (71) -
woah. that's interesting that they actually put that on tv... :D
Alyx // Videos (1) | Favorites (12) | Playlist (200) -
1 word...cheee-zzzzzeeeee....
// Videos (0) | Favorites (0) | Playlist (108) -
hahaha this commercial is so messed!
RobbieD // Videos (284) | Favorites (10) | Playlist (737) -
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Featured Xianz VideoWhat a messed commercial! haha

This commercial is so funny. Can you believe it was on TV?
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