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Related Tags: beef  stew  captain  commercial 
This commercial is so funny. Can you believe it was on TV?
Tags // beef  stew  captain  commercial 
Channels // Comedy Commercials & TV
Added: 537 days ago by RobbieD |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:00:30 | Views: 2597 | Favorited: 1 | Comments: 8
check out the awesome commercial. i think the grandma won an academy award for starring in this commercial! remember, mommy told you never to talk to strange men in fire helmets...
Tags // captain  kens  beef  stew 
Channels // Comedy Commercials & TV
Added: 543 days ago by ian |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:00:30 | Views: 1084 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 2
Search // beef
Results 1-2 of2 for ' beef ' (0 seconds)

Related Tags: captain  kens  beef  stew 
Pages: 1  

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