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My URL: xianz.com/sweetie
lisa updated 01/12/2009
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#152 Member since 12/20/2005
URL: xianz.com/sweetie


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lol just english :D
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Latest Blog: April 05, 2008

Well I know have a puppy named Rocco he is a spoiled little puppy he is a chug he has helped me deal with losing my other Dog Bud who we had for a long time get this he was born on the day Bud died at the same time also isn't that just so Like cool lol .....I think so anyways here he is..........Isn't he just cute I have a close up of him but I will add it later ........

Well I have been cleaning today and catching up with friends it feels great to talk to them again.Ive lost a lot of weight some of you might not know who I am lol but im sure you will my face looks the same just a bit smaller and the double chin is almost gone thank Goodness.If anyone is trying to lose weight just keep at it it will work out for you .You just have to have the will to do it and it also helps to have people support you in this.~Jerry~ My husband has been supporting me and let me tell you it means the world to me to know my husband loves me so much .And he is why I keep doing this for my health and for him.God is the most Importpart in losing weight pray and ask him to help you I don't know how many times I have prayed for him to curve my cravings for sweets and he has helped me ..Yes I eat sweets but only if I feel my sugar is dropping and it is only a little bit not to much:DDon't want my sugar out the roof lol.I was close to being a diabetic really close thats the reason i also started losing weight I can control it better no im not on meds for it I don't need it.But If there comes a day I will need the meds then I will take them.But I know a man who can heal me of this and his name is Jesus Christ.... so always remember Jesus is there for you and for me if you need prayer email me at or on here send me a message and I will pray for you I over see the prayer group here on xianz and I will not let you down I love to pray......God Bless You!!!!

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A little about me...

Here For Friends, people who love Jesus
Gender Female
Age 29
Location Any
Interests Reading, Working, Computers, Friends
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Schools non ya :P
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Hello everyone I'm Lisa *aka*Sweetie.I see your wanting to know something about me or you wouldn't be looking at my profile.Well let me tell you about me I am 29 years old.

 I 'm also married to a wonderful man named Jerry .He also has a profile here . He is the love of my life and I thank God for him He means so much to me. So if your looking for something other than frindship your looking at the wrong woman

We have no kids as of yet But like I always say when it is time I will be blessed and will just love it.I am also a Mod here and I love it here .I have made so many friends here and I love them all dearly.



I make my own greetings In Paint Shop Pro .I love making them it is so much fun and it can be tiring lol but I still love it.I have my own glitter group here if you want to see some of them then come by the group and check it out.  





Get your own glitter and more at BlingyBlob.com





Denomination Just Christian
Current Mood chipper
Xianz Groups Insane world , The Support Group, Backgrounds&More

A little about me...

Marital Status Married
Body Type Prefer Not To Say
Height 5ft8 - 5ft10 / 1.73m-1.78m
Eye Color Depends on my mood
Hair Color Brunette
Race/Ethnicity White-Caucasian
Do you have any Pets? Dog
Do you want Children? That's up to the Lord

A little about me...

Position/Title Cna/Nursing Assistiant
Company Health Care
Occupation CNA
Industry Medical and Health Care
Salary That's personal

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Education High School

Blog Date: January 23, 2008

I want everyone to please Pray for Actor Keith Ledger's Family.He was found dead im sure you all have heard this by now I believe it is sad.And this family needs Gods arms around them at this time in there life.I know what it is like to lose someone you love and im sure there hearts are broken so please pray for the family left to deal with his death.

Lord I ask that you please be with Keith's family.Lord I know what it is like to lose someone dear to you.Lord I ask that you hold them in your arms Lord and help them deal with his death.Lord I also pray he got right before he died I don't know if he was saved Lord but you do.Father God I ask that you help this family in there time of need.....Amen

Remember to pray for the lost for they need God the time is nearing for his return.People open your eyes God is knocking at your heart wanting in.It is your choice it always was.If your not saved and want to be saved say this prayer.

Lord I want you to come into my heart.Lord I want you to change me from the person I used to be.Lord take the sin from me and make me whole again Lord.I ask that you come into my heart and let me Praise your holy wonderful name Lord For I repent of my sins.Let me sin no more and help me win people over for you Let them see your light shining off of me Lord .Let me be kind to others as you would want me to be Lord. I love you and Thank You for changing me and making me whole I pray in Jesus Name Amen.

Or if you would rather say the lords prayer.

Our Father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy Name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power,

and the glory,

for ever and ever.


Go visit this site


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Blog Date: January 21, 2008

Im so excited Im getting a chug puppy from a friend I work with.I know this pup won't take the place of Bud but it sure will help us heal from losing him. A chug is a mix of a pug and a chihuahua.I think it will be just cute lol the pup is only 10 days old so yeah I have to wait a bit before I can get it but I still can't wait.Jerry wants to call it Rocco if its a boy And if it is a girl im not sure lol I will have to think about that one :D.....Here is a link to a site where you can see what they look like.http://www.chugpuppies.com/buy-chug-puppy.htm....Well I will blog some more later and add pictures when I get some of the puppy gbu all :D

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Blog Date: January 10, 2008

Hi Im sure you all know me and Jerry lost our Dog who we loved very much.His name was( Bud)He got sick friday and we tried everything to get him better nothing was working on him:( So me and my Dad Prayed God would just go ahead and take him if he wasn't gonna pull through and I know God went ahead and took him and I know (Bud) Isn't in no pain.Bud was having seizures Im not sure what caused them but he got sick very fast.I at first thought he was posioned But the more I think about it He couldn't have been he had no sign of being Poisoned .I know some people find it funny that we as humans can cry over losing there pet But I had Bud for 7 years he was just another part of my life who I will miss deeply Please Pray my heart will mend because it was broken On January 9 2008

Here is a picture of Me holding Bud about a year or two ago..

Here is another one


wasn't he so cute

Here is one of him at my old house

Bud my angel Doggy go and run and play baby I miss you but I know your not hurting.

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Blog Date: January 04, 2008

ZWANI.com - The place for myspace comments, glitters, graphics, backgrounds and codes
Well if you have to ok then go for it :P

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December 23, 2008

TheChristmasCard2007.jpg picture by cmdjld


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January 25, 2008
JellyMuffin.com - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

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January 10, 2008
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December 31, 2007

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December 28, 2007
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December 11, 2007

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December 07, 2007
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Christmas Glitter Graphics - DazzleJunction.com

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November 09, 2007

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November 07, 2007

Here's I am =D on your page.. Stalking your Comments.. Sending you a smile and a hug.  wOOt!!!

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November 04, 2007
Hey you too and welcome!

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November 03, 2007

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