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Barbara updated 12/01/2007
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#199 Member since 01/18/2006
URL: xianz.com/barbar


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The Amelia Peabody series by Elizabeth Peters, the Left Behind series, and many more books.I'm a book worm.
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Ensenada, Mexico
President of the Pottery Club at my college
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Latest Blog: March 19, 2007

Is this going to be one of "those" days?

This morning I woke to the sound of the phone at 7am. It was my co-worker, Valerie. When I answered groggily (I tend to be brain dead first thing in the morning) she said, "Hey Barb! This is your wake up call!"

Alert as I....wasn't, the best reply I could come up with was: "Uhhh?"

Anyway, she was calling to let me know her sitter was sick so she had to stay with her son until he got on the bus at 8:30 (her shift starts at 7:30), so she wouldn't be able to make it in until later in the morning. She then told me we had a laptop cart to deliver this morning.

"Uhhh...." I mumbled.

I asked her what time and she said 8:30. I had to repeat myself a few times, since she couldn't understand a word I was saying. "Ok," I said, "I'll try to get to work a few minutes early." Then my alarm clock went off while I was on the phone, so I would have been awake around that time anyway.

So I get dressed, eat breakfast, and check my work e-mail. Another co-worker of mine who is responsible for assigning the carts set it so I had cart deliveries throughout the afternoon..... thereby denying me a lunch break. I plan to thump him over the head when he comes on shift at 4pm. I have asked him several times not to do that. I need a lunch break, I get sick if I don't eat. = That goober!

While delivering the 8:30 laptop cart, I leaned forward to turn the cart on, and smacked my head against the white board.... it didn't hurt at the time... but I have a headache now. There are some things I just should not do before I have my morning coffee and apparently, flipping the power switch on the back of the cart is one of them. So yep! This is monday! All. Day. Long.

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A little about me...

Gender Female
Age 28
Hometown A town in New Mexico
About me

Me when I'm asleep: :sleepy: Me on my morning shifts: :sleepy: and :confused: Me later in the day: ;-) Me in the evenings: :D

Warning! The Barbar has been known to spam smilies at random! She has no mercy in her smiley spamming....


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Denomination Church of Christ
Current Mood refreshed

A little about me...

Do you Smoke? No
Do you have any Children? No
Height 5ft2 - 5ft4 / 1.57m-1.63m
Eye Color Blue
Race/Ethnicity White-Caucasian
Do you have any Pets? Dog

A little about me...

Position/Title PC Specialist
Occupation PC Specialist
Industry Information Technology and Services
Past Positions Computer Lab Assistant, Instructional Associate I

A little about me...

Education Associates Degree
Special Training A+ and Network+ Certification

Blog Date: March 16, 2007


That is all.

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Blog Date: March 05, 2007

And here it is! Finally a new blog from the busy barbar!

Well not much is going on other then my usual work and school. Heh I am plotting a way to get back at one of the lab assistants who likes to pick on me. (I supervise computer lab assistants at a community college). I wasn't on shift at the time... But, I had just finished my Network+ class for the evening last wednesday and set my keys down on the lab assistant's desk so I could put my coat on (as it was cold and windy outside). The lab assistant, Ryan, got this fiendish look on his face and snagged my keys. I stared at him and he said I wasn't allowed to leave until he could. I told him I knew he was on shift until 10pm and I didn't want to stay that late.


"Eh.. well I need to go home. C'mon Ryan, give me my keys."

He just grinned at me and wouldn't give me my keys. Note: I have a ton of keys, most of which belong to the college. only about 4 of the 13 keys belong to me and I have them seperated using several rings. Ryan got this mischievious look on his face and pulled the ring with the car keys off and handed me the rest of my keys. So he was still holding my car keys. Finally I got my keys from him, but I'm thinking of how I can prank him back. :p I'm sure inspiration will strike..... =P

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Blog Date: November 11, 2006

It has been a while since I posted a new blog so here it is!

Oct 28-Nov 5 I was in Houston on vacation to visit my mom and my sister. I had a great time and really enjoyed having a week off. My first flight was rather interesting as the flight crew was joking around a little. I knew it was going be a slightly different flight when the youngish first officer started singing the Love Boat song to the middle aged flight attendant. There was another pilot and flight attendant traveling in the front of the small plane as passengers and the on duty flight attendant leaned towards them while giving us the usual flight info (how to buckle the belt, where the exits are, etc) as though to make sure they understood how to buckle their belts and find the exits. Lol. Then she got to the oxygen masks, "So if you are traveling with a small child, or someone you think acts like a small child, please secure your mask before helping them with theirs." As we were taxiing down the runway, the first officer got on the intercom to tell the flight attendant (who was already seated) to sit down. She got on the phone and I heard her say, "...No... I'm standing up." Anyway, that made the flight a little more interesting.

The first few days in Houston I spent doing homework (bleh) and otherwise relaxing. We went to downtown Houston to have lunch with my uncle (Mom's brother). Afterwards, Mom, my sister, and I tracked down a ceramics store because I wanted to buy some porcillain (unfired porcillain to use in my pottery class). We had printed up a map to the store and it was on our way back from where we had lunch with my uncle. I was like a kid in a candy store when I got into the ceramis store. So many tools I wanted to buy! But I had to restrain myself and just buy my porcillain and a few tools.

On thursday of that week, Mom took me to the International Quilt Festival, which they hold every year in Houston. There were some gorgeous quilts in the display. One looked like it was curving in at the edges and popping out from the wall, but it was an optical illusion, the quilt was completely flat.  One artist, a woman from Japan, had made several quilts using thousands of tiny little hexagons stitched together. And these hexagons were really really small. On a sign for one quilt, it was put down that she had used over 33,000 hexagons to make the quilt. I couldn't help but think that someone has the patience of a saint...

Friday we had dinner at the Olive Garden with my aunt (Mom's sister). As always, their food was great. I wish we had an Olive Garden here where I live. But it was nice to get a chance to catch up with my aunt and see how she was doing.

Saturday Mom and Lisa (my sister) took me to the Texas Rennaissance Festival. It was in a town called Magnolia I think. Anyway, I had wanted to see the festival for a long time and it was huge! This festival would easily blow our rennaissance faire here completely out of the water. We went to a birds of prey show and that was interesting. I managed to get a picture of one of the hawks just as it was about to swoop over my head. While there, I bought a purple Rennaissance dress and changed into it for the rest of the day. We brought our food since the food sold at the festival was pricey and so we had lunch in the car before going back in to the festival. The jousting tournament was fun too as there were several men on horseback (with chain mail armor) jousting in a little ring. And of course we visited a few shops and I bought a few souvenirs to bring home. All in all, I had fun at the festival.

Sunday I flew back home and had a pretty uneventful flight. I didn't have any trouble with checking the porcillain through in my luggage. Usually I don't take vacations in the middle of a semester, but taking a week long break from pushing around laptop carts at work did my lower back a world of good. And it helped to have some time to study for an online test I had to take while I was in Houston (I'm taking a class online). But that was my week long getaway and I really enjoyed seeing my Mom and sis again. =)

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Blog Date: March 06, 2006

Well, its finally over. My quest for A+ certification is finished. :) I passed A+ Hardware back on December 8th and had three months from that date to pass A+ OS to get my certification. My first attempt at A+ OS, I barely failed. To me, that was worse then bombing the exam. So, I took a mental break for a two months (longer than I had planned) and then got back in the study grind. I retook A+ OS this morning and was almost certain I would fail it again. So there was a nerve-wracking, stomache churning moment when I finally braced myself and clicked End to finish the exam. When I got the message: You Passed..... I almost fainted. I may not have passed with flying colors, but I passed and that's what matters right now. But boy did I ever cut it close timewise. My three month deadline was almost up. WHEW! Anyways, instead of being in a cloud of despair like I thought I would today, I am on cloud 9 right now. :):):):):) That exam was a MAJOR source of stress for me. But it is FINISHED! YAAAAAAAY!!!!

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:) :D :(
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:love: :king: :cupid:
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:tired: :nono: :yuck:
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November 07, 2007

Here's I am =D on your page.. Stalking your Comments.. Sending you a smile and a hug.  wOOt!!!

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November 01, 2007
ZWANI.com - The place for myspace comments, glitters, graphics, backgrounds and codes
Good Day Graphic Comments

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October 31, 2007

Just droppin in after a long long hiatus from sending out testimonials =D... letting you know that I haven't forgotten you and still pray Gods blessings on you always =D. ~Trina

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October 12, 2007

Girly glitter comments from www.GirlyTags.com

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September 17, 2007

Big hugs!! :D May God fill your heart with love.. Love that is all consuming and that will spill out of your life and onto all of us others. :)

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September 10, 2007

Just droppin in to say hi and leave a big hug! :).. I hope your Monday is blessed and startes your week rolling off right! :)

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August 01, 2007

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July 31, 2007

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July 28, 2007
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July 27, 2007

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July 26, 2007

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July 20, 2007

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July 19, 2007

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July 18, 2007

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July 17, 2007

I took a break :D  from sending testimonials :).. I didn't know people would start wondering why I wasn't....LOL not a single person got one for uhh a wee bit. So don't worry :)... It wasn't about you :P... ((((((((((((you))))))))))

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July 15, 2007

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July 12, 2007

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July 11, 2007

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July 10, 2007

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July 09, 2007

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