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Scott updated 09/28/2006
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#1675 Member since 02/26/2006
URL: xianz.com/beamer


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Jesus is Alive

Latest Blog: June 27, 2006

I have so much to be thankful for.I got married on June 10th. Last Monday night we were coming home.Well I wanted to show my wife in the worst way my old stomping grounds as a kid.we were 1 mile from my deceased fathers house when a short happened in the dash of the car.I stopped and looked and wow there was fire.I yelled at my wife GET OUT there is a fire in the dash.She got out we got out our belongings, then the car engulfed in flames. No one was hurt.The fireman were called because we stopped in front of a house.When people realized I was my fathers son they tripped over themselfs to help.One gentleman insisted he give us a ride home.He told me in the car that my dad helped him years ago.And he told me it was an honour to help out. You know folks when I got home I began to praise God for His safety.I praised him and rejoice that my darling bride was not even hurt thru this.The enemy tried to hurt us but God delivered us from the fire.In fact I could not stop laughing at the car.I laughed so much. God is so awesome.

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Gender Male
Age 47
Location Canada
Hometown Sault Ste Marie
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June 10th  I got married. She is a proverbs 31 wife.She is a gift from God. I can not believe how God has blessed me so much.

Denomination House Church
Current Mood jubilant

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Do you Smoke? Yes
Do you drink alcohol? No
Marital Status Married
Height 5ft10 - 6ft / 1.78m-1.83m
Race/Ethnicity White-Caucasian

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Education High School

Blog Date: June 14, 2006

Well folks praise his Holy name I got married June 10th. What a day it was. God showed up at the wedding.He was the most important guest that could have showed up.Plus He made all the arrangements turn out well.Even the food was awesome ,,,yes Hun I was wrong hehehehehehe. 

Then the very next day God blessed my socks off.My 17 year old son committed his life to Jesus Christ.The overwhelming feelings I have is so incredible.I got a new wife , a new son.WOW God is awesome.

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Blog Date: May 26, 2006

Oh friends God has been showing me something that is going to happen and we are on the eve of it.
A shaking like we have not seen before.God is about to shake the church like there is no tommorrow.Be warned folks. God see's the ones that have been hurt.God see's the ones that have been slandered.God see's those that have been misused by leadership.
God is going to shake those that are in dead cold churches.God is going to bring about a new wave of movement within the body of Christ.No more shall His body be focused on a church building.
God is bringing home the prodicals.God is going to wipe there tears from there eyes.
That which has been hidden will be exposed.That which was done treacherously will be brought out for all to see. That which has been stolen will be given back with interest. God must do this to cleans his body.God must shake his body to get His bride ready for that which is to come. A time of Judgement is at hand.I say repent repent repent.Wash your garments in the blood.Wash the stain of sin from your robes. The Annanias and Saphire  will happen again.God is sick of the slander of His prophets and He will repay. Those that mock His children will be visited by Him.And a terrible visit it will be. Oh people listen and heed these words.REPENT REPENT REPENT.
But there is a hope for you now.Its by the redemptive power of Jesus's Blood that dripped down that old rugged cross.Its by laying down making right the old wrongs. If you have been the one that has been wronged it's laying down that old wound and hurt.If you are the one that has done the wrong ,it you making right the wrong you have committed.You see Our God in heaven has kept a book and in it is all the wrongs that has been done in secret.The only way to have those wrongs erased is thru the power of the blood of Jesus. An eternal law is all wrongs must be made right either in the here and now or the near future. Harden not your heart against the correction of the Lord.
If you come now to Him he will wash you and fill you with peace. His love will erase the guilt and shame of sin. His love will penetrate the deep recesses of your heart and blot out all sin and corruption.The shaking that is about to hit this nation,this generation,this world is going to be felt in all corners of the world.A new move of God is coming my friends. Be warned Repent the Kingdom of God is at hand REPENT REPENT REPENT and again I say Repent.

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Blog Date: April 13, 2006

Oh God help us this day. I ask you Father in Jesus name to bring your church into full stature of Jesus Christ. I ask you now in the name of Jesus to bring low the traditions of men.I ask you to tear down the religious idols we have placed in the alters of our hearts. Father I ask you oh God to begin a new fresh move of your love in the hearts and minds of your people. I ask you God to root out of your people bitterness hatred, and malice.In Jesus name I decree anew move of Gods love upon the people. I ask you Father God in Jesus name to expose the religious demons that have penetrated the church. Rise up oh God intercessers that will be able to detect, and sound the alarm of attacks of satan. I ask you God that when warlocks and witches go to church services to disrupt, confuse and to stop the true men and women of God that you would expose and expell them.That your Glory would fall down so  much that they will not be able to handle being in your presance. Oh God stop the use of astral projection upon Gods people to have them seeing something that is not.I come against that action in Jesus name.And expose this tactic of satan.
Oh God rise up prophets,teachers and Apostles. Place Pastors to shepard the flocks.God rise up true evangilists to bring in the harvest. Oh God I ask you for an army that will take cities and countrys for you. Father God most of all I pray for a new fresh annointing upon the true church. An annointing of love that will melt the hearts and minds of your people.
Lastly God I ask you start with me...............

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Blog Date: April 06, 2006

We serve an awesome God. Recently I went thru a court case. For 2 months it was the most grueling fight I have ever fought.But it was not fought on the battle ground of a court room or in the natural.It was fought in the Spirit realm.
The fight was hatred,malice,and bitterness.For 2 months I had to tear these strongholds down in my life. I went into the court room by myself. But was I by myself? No I had my advacate Jesus Christ.I had the whole armies of God on my side.
I had to fight this court case in the heavenlies. The day before the court case I had to fast and pray. I then went before the Judge of Judges. The court of Courts.And that folks is were the case was won the night before. I did not even have to present my counter evidence in the court.
You see 2 months ago I got a revelation from God on something. Ephesions 6. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against princapalities against wickedness in high places. You see I caught the revelation that those that do not live for Christ are controled and manipulated by demon forces of Hell. They are but only little puppets to those spirits. I had to realize that the puppets are not to blame in this. I looked at these individuals as Christ looks at them.The night before I declared the court house to be Hallowed Ground. In Jesus name I commanded every evil spirit to be swept away. Angels were present in that court room Glory To God. I came out of this with out bitterness without anger or wrath.I won more then they know.I won  my freedom from that junk.I aced Gods test. God allowed that to happen to mold me.To shape me. You see I had a lot of resentments in my day.Now even though I have forgiven does that mean I become buddy buddies with mine enemies.No I still will keep distance with some.Not because I hate them.But they do not have Gods love dwelling and living in them.What does light and darkness have in common.NOTHING.I will not fellowship with darkness.But I live with sweet freedom of living with out hate or resentment.I live in total freedom of worrying what others think. I sleep soundly in the revelation that Jesus loves me so much. What happened in that court room I have to say was awesome. God was in control ,not the Judge.

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