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Contemporary / Country / Singer-Songwriters
Crimson Blood

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Member Since
August 11, 2006 12:43 pm
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bruce carroll,and david crowder band (depends on song)
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Latest Blog: August 11, 2006

here are my songs so far...

Rain,blessed,Rain (poem)

It falls from the sky like tears,
gently whispering as it hits the ground,
finding it depressing most cant wait to see it go away,
like Jesus,Gods only son.

They yell 'Rain rain go away come again some other day.'
just like the tell the Holy Spirit,
that is knocking on their hearts,
he leaves and does just as they say.

most people mock the rain saying'depressing,hate,and deception.'
just like they said when they crucified the savior,
giving him but a crown of thorns,
and mocking his Holy Name.

some look at the rain and say'don't come in,and bring depression.'
just as many say taking the cross will persecute them.
just like the lepers not thanking him for healing,
they don't know the real Joy.

BUT I have found it!
running out in the rain and laughing,
calling out praises and singing his name!
having joy unspeakable.

Taking in all I can,
inviting others to come,
it may look dark and ugly,
but its like a shower cleansing me within.

it gives drink to the flowers,
the thirsty ones,
they blossom in light,
and proclaim his name.

and after the rain,
is a beautiful rainbow,
it would never be stolen,
just planted in the hearts,

rain rain rain,
bless his name!
fill me up,
and give me no blame!


My Love For You

my starry starry sky,
so beautiful tonight,
those stars seem so bright,
twinkling with shinning light.

and my love for you!
goes on and on,
and my love for you!
goes on all day long,
and my love for you!
is all i have to give,
but its a wonderful gift.
my love for you.

twinkle my beautiful stars,
on this night of ours,
remove all the scars,
and never let us be apart.

and my love for you!
goes on and on,
and my love for you!
goes on all day long,
and my love for you!
is all i have to give,
but its a wonderful gift.
my love for you.

my love for you...
oh my love for you...

and my love for you!
goes on and on,
and my love for you!
goes on all day long,
and my love for you!
is all i have to give,
but its a wonderful gift.
my love for you

everything I know 

this pain inside,
comes from everything i know,
close my mind,
to everything so low.
I cant take it anymore,
loose these chains,
and kill the core,
and let it rain.

the pain inside,
comes from everything i know,
close my mind,
to everything so low.

I cant deny,
that i lost my way,
in the lie,
and lost my say.
i found myself in the world,
and forgot the one i knew,
and his wrath unfurled,
and theres nothing i can do.

the pain inside,
comes from everything i know,
close my mind,
to everything so low.

where did he go,
why did he leave,
how long ago,
did i forget to believe!

the pain inside,
comes from everything i know,
close my mind,
to everything so low.

everything so low!

 "Broken Ghost"

vs.1 she walked the docks looking far away,

she glowed underneath the midnight sun,

dont believe everything they say,

the things they say shes done.

shes just a...

Chorus: broken ghost,

looking for him,

broken ghost,

searching for them,

lost at sea!

lost without hope,

they lost lifes key.

so here weeps the broken ghost!

vs.2 she sings her songs pure and sweet,

she sings her heart to the world,

she sings towards the sea,

and so it begins to pour.

you see shes a...

chorus: broken ghost,

looking for him,

broken ghost,

searching for them,

lost at sea!

lost without hope,

they lost lifes key.

so here weeps the broken ghost!

vs 3 there she is see her with the moon kissing her hair,

her face so pure and brightly shinning,

her eyes glitter with a dare,

try to stop it from raining.

because shes a

chorus: broken ghost,

looking for him,

broken ghost,

searching for them,

lost at sea!

lost without hope,

they lost lifes key.

so here weeps the broken ghost!


bridge: dont you see her?

dont you hear her?

dont you see the...

chorus: broken ghost,

looking for him,

broken ghost,

searching for them,

lost at sea!

lost without hope,

they lost lifes key.

so here weeps the broken ghost!

 "Baby's Cry"


v.1 Mama,why?

why can i never call you mommy?

why do I have to die?

I am only a baby.

why wont you just hold my hand?

why wont you give me a kiss goodnight?

why wont you just sing me to my dreamland?

why wont you calm my fears with a nightlight?

Chorus: Mama,hear my cry,

why wont you love me?

hear your Baby's cry,

why wont you care for me?

why am i being denied,

mama,here your baby's cry.

mama i cry,

teach me to walk,

teach me to run,teach me how to put my socks on,

mama,lift me up when ive fallen.

Chorus: Mama,hear my cry,

why wont you love me?

hear your Baby's cry,

why wont you care for me?

why am i being denied,

mama,here your baby's cry.

Bridge: Here your Baby's cry!!

here are my tears,

why must I die,

i hope you will hear.


Chorus: Mama,hear my cry,

why wont you love me?

hear your Baby's cry,

why wont you care for me?

why am i being denied,

mama,here your baby's cry.

"Tunnel of Dispair"

deep dark tunnel of dispair,

the farther down the darker it gets,

"come closer" you hear the dare,

 deeper and deeper into the depths.


"come come come" it urges,

its evil eye bidding you,

 its face covered with ashes,

 its evil grin grew.


 "come to the darkness"it says with air,

you can do nothing but do as it says,

 you are un aware,

 of the death in the future days.


 but look off to the right,

something begins to appear,

a shinning bright light,

you see a man with blood and tears.


he holds out his hands,

showed you were the nails pierced him,

with towering strength he stands,

 the evil face begins to dim.


"these were for you" the shinning man said,

"take my hand,

 I am not dead,

 but alive for here i stand."


 i went to him and began to follow,

suddenly the face cam back,

it screamed with sorrow,

and hit the ground till his fist were blue and black.


 but i did not care,

for here was the one who died for me,

 and follow him i dared,

because for the lifes door he had the key.


"Lord,I'm Sorry"

vs.1 i watched as they lead you to the post,

i watched as the whip came down,

i cried as i saw you beaten and whipped,

i cried as the pain grew inside.

these i saw i couldnt boast,

thorns were placed on his head like a crown,

blood poured down,i watched as it dripped,

i fell to my knees and cried.


chorus:Lord,im sorry,

for all your pain i caused,

Lord im sorry,

for the way i was.

forgive me,

for the troubles ive given,

forgive me,

for your laws ive broken.

Lord im sorry,

forgive me.

vs.2 i watched as they lead you down the street,

i watched as you fell with the cross on your back.

i cried as they kicked you and told you to get up,

i cried as the called you names.

they grabbed a young man to help you to your feet,

and carry the cross and make up for the setback,

the soilder yelled for you to get up,

besides me,who do i blame?

chorus:Lord,im sorry,

for all your pain i caused,

Lord im sorry,

for the way i was.

forgive me,

for the troubles ive given,

forgive me,

for your laws ive broken.

Lord im sorry,

forgive me.

vs.3i watched as they put you on the cross,

i watched as the blood ran over the nails,

i cried as they lifted you up to the sky,

i cried  at everything that i could see.

they laughted you off with a toss,

they watched as your heart fails,

and right before you die ,

you said father forgive them,i knew you spoke of me,

chorus:Lord,im sorry,

for all your pain i caused,

Lord im sorry,

for the way i was.

forgive me,

for the troubles ive given,

forgive me,

for your laws ive broken.

Lord im sorry,

forgive me.


"Valley Of Darkness"


Ive walked in the valley of darkness to long,
Ive done so much that is wrong,
deliver me from the this darkness i dread,
before Satan's secedes in his want for me dead.

my soul has lost its light,
only a little glimmer is within sight
renew my faith and let it shine,
with a fire ever so divine.

one foot before another,
each step makes things darker,
guide me to turn to you,my Lord
that the light maybe restored.

I'm blinded to Satan's temptations,
i do not see his poisons,
open my eyes that i may see,
make me how you want me to be.

save me from destruction,
relieve me of this death burden,
you died that i might live,
so that i would not be captive.

thank you for your light,
for making things right,
for saving my soul,
and putting my name on that heavenly scroll.

"Lord,I Thank You."

simple so it seems,

that you would save me,

but really not quite so simple,

because of my sinful nature.



i thought i had to hide,

all the things i'd done,

but then i reamembered,

you see everything



chorus:Lord i thiank you,

for everything.

for your cleansing blood.

that wiped my slate clean.

Lord i thank you

for my new life,

for all the love you give,

for all the tears you shed.

Lord i thank you.


standing here alone in my shame,

wishing i had someone else to blame,

but i see now you see me for me,

and with your loving grace i am finally free.


im free from all the guilt and pain,

from all the lies and stains,

from every broken dream,

from every thing it seems.



x2.Lord i thiank you,

for everything.

for your cleansing blood.

that wiped my slate clean.

Lord i thank you

for my new life,

for all the love you give,

for all the tears you shed.

Lord i thank you. 

by Amie Jo and Allen Puckett



"Daddy,Dont You Love Me Anymore?"


Daddy where are you?
why wont you come back?
Daddy where are you?
Dont you love me anymore?

I am being nice,
to my little sister,
I am sharing my toys,
like you told me to,
I'm helping mommy,

Daddy where are you?
why wont you come back?
Daddy where are you?
Dont you love me anymore?

mommy said your in heaven,
why are you there?
how come your not here,
with me,
i want you home Daddy.

Daddy where are you?
why wont you come back?
Daddy where are you?
Dont you love me anymore?

The little boy continued to ask,
never getting an answer to his questions,
till he got a letter written by his mom,
saying how much his daddy loved him,
the little boy smiled but saidly asked,
Then why arent you here....with me?

Daddy where are you?
why wont you come back?
Daddy where are you?
Dont you love me anymore?
daddy I love you
why wont you come?
Daddy I love you
please come home.

Daddy where are you?
why wont you come back?
Daddy where are you?
Dont you love me anymore?


"I Love That Smile"


I love that smile that you gave me today,
the one where it tilts in a tiny way.
i love that smile that you gave the other day,
the one that shows what your gonna say.

I love that smile!
oh i love that smile that you gave me.
oh wheres that smile,
give me that smile that ive come to envy.

i love that smile that you gave me,
the one that was so charming.
I love that smile that you gave to Jesse,
the one that was very silly.

I love that smile!
oh i love that smile that you gave me.
oh wheres that smile,
give me that smile that ive come to envy.

I love that smile so pretty yet simple,
the one with the cute little dimples.
I love that smile the one you give when you giggle,
and the one that looks so wishful.

I love that smile!
oh i love that smile that you gave me.
oh wheres that smile,
give me that smile that ive come to envy.


"Crimson Blood"


Crimson Blood of Jesus Christ,
Flows from his blessed side,
And over my dirty slate in one quick wipe,
making it clean and giving me new life.

first verse

Sold for thirty pieces of silver,
Scorned,mocked, and beaten,
forsaken by his own father,
then flowed(pause)the blood,crimson.


second verse

he left my bundle of sin,
in the heart of the earth,
thats where he dumped it and did win,
no one knows(pause) just how much that crimson blood is worth.


third verse

from the hole in the ground,
up he came conquering death and beginning new life,
heavenward bound,
leaving behind hope (pause)for every man!!(slowly getting louder on each line)


Chorus is sung twice, first verse is almost whispered softly by a womans voice at the very end.the verses are kinda just spoken but the chorus is sung.i could almost imagine Carmen doing this song:/ tell me what you think


"Havent Got The Time"

I'm late for work,

im very busy,

im racing through town,

dont stop me

I'll just say


Dont say I love you,

dont say i miss you,

dont say i need you,

cuz i dont have the time.


I'm late for class,

im racing through the park,

im busy studying

dont stop me

cuz I'll just say

Dont say I love you,

dont say i miss you,

dont say i need you,

cuz i dont have the time

Dont say i need you forever,

dont you understand!

i dont have the time!

Dont say I love you,

dont say i miss you,

dont say i need you,

cuz i dont have the time


end part Why do you bother me,

im so late right now,

i have to get going

leave me to go,

and you said


because I love you,

because i miss you,

because i need you,

and i hope you'll find the time!


"Didn't Think So"

last night i looked in your eyes,

you were different from most guys,

you had a funny smile,

but I liked that,

my heart raced like i had jusr ran a mile,

so i tried to catch my breath and just sat.

Alright I'll confess,

i fell for you,

and now I cant get out of this mess,

can you see

you and me?

I didnt think so.

your so far away,

no in miles but in life,

theres nothing more I can say,

or that i can write,

its all in my mind,

i tell myself,

so i just sighed,

and let myself melt.


.Alright I'll confess,

i fell for you,

and now I cant get out of this mess,

can you see

you and me?

I didnt think so.

Didnt think so.


 "I'll Still Love you"

Your mov'in so far away,

to a land ive never even heard of,

theres nothing that I can say,

but that it you i still love.


Where ever you go,

i'll still love you,

wether its tokyo,

or Ohio,

i'll still love you.


i dont care where you are,

wether your in England or Timbucktoo.

even when your so far,

I'll still love you.

Where ever you go,

i'll still love you,

wether its tokyo,

or Ohio,

i'll still love you.


when you are back,

i'll tell you i love you its true.

then we can travel the map,

because i still love you.

Where ever you go,

i'll still love you,

wether its tokyo,

or Ohio,

i'll still love you.


I'll still love you....




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A Little About ...

Here For friends and fans
Gender Female
Age 2
Location North pole, AK, United States
Interests writing music.
Hometown Arlington,Washington
About me Im a song writer and i write music.i love writing poetry too.one day ill get someone to use my songs hopefully.talk to me if you want to use them.
Denomination Baptist
Current Mood thankful

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March 14, 2007

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March 13, 2007

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February 13, 2007
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January 05, 2007

 Hello, Crimson Blood!
 May You Have
 Countless Blessings
 in the New Year!


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December 01, 2006
http://www.sparklee.com - glitter text

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November 29, 2006
Image Hosted by Image Holder. Your Pictures in internet.

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November 06, 2006

If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.

If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.

He sends you flowers every spring & a sunrise every morning.

Whenever you want to talk, He listens.

He could live anywhere in the universe & He chose your heart.

What about that Christmas gift He sent you in Bethlehem, not to mention that Friday at Calvary?

Face it! He's crazy about you!

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October 24, 2006

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.  Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;  but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:28-31

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September 18, 2006
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August 27, 2006
I love your music and your lyrics. Very cool stuff!

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August 26, 2006
Image Hosted by Image Holder. Your Pictures in internet.

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August 26, 2006
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