A CD of older hymns recorded to sound like it was made in the 1950's.
My Lord and I
Co-Produced by one of Southern Gospel's best studio engineers (The Crabb Family, The Diplomats, etc.) this record is strictly acoustic and sounds great! Mark's latest release is a collection of 8 of his originals and 3 songs written or co-written by friends. When recorded, the plan was to create a sound that was as much like Mark in Concert as possible. Simply great guitar and great vocals by a simple writer and singer of Jesus Songs. AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT: http://smithsontheroad.com/products/index.html
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Simply Singing Jesus
Father's Favorites
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Do you remember the story of Jonah? Who can forget that story - about the huge fish that ate the prophet and then spit him up onto the beach all full of sea weed and digestive juices? God was upset with Nineveh because of all of their sin. He asked Jonah to preach repentance to them. Jonah refused. He didn't want to preach repentance to them and instead, he packed his bags and ran. And he didn't get far.
But why did Jonah run? Because he didn't want God's grace and forgiveness for the people of Nineveh. He wanted Justice for them! He wanted them to PAY for all the years of trouble and persecution and hurt that they had caused for his people. He knew what would happen if they repented. Let's look at Jonah chapter four verses 1-2.
"But Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry. He prayed to the Lord, "O Lord, is this not what I said when I was still at home? That is why I was so quick to flee to Tarshish. I KNEW that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity."
Jonah knew that if the people of Nineveh repented, that God would be a compassionate and loving God and would have mercy and grace on them - forgiving them. That isn't what Jonah wanted. He wanted justice.
Some of us are that kind of people. We are all for grace when it comes to us, or to those we love or care about. But for those other people? They deserve justice. Our sins aren't that bad. I mean, we might have told a lie or two, but common... we didn't do any newspaper story sins like THOSE people. They deserve justice for what they've done.
But what if those people repented? What if the people who wronged us...the people who committed murder or rape or something worse, what if they came to God and truly repented of and turned from their sins... what if God forgave them and gave them mercy and grace? What if they came to our church and sat next to us? Could we accept them? Would we be happy that THEY received amazing grace too?
Some people don't like grace because it plays havoc on justice. But thank God that He is a God of truly AMAZING GRACE! And ALL who come can drink of the well that never runs dry. ALL who come can receive forgiveness and mercy and grace. Amen?
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me I once was lost, but now am found was blind, but now I see
Whether it is sitting around a campfire with our dad singing Jesus songs with a bunch of homeless outcasts, or loading up a truck full of groceries to feed the poor, our family is dedicated to reaching the world for Jesus Christ.
Mostly this is done through our dad's concerts - and he would be glad to come and perform them wherever he is invited.
No venue is too small for us to come and help you reach your world with the Gospel.
If you feel led to invite us to come and be a part of your outreach, send me (Tyler C.G. Smith) a message!
From the time M. Steven picked up his first guitar at the age of 12, he knew that he wanted to do nothing else. He would spend the rest of his life writing and singing songs.
He started singing professionally before he was out of high school, and released his first record (they were called that back then) before he graduated. Recorded on the Holy Kiss label in Nashville, owned by CCM pioneer Randy Matthews, it was M Steven's first real taste of Music City's Record "Business". He left the "Business" soon after and has worked as an 'independent' ever since. One might say that M. Steven was an advocate for INDIE artists, before it was popular to be an INDIE.
Over the years, he has shared the stage with many big names in the business - even a few legends. However, if you were to ask him about these things, he will brush all that aside and direct the conversation away from himself and onto His God.
Often asked to describe his music, All he will tell you at first is that he is a simple man who writes and sings for Jesus.
"Life is filled with a lot of questions." he says. "I try to write and sing about the answer." and he believes that Jesus Christ is the ONLY answer to ALL the questions that life throws at us.
"Ultimately," he continues "Jesus IS the answer to everything. He REALLY is!"
You will often find him wearing a T-shirt and Jeans. He tells people that his favorite T-shirt is one that says: "I am the Wretch the Song Refers to."
He knows and understands the grace and mercy of God more than most perhaps. "Over the years I've walked in some pretty sad, lonely and dark places."
"I write about some of these things and about the wonderful place where we will be going one day!" He continues. "Heaven is one of my favorite subjects!"
"I also try to have fun! Being a Christian has its ups and downs but it sure is an adventure! There are times when we experience broken hearts and walk through some deep valleys - life is like that for everyone - but there are wonderful times when being a Christian is a blast too!"
His music is inspired and is sure to bless you. Its purpose is to lift your heart and draw you closer to a heavenly Father who loves you more than words can express.
April 03, 2008
Sitting here and listening to "My Lord and I" and being blessed........
Thanks for sharing your songs......but this one is my favourite!
Once in a while someone comes along in your life that really makes an impact. When that person becomes a friend, then it is even more special and suddenly life is like completely renewed. I praise the Lord for you Mark and your friendship. You are a true brother to me in every way. May the Lord forever look upon you and smile as He finds you as a favor in His ministry. God bless you always.
Since I gotta pretend I'm part of the band, LOL, here I am in the background singing and playing with the band! LOL! Jammin' with JESUS and singing right along with ya ALL THE PRAISE to THE KING, THE MESSIAH! WOOHOO!
Thank you for being such an awesome brother in CHRIST to me, being there to encourage so many, and for sharing such CHRIST LIKE LOVE to so many here in XIANZ! GOD continues to shine thru you brother, keep on keepin' on in HIM!
Mark, I came across your music and ministry while jumping around the site.
I am lookin forward to ordering the CD as soon as the holiday crunch is over. Helping those less fortunate than ourselves is the cornerstone of Christ's ministry.
Thanks for all the sweet messages about my music!
The CD is available at our family ministry website:
Thanks so much for supporting our ministry!
We love you all!