My husband pray with me about my hand surgery, (Carpal Tunnel and Trigger Thumb) while we were still in the van before we went into the Out Patient Surgery Center. It was on FEb 13
The surgery went very well. I know the Lord was with me.
He is so amazing! For years I had a bit of a phobia about having an oxygen mask over my face. And the Lord removed that fear from me!
When I woke up from the surgery in recovery, I had an oxygen mask on my face and I asked the near if that is what it was and she said yes and I said Ok . Thank You . And I was fine! No Fear no phobia feeling! It was so amazing!
I only had to take took minimal dosages on the pain medication the doctor gave me.
My surgery was Wed and by Thursday I was out shopping for Valentines with my Motherinlaw and my son and my children. My oldest son drove.
I got my stitches out on the 24th and all is healing well!
I am so Thankful that the Lord has blessed me!
The recovery from the surgery is progressing as it is supposed.
And I have almost total full strength in my hand back now and it is continuing to heal daily towards full strength. I was able to drive again before the stitches came out. YAY!
What an amazing gift we are given, the love of our master, our redeemer, our Wonderful Merciful Savior, Our Lord, Our Father in Heaven who gave his only begotten son so that we can all be freed from sin and have ever lasting life, because we believe in him with all our heart and soul and our mind and we believe, his son Jesus died on the cross for our sins.
I can do all things through Christ who which strengtheneth me Philippians 4:13
That is a very powerful scripture for me.
If we just lift it all up to the Lord in prayer, he will handle it, His Will Be Done.
Over the past two weeks I have been preparing for an upcoming outpatient surgical procedure on my left hand for condition that is called "Trigger Thumb" and also a condition called Carpal Tunnel. I am taking this preparation one day at a time as I am learning through prayer and trusting in him I can get through anything. In the past I was a woman who was very anxious and nervous and have only ever had surgery of any kind once in my life, wisdom teeth (in 1995) which went fine. I am working very hard on this and through Christ who strentheneth me I will be fine. I am so blessed that there is an out patient surgery for the TG and the CP to alleviate the discomfort that goes along with it. I am able to stop the discomfort with a hand/thumb/wrist brace Praise God! Thank You all my my dear friends who are praying for me I appreciate your prayers so much. I will keep yall posted on the new date for the surgery. The surgery was postponed due to insurance and is being rescheduled at surgical unit that will cover it. And yet I am thankful to have the insurance at all because there was a time when we didn`t a few months ago, so I am very blessed! I am reminded of the scripture verse: "I can do all things through Christ who which strengtheneth me Philippians" 4:13 It`s all right there in that verse. And I know that if Jesus Christ who died on the cross in such pain for my sins and still was able to say the Lord, Father forgive them for they don not know. The I can handle anything through Christ who strengtehens me. We are all moved in since our move from Alabama in Novemeber! Praise The Lord! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and my wonderful Motherinlaw was here with us, she brought her homemade corn bread dressing, it is awesome!! We all gathered here together for Christmas Eve and Evening also. We went to visit my Motherinlaw on New Years Eve Day and we had Black Eyed Peas and Hog Jaw (a Southern Tradition). Kerry my husband is enjoying his new job here back in Panama City Florida. The Children are adjusting well to the move, Derek 19, is work 30 plus in the fast food industry, Jessica 16, is working and 25+ hours and in 11th grade and David almost 11, imade the AB Homor roll in the 5th grade this year and is able to attened the same school he was attended before we moved to Alabama in 05. He had been there since preschool. I will update more soon God Bless Yall In His Love, Lisa
As I praying for my husband and the stress he is experiencing at his job due to understaffing that will not be increased and he is wanting to turn in his resignation, this afternoon I am reminded of the scriptures from last night`s evening service at our church.
Psalm 34:4
I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.
This is so true! When we just pray to him, lift it up to him, give it all to him, he will deliver us fromour worries and our fears and we can seek comfort in Him.
So as I continue to pray for my husband I also also reminded of-
Hebrews 13:5
Let your conduct be without covetousness be content with such things as you have.
For he himself has said " I will never leave you or forsake you".
So we may boldly say:
The Lord is my helper
I will not fear
What can man do to me?
I see that the Lord is my helper and with him I should not fear for he will see my husband through this fear, this worry this stressful time.
With God`s help no man can cause more fear than God can handle!
God is stronger than anyof our fears and worries and any stress!
I am so thankful for the scriptures we have that reminds us of how strong God is and how much he is there for us always!
June 08, 2008
And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. Godislove, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:16