Arizona running back Tim Hightower had just finished a thoughtful explanation of his religious beliefs when one of the media types who found their way into the Super Bowl stadium Tuesday decided he needed more proof.
"Can you pray right now?" he asked.
"I can pray that whatever is going on in your life right now that you find God," Hightower said.
Hightower handled the question with the same ease he handled would-be tacklers to score the winning touchdown that got his team into the Super Bowl, which by itself was somewhat surprising since he is a rookie on the biggest stage of his young life.
Even more surprising at this Super Bowl, though, is how so many players on both teams aren't hesitating to invoke the name of God as they prepare to play a violent game where there will be no mercy shown on either side.
Usually that has writers setting down their pens and cameramen hitting the pause button until talk returns to the game itself.
But the depth of convictions from evangelical Cardinals quarterback Kurt Warner to the Steelers who will do their best to plant him face-first into the ground on Sunday has put religion squarely in play this week. All of a sudden the G-word is in vogue.
"You just have to embrace it, whatever God does in your life and wherever he puts you," Warner said in one of his many religious references since landing in Tampa. "If it means being a role model in this game, I'm happy to do that. You are excited about that opportunity because you get the chance to speak to millions of people and, hopefully, we'll get an opportunity to impact some lives this week."
Warner is the most vocal — and visible — Christian on the Cardinals, proclaiming his faith at every opportunity and underscoring it by carrying a Bible with him almost everywhere he goes. He had it with him at the postgame press conference after Arizona upset Philadelphia to reach the Super Bowl, and took time to credit his faith in God for the win before answering any other questions.
The 37-year-old Warner's public display of faith has left an impression on his younger teammates, about 20 of whom join him in Bible studies after practice every Wednesday during the season.
"Our quarterback is a definite leader and devout Christian," cornerback Roderick Hood said. "I think that has spearheaded our growth. Also, guys see the peace we have on the field and want to find that themselves."
Hood says he prays before every game, after every game and during the game itself. Lest Pittsburgh fans get the wrong idea, though, he says he prays for everyone to be safe and not for any particular team to win.
The Steelers aren't as public about their religious beliefs, but many consider themselves devout Christians and can sometimes be seen in locker rooms or on airplanes reading their Bibles. Safety Troy Polamalu brings teammates to services at his Eastern Orthodox Christian church, while running back Willie Parker leaned on his faith to come back from injuries this season, praying that he would be 100 percent physically and able to produce.
Defensive lineman Aaron Smith found comfort in his beliefs when his young son was diagnosed with leukemia.
"It's really through the Lord's strength that I've been able to cope with this," Smith said.
Compared to that, crediting God for helping on the field seems almost trite, though that doesn't stop athletes from doing it all the time. Football players tend to do it more often than others, perhaps because they could be permanently injured on almost any play. But there are baseball players who point to the sky every time they touch home plate and golfers who believe that God gave them the peace within to win major championships.
A poll last summer by the Pew Research Center Forum on Religion and Public Life revealed that 92 percent of Americans believe in some form of God, while 78 percent identify themselves as Christians. And while they express some concern about the mixing of politics and religion, there has never been much outcry about players from both teams gathering after a football game to kneel together in prayer.
Expect plenty of those prayers before and after Sunday's game from plenty of different players. Expect to see Warner with a Bible in hand as soon as he's done throwing a football with it.
And don't expect to hear him shout right away that he's going to Disneyland if the Cardinals win.
Wandered my own way in my 20's until I dedicated my life to the Lord 4 years ago. I am a willing vessel for the Lord. When you ask Him to use you, He will take you up on it.
Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
A little-discussed provision in President Obama's economic stimulus plan would demand that every American submit to a government program for electronic medical records without a choice to opt out, and it has privacy advocates more than a little alarmed.
Patients might be alarmed, too, privacy advocates said, if they realized information such as documentation on abortions, mental health problems, impotence, being labeled as a non-compliant patient, lawsuits against doctors and sexual problems could be shared electronically with, perhaps, millions of people.
Sue A. Blevins, president of the Institute for Health Freedom, said unless people have the right to decide "if and when" their health information is shared, there is no real privacy.
"President Obama has pledged to advance freedom," she said. "Therefore the freedom to choose not to participate in a national electronic health-records system must be upheld."
Blevins' organization, one of the few raising the alarm at this point, said the stimulus plan would impose an electronic health records system on every person in the U.S. without any provision for seeking patient consent or allowing them not to participate.
"Without those protections, Americans' electronic health records could be shared – without their consent – with over 600,000 covered entities through the forthcoming nationally linked electronic health-records network," Blevins said.
The organization said Americans who care about health privacy should contact members of Congress and the president to let them know about the need for opt-out and consent provisions.
According to the institute, the measure currently includes plans for:
An electronic health record "for each person in the United States by 2014."
A national coordinator to develop a "nationwide health information technology infrastructure that allows for the electronic use and exchange of information."
The institute said the medical privacy rule established under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 already allows personal health information to be passed along without patient consent for treatment, payment and "oversight." The recipients of such information could be any of the people in the 600,000 organizations in the industry.
"Nobody wants to stop the proper use of good technology," Blevins said, "and for some people privacy is not an issue."
But she said the bottom line is that patients "would end up losing control of his or her personal health information."
"There's a lot at stake with electronically transferring health data and paying claims within the $2.2 trillion healthcare industry," warned the organization, which works on issues of health freedom in the U.S.
Another group, Consumer Watchdog, even suggested today Google is trying to lobby for the "sale of electronic medical records."
The group said, "Reportedly Google is pushing for the provisions so it may sell patient medical information to its advertising clients on the new 'Google Health' database."
Consumer Watchdog said, "Americans will benefit from an integrated system capable of making our medical records available wherever we may need them, but only if the system is properly used.
"The medical technology portion of the economic stimulus bill does not sufficiently protect patient privacy, and recent amendments have made this situation worse. Medical privacy must be strengthened before the measure's final passage," the group said.
WND previously has reported on attempts in Minnesota by state lawmakers to authorize the collection and warehousing of newborns' DNA without parental consent.
Gov. Tim Pawlenty has been successful in stopping the action there so far.
The Citizens' Council on Health Care has worked to publicize the issue in Minnesota. The group raised opposition when the state Department of Health continued to warehouse DNA without parental consent in violation of the genetic privacy and DNA property rights of parents and children.
Twila Brase, president of CCHC, said at the time the problem is that "researchers already are looking for genes related to violence, crime and different behaviors."
In an extensive interview with WND at the time, she said, "In England they decided they should have doctors looking for problem children, and have those children reported, and their DNA taken in case they would become criminals."
In fact, published reports in Britain note that senior police forensics experts believe genetic samples should be studied, because it may be possible to identify potential criminals as young as age 5.
Brase said efforts to study traits and gene factors and classify people would be just the beginning. What could happen through subsequent programs to address such conditions, she wondered.
"Not all research is great," she said.
Classifying of people could lead to "discrimination and prejudice. … People can look at data about you and make assessments ultimately of who you are."
The Heartland Regional Genetics and Newborn Screening is one of the organizations that advocates more screening and research.
The group proclaims in its vision statement a desire to see newborns screened for 200 conditions. It also forecasts "every student … with an individual program for education based on confidential interpretation of their family medical history, their brain imaging, their genetic predictors of best learning methods. …"
Further, every individual should share information about "personal and family health histories" as well as "gene tests for recessive conditions and drug metabolism" with the "other parent of their future children."
Still further, it seeks "ecogenetic research that could improve health, lessen disability, and lower costs for sickness."
"They want to test every child for 200 conditions, take the child's history and a brain image, and genetics, and come up with a plan for that child," Brase said at the time. "They want to learn their weaknesses and defects.
"Nobody including and especially the government should be allowed to create such extensive profiles," she said.
The next step, said Brase, is obvious: The government, with information about potential health weaknesses, could say to couples, "We don't want your expensive children."
"I think people have forgotten about eugenics. The fact of the matter is that the eugenicists have not gone away. Newborn genetic testing is the entry into the 21st Century version of eugenics," she said.
“If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed
my Father's commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my
joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” (John 15:10-11, NIV)
Steven K. Scott is the author of The Greatest Words Ever Spoken
"What Would Jesus Do?" Several years ago the four initials that represent this question and the rubber bracelets displaying these initials took the evangelical Christian community by storm. And why not? Is there any better question that Christians should ask in any given situation where a decision needs to be made regarding a choice of action or behavior?
The answer is yes. There is one question that is more important. One question Christians should ask before choosing any course of behavior, making a spiritual decision or adopting a value or belief. My question is, "WDJS -- What Did Jesus Say?"
Why is this question even more important? The fact is, in many situations we simply cannot know for sure exactly what Jesus would do, so we are left to try to figure it out for ourselves. And figuring it out may require more wisdom, revelation, insight or spiritual maturity than we possess at the time.
On the other hand, Jesus made incredible promises to Christians who would learn His words and use those words to guide their decisions, behavior and beliefs. Remember his promise in John 8:31-32, "If you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
He offers three promises that no one else in history could make and deliver: the promise that you will become one of His intimate followers; the promise that you will discover and know perfect and eternal truth; and the promise that you will be liberated from the most powerful force that enslaves your heart and mind, depriving you of the freedom, peace, power and joy that comes from intimacy with Christ -- namely our own selfish, sinful nature.
In Matthew 7:24-25, the analogy of the man who built his house upon the rock, He promises a new level of wisdom and security that cannot be shaken by even the most powerful internal or external forces. He defines a level of wisdom and security that is unknown and elusive to the world in general and even to most Christians. And these are just a few of the more than two dozen promises that the Lord makes to those who begin to "abide" in His words.
As noble as it may be to try to figure out what Jesus would do, He gave no such promises to the man or woman who would make that effort. Would you rather base your hopes upon your own limited wisdom, insights and feelings, or upon the "rock-solid" foundation of Christ's words?
Our loving Savior spent more time providing critical lessons, instruction and encouragement to His followers than He did to those who did not follow His words. Christ's comments are intended to equip us with everything we need to follow His true and sure guidance in every situation. His incredible statements not only give us guidance for every situation we might encounter, but they also provide promises, revelation and inspiration that will enable us to experience God’s incomparable grace and power. They give us the precise instructions we need to experience a life of extraordinary purpose, peace and joy.
This Week
Make it a point to read the words of Jesus Christ. Read His instructions for your life and stand upon the promises He has made.
Prayer "Lord, I want to hear Your words so that I can know You better. Send the Holy Spirit to give me understanding as I study Your words and follow Your ways."
Hear Steve Scott discuss “The Greatest Words Ever Spoken” as he joins James and Betty this Tuesday and Thursday on LIFE Today.
We need your help...
in letting the theaters know that "The Cross" is coming! You can call or write. If calling a well known theater chain like AMC or Mann, it is best to go to their website for their corporate number. If calling a smaller theater, it is best to call the theater directly and ask for a manager. Tell them you are excited about the film and ask if it will be playing there. The word will spread to their corporate office and they'll know that we are coming with The Cross!
Watch the Television Series
"The Message of The Cross" Television Series
is now airing on the Trinity Broadcasting Network
and on
Thursdays 4:30 pm (Pacific)
Only on TBN!
This is a must view program for all The Cross and TBN friends.
You will learn how to 'share Jesus' with family,
friends and others!
"The Cross" Book
"The Cross" book by Authentic Publishing out this week in bookstores and online. The following excerpt is from my diary entry in chapter 6.
"The Roar of the crowds, the Silence of the Jail Cell"
KGB in Russia
"It's Denise and me in a huge mess and battle again. It was an all day struggle against the forces of evil and communism. Now it's night and Jesus, we made it through the day. You gave us the strength to stand strong and pray as voices were yelling at us and fingers were waved in our faces. We gripped each others hands, but you, God, held us in your hand. And now tonight as we lie in our Land Rover it is quiet in these mountains.
We endured reproach, we shared about you and your love. You sent us a man to be our deliverer. It was like he was born to be there, just to help us at that time. This is not just a daily battle but almost an hourly battle. We cling to you and feel so close to you. Yet we are far away from the world we have known. Somehow we will make it.
I could not have made it without Denise. Thank you, Jesus, for her. We love you and we have the joy of another day before us... come what may."
The book "The Cross" is also available in 5 audio CDs by Oasis Audio.
Links to order the book and audio are on my homepage at
Do you have an Arthur Blessitt story? Testimony?
Idea of how to help spread the word about this life-changing outreach event?
This is the week to start the mighty move for "The Cross". We need your help! Call your local bookstores and ask if they have the book and how many copies. Call all in your area. Also now call your local movie theaters and ask if the movie "The Cross" is booked there for March 27th.
he movie day is coming fast and we need your prayer covering for all the cross projects, the book, the movie and the audio as well as funding for the P&A and all the press and news programs I will be on. I am taping many popular programs now to be shown in coming weeks. Pray for all the team and our families and for safety and health and the blessings of the Lord in all things. We step forth in the will of God with the covering of the Blood of Jesus.
I have read your email and am so touched with the great response. Also for the thousands of names and photos of unsaved family and friends that you are emailing us or mailing to TBN that are being put on the cross for the great opening night in Hollywood and the special 'Praise the Lord' show the night before film goes nationwide.
Thank for your prayers and for all the promotion for Jesus. After all, it's all about Jesus anyway, the cross, and the message of the cross!
God bless you and thank you,
Pilgrim followers of Jesus
Arthur and Denise Blessitt, Luke 18:1
Arthur and Denise Blessitt,
Luke 18:1
Please visit all of these and give them great ratings or post a positive comment about the film.
He's promised to never leave nor forsake us, for "Behold," He says, "I am with you always, even unto the ends of the Earth!" (Mat.28:20) And He's given us the torch of His Word to show us where our path is going. We can always throw the Light of God's Word on the path ahead for the Scripture says, "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet & a light unto my path." (Psa.119:105)