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Folk / Bible Songs / Inspirational
humble beginnings

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Member since 08/14/2007
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August 14, 2007 4:52 pm
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Out of the Darkness
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Latest Blog: November 23, 2007

Testimony... a ragged road to HIM ... Lee and Kim Karsan ... Out of the darkness ... to Dreamcatcher
I am 60 yrs. old, and only acknowledged Gods existance 5 yrs. ago.You see, I was an agnostic drug addict, life long. I was what they call a functioning addict, right up to the point where I wasn't (functioning, that is).It wasn't 'til I crashed and burned that I came to realize that someone was doing for me when I couldn't do for myself. Someone kept me alive, when by rights, I should have been dead (Lord knows I tried hard enough). I lived a reckless, dangerous life, and GOD let me have my own will, until I was busted and broke down and near dead at 55. When I cried out to HIM, HE knew I was ready and opened HIS arms to me. On this day, there was a rainbow in the sky (literally, a rainbow... I hadn't even read of Noah's rainbow yet, but still, it touched me deeply). This was also the same day I realized I was in love with the woman who would become my wife, Kim. She had also been an addict, and brothers and sisters, it is much harder for a woman. She was used and abused but had been raised as a Christian , so she knew HIM and was able to call on HIM. And HE saved her life more times than I can say.
Shortly after we met, I began to think about the Bible and the Son mentioned there. In a little country church, I picked up a pamplet (John) and read about John the Baptist, and the more I read, the more it struck me...TRUTH!!!! It wasn't just some story. It was the truth. I knew it. I could feel it in my heart...( John 3:16).... Then came Jesus, Then came the music...Christmas 2003, I stood up in church with my wife Kim, to sing a lovelly little Christmas song her mom had written. Well, Kim was going to sing, I was just sort of there........., it went well, and I decided to pick up the guitar again ( I hadn't played in nearly 40 yrs )...6 months later, GOD gave us our first song...and then another.... Praise God

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A Little About ...

Here For MUSIC, networking with friends
Location Croydon, PA, United States
Interests God, Church, Family, Friends, Music, Photography, My Wifes Garden (her flowers are nice, but I like her tomatoes the best)
Hometown N. J.,Pa
Schools Life
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I made this music playlist at MyFlashFetish.com.

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Welcome My Dearest Jesus, Thank You for all You have given. tSr - because the world needs to hear... Husband/Wife ... Singer/Songwriters ... Born Again ...Parents ... Grandparents ... Recovered, with a 1 step program, JESUS CHRIST

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Jesus my Jesus, Cast all those demons out....to stay...Soothe the darkness, 'til the dawn comes .
Denomination Just Christian
Current Mood hopeful

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this user is offline nowsend Janine Marie a messageadd Janine Marie as a personal friendblock/ignore Janine Marie  Janine Marie options (blessed)
November 23, 2007
Hello My name is Janine VanDenBerg
I am a full blooded American Indian, Tsimshian tribe!I am currently living in Roanoke, Virginia. I was an alcoholic, crack addict, drug dealer and prostitute for 18 years! When I was 38 years old I was sitting watching my boyfriend smoke crack and drink with his friends off of the money that I had to make on the streets! They did this for one week! I would have to go out and make money so they could continue to party! Well usually I was right along with them, but that week I chose to not participate in the party! So on Saturday there was a knock st the door and it was two women! I saw that they were neatly dressed and I flew out the door! They were someone sober to talk to finally! They were going around neighborhood that they knew and the older lady had at one time lived in that street!Praise God! They were looking for people to attend a program at there church for new Christians! I like I said was happy to speak to sober women and found out that the one had gone to Calvin College in Michigan! That was the rival college that I had done on semester at! Hope College is where I went! I was also raised in Holland , Michigan! God is so awesome! At that time I had started attending a Mormon Church because they were the only ones coming to the door! I had no idea they were a cult!But I did not like how they would not answer my questions about the Bible! So praise God I started going to this program called Alpha program! By Nicky Gumble! Totally awesome! I became a member of their church and they started an outreach that has now stopped but it was to focus on homeless and prostitutes and addicts and lonely! We would go out and have picnics on the health departments lawn and socialize with these lost souls! You have to make friends with them first and gain their trust before you talk to them about God! This went on for about 3 years! But I too as a new Christian used music to get their attendtion and guess who the singer was!!!! YES, Carman!I wanted a very intimate relationship with God so I could pass on what those two blessed woman introduced me to! God's Love!!!I am now at another church a bigger church that I knew I cold grow at spiritually I have gone with them twice to the LA Dream Center and that has what has me going to crack houses, bars, where the prostitutes work, juvenile detention homes, prisons and Yes, Churches so that the congregations will get motivated and start doing God's work out here! They are sometimes in their comfort zones and they are missing out on the most blessed part of being a Christian and that is winning souls to God! I am also busy with the Manna Ministry program that feeds people 1 box of food a month and it is amazing because most that come there are the people I use to party with! I am also getting involved with Let Go and let God ministries based in Salem Virginia! They are an awesome couple! Christopher is an x meth dealer and Sharron (Sam) use to be in Witchcraft! They befriend drug dealers and wiccans and on their saturdays take them out to a farm that Christopher's dad owns in trouteville and they go paint balling to break the ice! After wards they have a worship time and it is truly amazing! This past week I have been trying to locate a 15 year old couple and the girl is pregnant and they are sleeping outside! haven't yet located but God is getting me closer! Meanwhile the people I am asking questions about them I get to witness also! There is also a young lady from Penn. State that has contacted me via e-mail and she asks for Prayer because she believes she is demonic! God is so awesome! I now consider myself one of the wealthiest women in the world! I am able to wake up each morning and study and pray in freedom and I then can ask God to use me in what ever way he needs me! I am His tool! And then go out in the world and plant seeds What more can I ask for? God is so awesome! I am so blessed and I am forgiven of my past so I can use it as a tool to reach out to others that most cannot reach! I understand living on the streets! I have died 4 times in my life and 3 out of the 4 I was not saved , so God did not have to keep me here! Praise God! I would not trade my life for any amount of money! My spiritual freedom and relationship with God is so precious to me! You have a wonderful day and God bless! I have sites all over the internet! Google Janine VanDenBerg but watch out for the Doctor! LOL!God gets all the glory and I also learned that : Paul would not have been Paul had he NOT been SAUL first! God is so awesome!

                          Praise God!
                   Your sister in Christ!
                Janine Marie Palma VanDenberg

a little some thing I wanted to add to my testimony! Please copy and paste this site and you will be in total awe, Little Logan had me crying!


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November 15, 2007

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September 09, 2007

the warbler    

Words by Steve Hindalong

What about the thunder we hear
any time the lightning reappears?
Never fear the darkness of the shock three hundred sixty strokes before heaven already eleven o’clock.
Listen to the warbler’s rhapsody.
He never chirps any funeral melody.
He doesn’t mind the night sky or the hawk.
Sorry lovers take wing under heaven, bells ringing eleven o’clock.
Eleven o’clock.
You must believe it true when I swear we’re alive.
Beware the deceiver.
He’s a killer and a liar.
A killer and a liar.
Your spirit and your eyes are on fire.
Celebrate the wonder of lunar light.
Listen to how the coyote sings at the sight.
Never mind that drum dirge you hear droning.
Fade away into oblivion.
Let decay anyone moaning.
Anyone moaning.
You must believe it true when I swear we’re alive.
Beware the deceiver.
He’s a killer and a liar.
A chiller of desire.
Your spirit and your eyes are on fire.
Listen to the warbler’s rhapsody.
He never sings any funeral melody.
Disregard anybody moaning.
Never mind that drum dirge droning.
What about that thunder we both hear anytime the lightning reappears?
Never dread the mystery of the shock three hundred sixty strokes to touch heaven.
It’s only eleven o’clock.
Eleven o’clock.

1 Peter 5:8

 8Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Matthew 6

Do Not Worry

25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]?

 28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

this user is offline nowsend Etienne a messageadd Etienne as a personal friendblock/ignore Etienne  Etienne options (energetic)
August 21, 2007

 Humble Beginnings! Do You Realize That  
    You Are Angels, Shining Stars,    
And Precious Little Lambs of Jesus?
   But You Already Knew That ! ! !   
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