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jim updated 08/30/2008
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#39809 Member since 09/19/2007
URL: xianz.com/jim5


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For a copy of my book 'Called To Love' go to www.lulu.com/content/3778391 For a free download of Henry Drummond's 'The Greatest Thing In The World' (Love)go to www.lulu.com/content/3825353
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The One Who Has Love, Courage, and Wisdom Moves the World

Latest Blog: August 30, 2008




Pagosa Springs, Colorado – September 2, 2008


Contact: James D. Sanderson


(970) 731-1750


            Christian author James D. Sanderson has announced that his book ‘Called To Love: A Book About Christian Love’, which has been available in the hardcover is now available as an ‘Electronic-Book’ download.  This less-costly and more environmentally friendly edition the author feels, will bring the book to the attention of readers worldwide through the internet.


            With book production and shipping getting more expensive all the time, and with the demand such production makes upon natural resources, author Sanderson says he will employ the internet whenever he can.  “More and more people are using the internet to buy things,” he said.  “Even I have bought books and gifts there!”  For their expertise in e-book production, the author has chosen Lulu.com.


            Lulu.com is the premier marketplace for digital content on the internet, with over 300,000 recently published titles, and more than 4,000 new titles added each week, created by people in 80 different countries.  Lulu is changing the world of publishing by enabling the creators of books, video, periodicals, multimedia and other content to publish their work themselves with complete editorial and copyright control.  With Lulu offices in the US, Canada the UK and Europe, Lulu customers can reach the globe.


            Beginning with a look at God’s greatest commandment to love God and love our neighbors, author James D. Sanderson has discovered a common thread that runs through the New Testament while remaining grounded in the Old Testament texts as well.  In the letter of 1 John it is revealed that God is love.  In the Beatitudes the book explores the nature of love; and in 1st Corinthians 13 there are the qualities of love.  The letter of James is a call to put love into action and 1st Peter shows how to humble ourselves so that love of self does not eclipse the love of God and others.  The story of the cross reveals a suffering love and redemptive death.  With those and many other ready illustrations the author reveals how all are called to love.


            The author, James D. Sanderson, and his wife live in southwest Colorado.  Together they pastor a New Testament church that meets in a soup kitchen.  Many of the experiences from their ministry and other missions find their way into his books.  ‘Called To Love’ is available now at www.lulu.com/content/3778391 ; www.lulu.com/content/3778391.



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A little about me...

Here For Christian friends/networking
Gender Male
Age 56
Location Pagosa springs, CO, United States
Interests I am the pastor or the Beloved Community, a home-church community in southwest Colorado. I love writing and reading and helping the poor. See our web site at www.belovedcommunity.faithweb.com
About me

I am the Senior Pastor of the Beloved Community, a home church community in southwest Colorado.  We meet in our home on Saturdays and at the Soup Kitchen in Durango on Sunday mornings.  I am the writer of 'Called To Love' A Book About Christian Love, and am currently working on another book, 'God, Intruding'.  You can see samples of my writings on our web site.  See our web site for more information: 


Denomination Just Christian
Current Mood thoughtful

A little about me...

Do you Smoke? No
Do you drink alcohol? No
Marital Status Married
Do you have any Children? Yes
Height 6ft - 6ft2 / 1.83m-1.88m
Eye Color Gray
Hair Color Brown
Race/Ethnicity White-Caucasian
Do you have any Pets? None currently

A little about me...

Position/Title Pastor/Author
Company Beloved Community
Occupation Pastor/Author
Industry Religious Institutions
Specialties small groups, home church, New Testament Church.
Salary Not listed

A little about me...

Blog Date: May 24, 2008

Check out our blog site where we discuss all the ins and outs of the New Testament Church and Sermon On The Mount Christianity.  www.jamesdsanderson.blogspot.com

also, check out our web site at www.belovedcommunity.faithweb.com

Love in Christ,  Jim and Nancy

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Listings From jim & Friends

08/30 CALLED TO LOVE: A Book About Christian Love ( For Sale) - this user is offline nowsend jim a messageadd jim as a personal friendblock/ignore jim  jim options
09/07 Loving Family Group Workshop On "Medical Errors" ( Services) - this user is offline nowsend sharen a messageadd sharen as a personal friendblock/ignore sharen  sharen options
09/14 Loving Family Group Workshop on "OSHA Job Safety and Health" ( Services) - this user is offline nowsend sharen a messageadd sharen as a personal friendblock/ignore sharen  sharen options

Testimonials for jim

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this user is offline nowsend Sandra a messageadd Sandra as a personal friendblock/ignore Sandra  Sandra options
July 30, 2008

this user is offline nowsend Jose a messageadd Jose as a personal friendblock/ignore Jose  Jose options
June 08, 2008
And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:16

this user is offline nowsend ☺Betty ☺ a messageadd ☺Betty ☺ as a personal friendblock/ignore ☺Betty ☺  ☺Betty ☺ options
June 01, 2008
zwani.com myspace graphic comments
Myspace Christian Graphics

this user is offline nowsend ♥Karla♥ a messageadd ♥Karla♥ as a personal friendblock/ignore ♥Karla♥  ♥Karla♥ options
April 25, 2008
Photobucket Photobucket

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April 13, 2008
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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April 03, 2008
Life is Precious

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March 23, 2008


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March 18, 2008
HE died for usAn Easter Blessing

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March 15, 2008

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March 11, 2008

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February 29, 2008
Comment Graphics, Graphics Myspace, code for myspace

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February 09, 2008

Thank You for life. Thank You for the pleasure and the passion of being alive. Thank You for being able to serve You, to grow in the knowledge and understanding of Your presence and Your love. Thank You for living in me. Thank You for the pleasures of living, of breathing Your pure air, of eating the delightful food You've created. Thank You for the challenges of life, of problem-solving, of discovery and invention. Thank You for the refreshment of exercise that invigorates every cell in my body. Thank You for hugs and kisses and the many pleasures in life You give us to enjoy



this user is offline nowsend Sandra a messageadd Sandra as a personal friendblock/ignore Sandra  Sandra options
February 06, 2008

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February 03, 2008

Psalm 66

For the director of music. A song. A psalm.
 1 Shout with joy to God, all the earth!

 2 Sing the glory of his name;
       make his praise glorious!

 3 Say to God, "How awesome are your deeds!
       So great is your power
       that your enemies cringe before you.

 4 All the earth bows down to you;
       they sing praise to you,
       they sing praise to your name."

 5 Come and see what God has done,
       how awesome his works in man's behalf!

 6 He turned the sea into dry land,
       they passed through the waters on foot—
       come, let us rejoice in him.

 7 He rules forever by his power,
       his eyes watch the nations—
       let not the rebellious rise up against him.

 8 Praise our God, O peoples,
       let the sound of his praise be heard;

 9 he has preserved our lives
       and kept our feet from slipping.

 10 For you, O God, tested us;
       you refined us like silver.

 11 You brought us into prison
       and laid burdens on our backs.

 12 You let men ride over our heads;
       we went through fire and water,
       but you brought us to a place of abundance.

 13 I will come to your temple with burnt offerings
       and fulfill my vows to you-

 14 vows my lips promised and my mouth spoke
       when I was in trouble.

 15 I will sacrifice fat animals to you
       and an offering of rams;
       I will offer bulls and goats.

 16 Come and listen, all you who fear God;
       let me tell you what he has done for me.

 17 I cried out to him with my mouth;
       his praise was on my tongue.

 18 If I had cherished sin in my heart,
       the Lord would not have listened;

 19 but God has surely listened
       and heard my voice in prayer.

 20 Praise be to God,
       who has not rejected my prayer
       or withheld his love from me!

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February 01, 2008
boy was born on the edge of a blade
from dawn to dusk he slashes away
saying, "don't touch me
don't notice me now"
nothing's sacred, no one's safe
boy's got an attitude to last for days
he's walking over me time and agian
no one's feelings ever matter to him
Lord i'm just so tired
tell me what to do with him


oh listen to the storyline
chapter written in another time
oh, listen
listen to the story line
you'll begin to know the reason why
pain just seems to haunt their lives
whoa, listen to the storyline

she's the invisible girl
sits at the edge of her visible world
and whispers, "don't touch me
don't notice me now"
shadows have left their mark
stole the innocence from her heart
now she's afraid of she might be
draws the curtain so the world won't see
thinking, "who would love
the person they would find in me"
repeat chorus

sometimes i can't believe the things i say
i've hurt them in so many ways
Lord, i've played a game of hide and seek
when all i wanted was for them to see
see the lines upon my face
the memories have left their trace
oh, everybody's got a storyline
find the secrets hidden behind their eyes
listen to the storyline
then you'll know the reason why
the voice is telling you inside
let compassion fill your heart and mind
oh, you gotta take the time
to listen to the storyline.

by WhiteHeart

this user is offline nowsend Sandra a messageadd Sandra as a personal friendblock/ignore Sandra  Sandra options
January 28, 2008

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January 27, 2008

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January 25, 2008

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January 23, 2008

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January 19, 2008

Christian MySpace Graphics

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