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My URL: xianz.com/colby_chase
Colby updated 10/13/2008
  59 views. 33 since last visit 10/12

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#47481 Member since 10/12/2008
URL: xianz.com/colby_chase


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I am happiest when I do things involving community, nature or God.

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A little about me...

An eclectic guy on a journey through life, transitioning into the fourth decade of earthly existence, trying to make sense of it all.

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* I love deep conversations while drinking coffee.

* I love God.

* I love beautiful things.

* I try to look for the beauty in all things.

* I am becoming aware of who I am.

* I strive to become the person
I know that God wants me to be.

/ Big heart /
/ creative /
/ passionate about life /
/ deeply spiritual /
/ committed to making the world a better place /
/ big smiles /
/ lots of laughs / and
/ love to all /

/ I love to travel /
/ love the beach /
/ the mountains /
and / wine country /
/ love to hang out with friends ... /
/ I'm very sociable, though somewhat shy and reserved at first /
/ The friendliest introvert
you'll ever want to meet /

I was born and raised in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area region of Northern California by my loving parents along with my 3 doting older sisters. We are a loving, close-knit family.

I attended local schools, graduated from the University of California @ Los Angeles, and since shortly after the turn of the century, I have been working with and for my uncle as a Human Resources Consultant. My work involves frequent travel to provide a broad range of HR consulting and strategic management/quality improvement services to clients from Las Vegas to Vancouver, BC, Canada.

In my spare time, I enjoy a wide variety of activities: travel, experiencing new places, cultures and cuisines, and meeting new people. I spend as much time as I can in Maui, Hawai'i, the California Coast (especially Big Sur/Carmel), Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Nevada mountains, where I enjoy nature to its fullest.

I am very spiritually minded, but not religious. My spiritual beliefs and practices are based on the grace and love of Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Saviour.

I welcome change, though I crave stability. I'm very indulgent and I like beautiful things; things that tickle my senses.

I am quite laid-back and easy-going most of the time (grounded and in the moment); proactive in manifesting my goals.

I am fascinated with the human mind and all its moments of madness. I do not necessarily believe that everything happens for a reason, but we can certainly learn from every experience and make it worth the pain or pleasure. I want to evolve. Travelling is something I aspire to do much more of and I am going to incorporate each and every experience into my writing; sounds, sights, tastes, people, adventures, & other lands. I insatiably desire to absorb other cultures and breathe new air. Nature soothes me, but chaotic cities full of life and history are what move me. 

Taking the Bible seriously as the inspired word of God and an inexhaustible fount of wisdom and morality; spirituality that I find meaningful in Jesus Christ and Christian worship (liturgy, prayer and sacraments).

Politically, close to the center on many issues; somewhere between being an idealist or ideologue and realist or pragmatist; a believer in consensus building and open to new ideas; strongly committed to ending social injustice, discrimination, racism, sexism, violence, war, poverty, oppression.

This motivates me to be a force for good in the world, hence my political persuasion.

To quote Jefferson, "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."

Who I'd like to meet:

// YOU. Yes, you. Mainly you. //

I've met some very inspiring people. I am truly blessed to call them friends... They are some truly amazing people.

I have a wide and growing circle of friends, but don't get me wrong. I am not interested in "bulking up" my friends list with strangers. The bottom line is what I want to seek, establish, and nurture meaningful relationships and dialog with people in a virtual online community.

Get your own friendscroller

::[ Colby's MySpace Friends ]::

* You are at least 18 years of age.

* I am using Xianz.Com as a creative means of making online (virtual) friendships with people from all over the world, but I keep these friends separate from the people I know in person, and am not using social networking web sites as a dating service. So, if you are looking for people to meet in-person, you may not be interested in adding me. However, if an online relationship works for you, it works for me. I will respect your privacy and whatever boundaries you wish to maintain.

* I like hanging out with people who have a zest for life.

* I am interested in meeting just about anyone, but especially those who are from different cultural backgrounds, those who have a passion for life, those who love nature, and those who are seeking truth or are interested in religion and spirituality.

* I do not judge or label others and I freely share kindness and respect with all. I am a sensitive empath, and can read much from the energy of people, locations and objects.

* I'd especially like to meet others who practice the healing arts (reiki, massage, nutrition, herbs, etc.), and, of course, musicians and artists who share the joy of freely creating.

* Interesting people who have interesting blogs to read.

* Most of all, I would like to meet people who are intelligent, witty, kind, intriguing individuals who can accept me for who I am and inspire me to become self-actualized, and I, them.

* People who are intuitive, self-aware and socially/collectively aware. Those who enjoy learning and those who enjoy teaching.

* Above all, those who know themselves, and are connected with the infinite love within their hearts and have harnessed the incredible power of IMAGINATION. The ones who actively pursue with a burning desire, that which truly brings them the greatest joy. I have strong passion for assisting "seekers", and assisting them in realizing their potential.

* I enjoy rendering service to others, sharing the wisdom and knowledge that I have attained through many years of concentrated effort (study and application) and experiences. I have a knack for provoking deeper thought and inner wisdom in others, when they have reached a challenging obstacle in their lives. Rather than offering advice, I assist in bringing to the surface the answers that are already within them. This comes about through identifying the blockage (that they have created, often unbeknownst to themselves) to their success; leading to a plethora of previously unrecognized potentials. The result is a refreshed outlook and better grasp on one's goals. This is a service that I lovingly provide freely to seekers.

::[ Do You Want Me to Add You? ]:: //

* When it comes to adding friends on here, I prefer some exchange of dialogue prior to adding people, if you are someone whom I've not communicated with previously. So feel free to send me a message. Tell me about yourself and where you are on this journey we call life. However, I don't want to put up obstacles. So you can just go ahead and send me an "add request" as they and we'll take it from there. I look forward to hearing from you soon and getting acquainted.


* ADD me if you're actually going to maintain a relationship and communicate with me; don't add me as an outlet for marketing. I'm sure there are thousands of others who would love to be added to your network for those purposes, but I am simply not one of them. Much appreciated.

::[ How We Can Communicate ]::

The Internet provides us with several means of maintaining a one-on-one dialogue.

*** You can write to me @ my Yahoo account @ [ episcolby [at] yahoo[dot]com].

*** Web-based chat using PalTalkor Yahoo Messenger. These are free real-time chat or instant messaging programs that you can download free-of-charge and install on your personal computer.

My nickname is colby_chaseon both PalTalkand Yahoo Messenger. Your most likely to find me online with one or both programs open on weekends only. Be sure to take into account any time differences, as I am on West Coast USA/Canada time (-7 hours GMT).

Here For friends and discussion
Gender Male
Age 30
Location Los gatos, CA, United States
Interests God, Jesus Christ, religion, spirituality, Christianity, Bible, Scripture, nature, coffee, people, reading, fog, lightning, beaches, ocean, book stores, flirting, snowboarding, politics, current events, fitness, kayaking, jogging, napping, people who smell nice, eating out, living vicariously, forests, mountains, deserts, flowers, business, economics, wine tasting, coffee, memories, sleeping in on Saturdays, road trips, Anglican, Episcopal, Book of Common Prayer, reformation, evangelism, arminianism, calvinism, reformed theology, catholicism, orthodoxy, Christianity, Christology, ethics, soteriology, salvation, liturgy, eucharist, baptism, sacraments, exegesis, apologetics, sunrise, sunset, blogs, cooking, picking people's brains, a well-organized desk, star gazing, making espresso drinks, bonfires under a starlit sky, camping, hiking, redwoods, caves, cactus, newspapers, travel, astronomy
Hometown San Francisco Bay Area, California
Schools UCLA
About me
Denomination Anglican
Current Mood contemplative

A little about me...

Do you Smoke? No
Do you drink alcohol? Special Occasions
Marital Status Single
Body Type Toned
Do you have any Children? No
Height 5ft10 - 6ft / 1.78m-1.83m
Eye Color Dark Brown
Hair Color Black
Race/Ethnicity Mixed
Do you have any Pets? Cat
Do you want Children? That's up to the Lord

A little about me...

Occupation Human Resources Consultant
Salary Not listed

A little about me...

Education Masters
College/University UCLA
Major Business Administration
Degree(s) BA, MBA

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:tired: :nono: :yuck:
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