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URL: xianz.com/AlphaOmega
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Artist/Band Info Albums & Tour Friends & Fans updated 01/25/2009
Alternative/Modern / Classic Rock / Progressive

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Member since 01/23/2009
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January 23, 2009 12:01 pm
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The Alpha & Omega Suite
The Alpha & Omega Suite is a musical commentary about what God has revealed through His established and time-honored written Word. It emphasizes important aspects of what has already been shown and accepted. What is presented are: (1) the divine characteristics of God: His majesty, His goodness, His justice, His mercy, His grace, His love, His instructions, His wrath, His triune nature, etc.; (2) the spiritual nature of humanity: our fallen state, our misunderstandings of God, our disobedience to God, our tendency to go our own way, our leanings towards the spiritually impure, etc.; (3) the historical way God has worked through individuals and chosen people. These themes are presented throughout the thirty five parts of the Alpha & Omega Suite. The spiritual significance, doctrinal integrity, and God-revealed accuracy of the songs should not be taken simply as the composer’s viewpoint… they are a tool to help draw people closer to God; help people get to know Him more accurately; and a means to musically spread His gospel of love and grace for the benefit of us all!

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After nine years of composing, arranging and recording, The Alpha and Omega Suite is now complete! The thirty five songs present two hours and forty minutes of God's Word put to song and verse!
The Alpha & Omega Suite
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Latest Blog: January 25, 2009

Xianz allows enough storage to upload about three songs...
which you can freely listen to on this site.
If you would like to the hear the entire two hours and forty minutes
of the Alpha & Omega Suite
(which is the way it's supposed to be heard),
please visit my page over at last.fm.
The complete suite can be downloaded at no charge
and listened to at your leisure and convenience.
Hope you enjoy and are blessed. 

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Location Knoxville, TN, United States
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The Alpha and Omega Suite

* Outline *

The Alpha

(1) The Alpha Prelude
    God's word has lovingly been given to mankind for our benefit and so we can know Him more intimately. Our suite of songs begins a journey which parallels God's written word. Many of His doctrines, laws and decrees are celebrated in the songs which follow.

(2) In The Beginning
   How it all began... the handiwork of our creator. The Word of God forms this universe out of nothing... with little more than His powerful spoken commands. The scope of His in-depth creativity, design and artistic execution cannot be imagined or fathomed!

(3) Fallen From Lofty Heights
   Humanity's foolish choice to be separated from God. The curse of sin and it's consequences are unleashed upon all generations to come. Man is forever tainted by his rebellion... unless a Savior can step-in and provide a way out.

(4) The Flocks and Folds of Abraham
   God has a plan to redeem fallen mankind. We might have collectively sinned against Him but He has already chosen a person from who's lineage His Messiah will come. Abraham might seem ordinary on the surface but God considers him friend and makes important covenants which have lasting consequences on all descendants to follow.

(5) On The Misty Mount With Moses
   He began life in jeopardy; obtained all that this world has to offer; and ended his days as a servant of the Most High. One of the only men ever to be known as meeting God 'face to face'.

(6) Etched In Stone
   The law is given and indicates what is expected of us. Ordinances, covenants and sacrifices are established. The truth is now known. Finally we realize how Holy, Just and Righteous God is... and how far we miss His perfect standard.

(7) They Longed For Kings
   God's chosen people are placed in a totally unique position... they could live as a nation with Jehovah reigning and governing in their midst, or they could be no different than the neighboring cultures around them. Surely they will choose to follow God's righteous decrees and be a shining light to the nations. But... incredibly, they want nothing more than follow the darkened example of reprobate neighbors. Over and over again they reject their redeemer and desire an earthly king.

(8) Honesty, Humility, a Humble Heart
   Israel's first king turns his back on God and proves a failure. The throne is given to a complex man after God's own heart. He is paradoxically both brave warrior, faithful servant, gentle poet, lovely musician and humble King. He proves perfect to carry the lineage of the promised Messiah.

(9) The Trial of Job Ballad
   Wealth, prestige and all good things are taken away from the most righteous man in all the earth. Will he follow Satan's accusation that he will curse God and die... or will he prove loyal and true in the face of unbearable trials?

(10) Eyes Wide Open: Cannot See
   For all of us who were skeptical about God... His existence and His persona. A song with an atheistic viewpoint... and how God deals with our wrong and prideful false views.

(11) Idols In The Mud
   If you think the idols made by our hands are enticing and cool, just wait till you see how God deals with our worthless treasures.

(12) The Psalmist's Sonata
   The Psalmist's songs and poetry inspire, comfort, elevate and reach to the very throne of God. Questions are answered and the full gamut of human emotions are covered. Honest, sincere love is expressed to God and our understanding of Him is greatly deepened.

(13) Solomon's Overture
   Who is wise in their own eyes? The person who rejects the Lord's council as given through His word and by His spirit. For others, God has given the wisdom of the ages in the teachings of Solomon... thousands of years old but still pertinent to us all.

(14) Flames of Conviction
   What is important to us? Our natural state places importance on areas not of value to God, or to our spiritual state. God can use us though... He desires people with strong convictions to follow His rule.

(15) The Prophets Spoke Tonight
   Men and women chosen by God to speak His truths and point the way to the coming Messiah. Transcending millennium with their message of grace, wrath, righteousness and sin... an unbelievable consistency separates their voice from those of the false prophets!

(16) Change Your Ways
   We cannot maintain an intimate relationship with God. Our pattern is to fall away and sinfully do our own thing... generation after generation. We continue to emphasize and glorify all the wrong things. All God asks is that we simply repent of our actions and change our wrongful ways.



The Omega

(17) 400 Year Interlude
   Prophets, and any new prophetic revelations have been absent for 400 years. The time is right and the scene is established for the Messiah to arrive. The way is prepared for a turn in human events. The last prophetic message given is to "prepare the way for the Lord"... He will be with us soon!

(18) Promises Fulfilled
   Promises are kept. The Messiah arrives and fulfills prophecies in mighty but unexpected ways! His earthly coming had been prophesied so clearly and accurately, it's amazing we weren't able to recognize Him for who He is and who He claimed to be.

(19) Taught By God
   The words of the Christ are  the very words and thoughts of God Himself! We have no excuse for not knowing about God, His nature, His desires for us and His teachings. Jesus boldly claims, "when you see Me, the Son, you have seen the Father."

(20) But Jesus Paid it All
   Mankind is redeemed! God's requirement to cover-over and blot-out our sins is met through the painful sacrifice of His Messiah. Jesus' unequaled and loving gift puts an end to Satan's hold over us. At last we are welcomed into the throne room of God as His adopted children!

(21) Titles (Bread of Life)
   There never has been a person like Jesus! He is unique and splendidly royal in every single way. The vast multitude of personal titles pertaining to Him express many aspects of His importance and purpose.  Christ; Savior; Sacrifice; Almighty God; Bread of Life... the list goes on and on and on.

(22) Beatitudes
   When Jesus states that "blessed are" those who follow and love Him, His promises have much comfort and guidance. We truly have been blessed by the King of all Kings.

(23) The Heavens Declare His Victory
   How could a man crucified on a cross be declared victorious? In Christ's case, the cross is His crowning glory... a reflection on His many victories!

(24) The Apostles Theme
   God can use ordinary people from all walks of life to get His job done... men and women like you and me.

(25) Sea of Despair / Showers of Grace
   Our compassionate Lord Jesus is quite different from all other so-called deities. His gift of grace covers all our pains and turmoil.

(26) Counselor of Comfort
   The great commission is given and the Holy Spirit empowers the church for service. God personally teaches and instructs His flock by speaking to their hearts. The meek and mild boldly perform miraculous healing and carry the gospel to foreign lands. At last God's Spirit is poured out generously on all who believe and obey His Word!

(27) Miracle on the Damascus Road
    Along comes a man who understands God's Word clearly, with depth and is capable of teaching it with precision and accuracy! But Paul of Tarsus has not always been that way. With a desire to stamp-out the beginnings of the church, it is only after the risen Christ confronts Paul on the Damascus road and changes his life that he can be used effectively. Paul now helps build the foundation of Christ's bride here on earth.

(28) Return Of The Prodigal
   Despite the gospel of Christ, the family of man continue to blindly go our own way. We get so far from God it seems there is no turning back. But there is hope! Some of the wayward children turn and humbly seek our Father's forgiveness. No matter how far we get from Him, God is always there waiting... offering grace, mercy and hope.

(29) Handing On a Legacy
   What legacy do we leave behind. The greatest thing any of us can leave after we depart this world is the legacy of Christ and His gospel. It doesn't get any better than that.

(30-32) The Last Millennium Medley
   A medley of love songs to the Lord. The church age impacts the world as Gentiles from every nation are given the opportunity to enter God's kingdom. Sunday is transformed into the day when the church gathers in worship and fellowship. Every island receives the message and many lives are touched. History is changed!

(33) The Omega Etude
   God's word has lovingly been given to mankind for our benefit and so we can know Him more intimately. The Messiah was promised and came for His first appearance... but He will appear again. We have seen the past; we're experiencing the present; and we humbly look forward to the future.

(34) Judgment Day
   The end of this age arrives with Christ's second coming, followed by the day of final judgment. The living and the dead are united in heaven's courtroom. Sentencing is carried out, rewards are given and punishment is enforced. All recognize Jesus as the triumphant king-- eternal Word-- giver of life-- and fulfillment of truth.

(35) New World Has Come
   Sin's dominance of the earth is over. The promised 'new Jerusalem' is set in place with the authority of Christ reigning supreme. The enemy of man has been thrown into the lake of fire and God's flock live in peace and contentment. Finally things are as they should be!


-- This is the Alpha and Omega Suite! --

"Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Ephesians 5:19-20)

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phil's Bio

A suite of songs given by God's Holy Spirit in those quiet times spent alone with Him and in His Word. After nine years composing, arranging and recording... The Alpha & Omega Suite was finished at the end of 2008 and is ready for distribution in 2009! The Suite consists of thirty five parts which span two hours and forty minutes. This inspired music praises God and His Word; introduces His laws; His doctrines; His decrees; His covenants; and His grace to those who may never be exposed to His written Word otherwise. No glory, honor, or prestige is given to this earthly vessel, only to the One Who deserves it and is worthy of it!

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