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My URL: xianz.com/Drea
Andrea updated 02/19/2006
  1881 views. 1700 since last visit 02/20

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#529 Member since 02/19/2006
URL: xianz.com/Drea


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English very little spanish and Italian
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Not to much of a reader
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I pretty much like all music. Expecially United live!!!I like tfk, Kutless, reliant K, Evanescence, and bunches and buches more!!!
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well I dont usually watch tv very much any more so idk.
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A little about me...

Here For Friends
Gender Female
Age 20
Location The dalles, OR, United States
Interests I am really into Photography, Hanging out with people. Skydiving (even though I havent done that yet wating for someone to go with me when I turn 18 hint hint)!!!-facing your fears is the only way to overcome them-
Hometown Ogallala, Nebraska
Schools A lot!!!
About me I am 17 years old and have lived in The Dalles Oregon for a year now and likein' it. I like to hang out with friends and act goofy... I am not always a serious person and well if you know me at all, you should know that about me by now, and if not then you don't know me very well at all. :) I'm not an ''ordinary'' girl or anything cool like that. I dont make good first impressions. I'm not as pretty as a lot of girls. I dont have a bazillion friends, but Im fine with that. I'm not very talented. I sing but not to well, I can't draw only a dotteler lol,cant write well, act, or stuff like that. im nice, and I like meeting new people, i just wont introduce myself cause I am a little shy . Its not hard to make me laugh. Sweet-talking... works all too well on me, but dont abuse it. I'ts kinda hard to make not smile because I love to smile. Im not steriotypical, and dont like to judge people. Boys are cute, I would like to have one. ;) lol doesn't take much to make me happy:) Im happy a lot. and I love life~ most of the time! I am a very out spoken person and will say what is on my mind most of the time if I know you enough. I like to say random things because I am a random person. I like to live life on the edge, because life is to short to live by all the rules, besides you have to break some rules to make new ones. There is just about nothing that I wouldn't do for my friends because they are one of the things that gets you through life when life gets you down. Another important thing in My life witch is the Most important thing would be Jesus! Without Him I wouldn't be here today.
Denomination Pentecostal

A little about me...

Do you Smoke? No
Do you drink alcohol? No
Marital Status Single
Do you have any Children? No
Height 5ft2 - 5ft4 / 1.57m-1.63m
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Brunette
Race/Ethnicity White-Caucasian
Do you have any Pets? Dog
Do you want Children? 2

A little about me...

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February 19, 2006
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February 19, 2006
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February 19, 2006
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Welcome to Xianz Andrea! Have a great time here with all your friends in Christ. Blessings.
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