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Catholic priest shares earthy advice that his own steelworker father passed on to him. Simple questions meant to help people make serious decisions that could affect their entire lives.
Channels // Education Youth
Added: 528 days ago by fatherjeffrey |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:05:55 | Views: 3535 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 3
MxPx Responsibility
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Added: 570 days ago by FireByNight |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:03:01 | Views: 2101 | Favorited: 7 | Comments: 3
As a born again Christian I know my Bible says how my God does not show partiality from one race to another (Acts 10:34-36). I also know that Westerners like me aren’t really covenant minded and my God is a covenant God, Who has covenant responsibility. The good news today is the decision, which side we stand, is down to us as individuals. From the week of the June 14 2004 ‘Believer’s Voice of Victory’ broadcast: ‘Signs of the Times’ – - Billye Brim joins Gloria Copeland and teaches on the Biblical origins of the nations of the earth, the location of Eden and the reason why judgments of nations are coming upon nations like Iraq today. Scripture references in the excerpt: Genesis 6:1-5; Genesis 10:1-6, 21-22, 32; Genesis 9:1; Genesis 10:8, 10; Genesis 11:1-4, 7-8; Jeremiah 50; Jeremiah 51; Isaiah 13, 14; Genesis 12:1-3; Leviticus 20:24, 26 Genealogy of the sons of Noah, mentioned in the excerpt: Japheth: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, Tiras; Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put, Canaan Shem, Eber, Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, Aram. See my own Hebrew artwork and Judaica at
Added: 99 days ago by douglasrickard |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:09:58 | Views: 208 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 0
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