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Added: 344 days ago by nigeburr |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:06:34 | Views: 538 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Added: 344 days ago by nigeburr |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:07:48 | Views: 559 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Catholic priest shares earthy advice that his own steelworker father passed on to him. Simple questions meant to help people make serious decisions that could affect their entire lives.
Channels // Education Youth
Added: 528 days ago by fatherjeffrey |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:05:55 | Views: 3535 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 3
With each passing year, America loses more of its moral foundation. Abortion is rampant, we are on the verge of legitimizing homosexual marriage, and every vestige of our nation's Christian heritage is being systematically removed from public view. Many people are aware of the problem, but how do we restore the foundation? The most important issue cited by voters for George W. Bush during the 2004 presidential election was "values". There are more churches and denominations, Bible translations, evangelistic outreaches, Christian radio stations and books than anytime in history. So why is Christianity losing its influence on our society, and how do we stop the moral freefall? Starting with the decline of Christianity in England (from 60% church attendance in 1940 to 3% today) this talk reveals what is at the heart of America's moral slide. This explosive presentation uses movie clips from 50 years of media conditioning, unforgettable demonstrations, and fast paced visuals to show how we are being trained to reject Biblical teaching. It also gives an overview from every area of science revealing how we can KNOW that God's Word can be trusted. Listeners are challenged to become doers and equipped with the tools they need to bring the light of truth to a rapidly darkening culture. http://www.nwcreation.net/presentations/BruceMalone/WhyAm... For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Romans 1:20 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, Romans 1:21,22 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 2Corinthians 4:3,4 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. Romans 10:3,4 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1Corinthians 2:14 And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. John 12:47,48 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. 1Corinthians 1:18,19 They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. 1John 4:5,6 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. John 3:19
Channels // Education Evangelism Youth
Added: 311 days ago by acts2031 |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:48:42 | Views: 554 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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53% of all church leaders have a problem with porn!..... 47% of Christians homes have a problem with porn!..... Internet porn exposure begins at age 11!..... Largest subscribers to internet porn are ages 12 to 17!..... Don R. Key A New Path Ministries 8610 White Rd. Pine Bluff AR. 71603..... For Don's testimony - http://www.anewpathministries.org..... anewpathministries@gmail.com
Tags // lust  pornraphy  sex  porn 
Added: 308 days ago by acts2031 |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:28:26 | Views: 551 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Bible study on God's commission for women to preach and pastor, based on the correct interpretation of New Testament passages. Commentary on women's subjugation historically, with particular focus on 19th century missionary outreaches, as well as contemporary attitudes. High recommendation of the book, "God's Word To Women" (1923) by Katherine Bushnell, and new scholarship references given at: www.godswordtowomen.org.
Tags // Women  Church  Bible  Preach  Pastor  Sexism  Feminism 
Channels // Bible Study Church Sermons
Added: 269 days ago by HYMNSING |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:05:42 | Views: 485 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Bible study on God's commission for women to preach and pastor, based on the correct interpretation of New Testament passages. Commentary on women's subjugation historically, with particular focus on 19th century missionary outreaches, as well as contemporary attitudes. High recommendation of the book, "God's Word To Women" (1923) by Katherine Bushnell, and new scholarship references given at: www.godswordtowomen.org.
Channels // Bible Study Church Sermons
Added: 269 days ago by HYMNSING |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:09:12 | Views: 430 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Bible study on God's commission for women to preach and pastor, based on the correct interpretation of New Testament passages. Commentary on women's subjugation historically, with particular focus on 19th century missionary outreaches, as well as contemporary attitudes. High recommendation of the book, "God's Word To Women" (1923) by Katherine Bushnell, and new scholarship references given at: www.godswordtowomen.org.
Channels // Bible Study Church Sermons
Added: 269 days ago by HYMNSING |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:09:41 | Views: 449 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Hells Bells 2 - Satanic Sex and Rock & Roll - Section 6. Mojo Rising
Tags // hells  bells  music  expose  satanic  sex  rock  roll 
Added: 579 days ago by RobbieD |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:58:06 | Views: 1856 | Favorited: 1 | Comments: 2
OUR PAIN - Inspire Bristol - Collecting Stuff – 2/6 – Nige Burr, from the UK, like you, has suffered at the hands of others. This can make a person bitter and twisted. The pain we carry around with us will stop us hitting our potential. There is a way through to make life dynamic and fulfilled and to get rid of the pain. www.inspirebristol.co.uk
Added: 344 days ago by nigeburr |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:07:53 | Views: 526 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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By Dr. M. James Hollowood..... How Can Four Versions, All Different Be The Word of God: Comparing The Rejected RSV to Present Day Versions.... Pastor D. A. Waite Th.D, Ph.D.... http://www.biblefortoday.org..... BFT@BibleForToday.org..... 1-856-854-4747..... The TNIV - Does Character Matter in Translators? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TqLCS0BPfo..... The Spanish Bible Problems by Dr. Humberto Gomez - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tu4WtihVwb0..... Contemporary English Version Critique #1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_LC0VFWffY..... Contemporary English Version Critique #2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mKHLJ-ZnI0..... GNOSTIC HERESIES AND MODERN BIBLE VERSIONS #1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU8-R890sZ0 (more)
Added: 275 days ago by acts2031 |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:38:35 | Views: 470 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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When I first heard this song I thought of the Parable of the \
Tags // lost  million  dallar  man  Jesus  repent  believe  drugs  drinking  sex  money 
Channels // Evangelism
Added: 610 days ago by RobbieD |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:02:56 | Views: 1496 | Favorited: 2 | Comments: 3
Nicky Cruz is protrayed in the movie The Cross and The Switchblade. Sent to us by softpetals777 - http://www.youtube.com/user/softpetals777 who obtained it from http://www.freecdtracts.com
Added: 90 days ago by acts2031 |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:06:54 | Views: 257 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 0
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WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT DEATH Death is certain but the Bible speaks about untimely death! Make a personal reflection about this. Very interesting, read until the end. It is written in the Bible (Galatians 6:7): "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Here are some men and women who mocked God: JOHN LENNON: Some years before, during his interview with an American Magazine, he said, "Christianity will end, it will disappear. I do not have to argue about that. I am certain. Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple, today we are more famous than Him" (1966). Lennon, after saying that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, was shot six times. TANCREDO NEVES (President of Brazil): During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got 500,000 votes from his party, not even God would remove Him from Presidency. Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before being made President, then he died. CAZUZA (Bi-sexual Brazilian composer, singer and poet): During a show in Canecďo (Rio de Janeiro), whilst smoking his cigarette, he puffed out some smoke into the air and said; "God, that's for you." He died at the age of 32 of AIDS in a horrible manner. THE MAN WHO BUILT THE TITANIC: After the construction of the Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic would d be. With an ironic tone he said; "Not even God can sink it" The result: I think you all know what happened to the Titanic. MARILYN MONROE: She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation of a show. He said the Spirit of God had sent him to preach to her. After hearing what the Preacher had to say, she said, "I don't need your Jesus". A week later, she was found dead in her apartment. BON SCOTT: The ex-vocalist of the AC/DC. On one of his 1979 songs he sang: "Don't stop me, I'm going down all the way, down the highway to hell" On the 19th of February 1980, Bon Scott was found dead, he had been choked by his own vomit. CAMPINAS/SP IN 2005: In Campinas, Brazil a group of friends, drunk, went to pick up a friend. The mother accompanied her to the car and was so worried about the drunkenness of her friends and she said to the daughter – holding her hand, who was already seated in the car: "MY DAUGHTER, GO WITH GOD AND MAY HE PROTECT YOU." She responded: "ONLY IF HE (GOD) TRAVELS IN THE TRUNK, CAUSE INSIDE HERE IT'S ALREADY FULL". Hours later, news came by that they had been involved in a fatal accident, everyone had died, the car could not be recognized what type of car it had been, but surprisingly, the trunk was intact. The police said there was no way the trunk could have remained intact. To their surprise, inside the trunk was a crate of eggs, none were broken. Christine Hewitt: A Jamaican Journalist and entertainer, said the Bible (Word of God) was the worst book ever written, in June 2006 she was found burnt beyond recognition in her motor vehicle. Many more important people have forgotten that there is no other name that was given so much authority as the name of Jesus. Many have died, but only Jesus died and rose again, and he is still alive Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Chose your words, for they become actions Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny. Have a great life with a destiny of your choice.
Tags // Not  My  Imagination 
Channels // Music Testimonials Worship
Added: 479 days ago by Somebody |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:04:02 | Views: 996 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Our Turn Now!
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Channels // Education Music
Added: 570 days ago by RobbieD |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:01:37 | Views: 912 | Favorited: 1 | Comments: 1
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Added: 304 days ago by excatholics |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:10:22 | Views: 570 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Catholic priest preaches on The grandeur of sexuality and the evil of sin. Shows the wonder of human sexuality as a part of God's plan and the devastation that an abuse of sexuality has caused individuals and the culture
Channels // Education Sermons
Added: 463 days ago by fatherjeffrey |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:15:32 | Views: 793 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Dr. Joe Chambers interviews professor Mollenkott and discusses her lesbian influence on the words used in the NIV....... Three things stood out from the interview with Pastor Chambers by Tony Smart; D. Min...... I. Her interpretation of the word "effeminate" in 1 Corinthians 6:9. (Gr. malakos) would not be translated by the KJV scholars as womanizers as she stated since the word "pornos" or fornicators is already used in the text. They understood the word to mean a man who was soft, thus womanlike in his behavior. It is listed between adulterers and abusers of themselves with mankind, both of which are sexual sins...... II. Dr. Mollenkott clearly stated that she does not believe she needs cleansing by the blood of Christ. The theology of the Old and New Testaments makes it clear that the blood is necessary to wash away sins. (Leviticus 17: Romans 5:9-10; Hebrews 9:22; 1 Peter 1:18-19)...... III. Dr. Mollenkott stated that "we were all in the Roman Catholic church the first four centuries of church history." This is false as they were many independent congregations that received apostolic teaching and were in no way under a centralized hierarchy of priests. She obviously believes that theRoman Catholic church is the original church which of course it is not. It is a perversion of true NewTestament Christianity....... Open Bible Dialogue is a unique radio ministry. The format is exciting talk radio, but the subjects are all clearly committed to the infallible Holy Scripture. While the Word of God needs no defense, we defend historic truths long championed by those that believe the inerrancy of the Bible. The subjects range from false teachings like "holy laughter" to great doctrines like the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Tough subjects facing the Church today are openly discussed on this one hour broadcast! This ministry believes that our God is a supernatural God and He is still in the supernatural business. It is as natural for our God to be supernatural as it is for us who are natural to be natural. The finished work of Calvary is our theme and truth is our boundary. Don't miss another broadcast!....... Previous shows are available in our Broadcast Archives (http://www.pawcreek.org/obd_listings.htm) area and are available for you to listen to at any time or can be downloaded to your MP3 device (coming soon!) and taken with you....... Listen Live! Every Saturday • 1:00 pm - 2: 00 pm EST Call our studio line to be "on the air"! 1-800-338-7884...... Paw Creek Ministries 5110 Tuckaseegee Road Charlotte, NC 28208 USA http://www.pawcreek.org/obd.htm.... Telephone: (704) 391-0588 (Local Area) Toll Free: 1-800-33TRUTH (1-800-338-7884) (Outside Charlotte, NC)...... International: 011-704-391-0588 (Outside USA) Fax: (704) 391-9592..... Email: pawcreek@pawcreek.org...... The NIV Committee on Bible Translation - http://www.bible-researcher.com/niv-translators.html..... Yvonne Waite: An Interview with Lesbian Virginia Mollenkott - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ssfgzQhLTw..... Viginia Mollenkott - "You know the average reader in America reads at an 8th or 9th grade level [therefore the NIV is more understandable then the KJV]." The following video proves that the KJV is the at a lower grade reading level than all the modern translations: Which Translation is Most Understandable - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APSUQfoVuNY.....
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Added: 129 days ago by acts2031 |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:47:07 | Views: 249 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 0
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BY Mr. Mark Reno..... TNIV & HOMOSEXUALITY http://www.av1611.org/kjv/tniv_homo.html..... For more information on the NIV and Virginia Mollenkott the following publications are available from Bible For Today at http://www.biblefortoday.org..... *Cassette #2490 Lesbian Virginia Mollenkott Exposed & Her Part on the NIV..... *Cassette #2491 Lesbian Virginia Mollenkott-Her Lesbianism & Part in the NIV..... *Cassette #0697 Interview With Pro-Lesbian Virginia Mollenkott..... *Paper #2319 Lesbian Mollenkott (On NIV Committee) Out of Closet..... *Paper #2439 Lesbian Mollenkoot Interview on NIV Translation and Homosexuality..... *Paper #0518 Womens' Lib (Evangel.) Refuted -- Mollenkott Exposed..... *Paper #2298 Sodomy and the NIV—Proper Perspective On the Bible..... 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Romans 1:26-28..... Live broadcasting with instant message 24/7, free downloads, Ipod, and dial up - http://www.warneveryonestudios.com
Tags // BFTwaite  TNIV  HOMOSEXUALITY  Westcott  Hort  NKJV  RSV  NIV  CEV  NWT 
Added: 284 days ago by acts2031 |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:17:35 | Views: 473 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Weekly Commentary
Added: 192 days ago by excatholics |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:07:50 | Views: 365 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 0
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