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URL: xianz.com/Shelly_Wilson
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Artist/Band Info Albums & Tour Friends & Fans updated 05/07/2007
Gospel / Black Gospel / A Cappella

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Member since 06/06/2006
5 photos in album
43 Fans & Friends
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Shelly's General Info

Member Since
June 6, 2006 8:52 am
Band Website
Click Here
Band Members
Shelly Wilson is joined in performances by Jewels for Jesus and their drama and praise dance.
Beth Moore-an awesome teacher of the Word Cece Winan and Vicki Winan The Mcraes
Sounds Like
Gospel with a hint of country and blues
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In the Midst
A soulful sound of praise and thanks to Jesus Christ, the lover of my soul

Tour Dates/Shows

Sat Sep 30 6:30:25 2006 - Last Harvest Celebration Concert {Free}
Plaza Theatre, Garland
Texas, United States
Wed Sep 27 7:00:31 2006 - See You at the Pole-Troup High School {Free}
Texas, United States - 75789
See you at the Pole
Sat Sep 16 7:00:44 2006 - Bergfeld Park {Free}
Texas, United States - 75701
Concert with Shelly Wilson sharing the stage with Indie Praise and worship artist Kerri Crocker and a moving testimony for God's faithfulness and grace by Julie Lepelley
Sun Oct 15 10:30:00 2006 - First Christian Churchf {Free}
Conway Springs
KS, Any
Sunday service with other guest artists
Sat Oct 14 0:53:01 2006 - Advancing the Kingdom Festival {Free}
Conway Springs
KS, Any
Christian Festival-all day event
Fri Oct 13 10:51:26 2006 - Advancing the Kingdom Festival {Free}
Conway Springs
KS, Any
Christian Festival-evening dance and fun stuff
Rank: 3663
# of Votes 3
Overall: 9.25
Character: 7.0000
Personality: 10.0000
Style: 10.0000
Profile: 10.0000
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Psalm 113:3 "From the Rising of the sun to the going down of the same, the name of the Lord is to be praised!"
In the Midst
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Latest Blog: October 21, 2007

As I sit with the Lord this morning I asked Him what He would have me share with you all. Then I started to reflect on the past year with Him. What blessings He has poured out over my life and the life of my family. Some through hard decisions that cause us to have great trust in Him, some through trials and tribulations, and some just because He wanted toJ...I remember when I promised Him I would follow Him no matter what and honestly there have been times where "the no matter what" was excruciatingly painful or difficult. I am reminded of Paul saying in Eph 6:20 "I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly as I should." It's a duty to Him as He took up a cross for my sins!! The road may be difficult at times as He doesn't promise it to be a bed of roses, but it is so worth it. The mere thought that I might not live in His daily presence fills me with way more fear and trembling and sadness than I could ever experience from choosing to walk with Him and maybe being what some may call "abnormal."

Last weekend we finished up our last big weekend of the 2007 Full Circle Tour.. 4 opportunities to show Jesus and were exhausted. By the last night, I had a full blown bronchial infection apparently that would not allow me to hit some notes and honestly to me sounded horrible. When Kerri and I walked up to the stage of that church, I told them I am sorry but tonight I might be "making a joyful noise" in the truest form, but the enemy would love it too much if I cancelled so I refused.. Bless that church and loving people for enduring that for the sake of giving God some extra glory and infuriating the enemy to no end!! Although it was definitely a humbling experience, I walked away knowing I got a good one in over Satan!!Years ago I would never have sung without perfect vocal ability (if there is such a thing..Mainly not being sick..) But now I have learned it's not about being "perfect" it's about being "faithful" and "imperfect" which translates to "transparency." People need to see our hearts transparently and the Lord prefers it I am sure of it.. Luckily, God blessed me daughter, Allyson, with an incredible voice and she stepped in for me to SHINE a bit for Jesus. For that I am grateful as I know the Lord has special plans for her too in His kingdom.

Then my attention shifted to the last 5 or so years when the Lord grabbed my heart so tenderly and all I could do was just be amazed. The Lord has blessed me with many new songs lately as I began to pray specifically that He would make me a songwriter. And honesty just about every trial, divine moment,etc comes out now in a song.  Wow! He is so incredible! I want to share a song that He gave me as I reflected over my initial falling in love with Him. My thoughts and heart cant wait until I hear these to music. Although most who know me know I am  very emotional with the Lord. I become overwhelmed when I think of His grace on my life- when I wasn't even looking for Him really!!

I Wasn't Even Looking for You

I wasn't even looking for you, when your voice I began to hear,
With a heart simply broken into, a void only you could fill.
With laughter just a memory, your presence I began to see.
And little glimpses of your face became a reality.

What kind of grace is that? That you would even come at all?
And stretch out your hand to save me from an overwhelming fall.
Full of fear, full of shame, and full of such grief,
Standing in quick sand with sinking defeat
But flooded with mercy and passionate pursuit you would not be overruled,
Intending to carve the hardness away even if I wasn't looking for you.

Still you nudged your way through my softening heart,
With whispers into my spirit awakening my thoughts.
There was more to life than me, and more to life for me,
If I would firmly take your hand and let you rescue me.

You pulled me out of a pit for sure, on the solid rock I now stand,
What incredible journeys we have taken, hand in hand.
I shake my head in wonderment that you would even choose
To rescue me from such despair, when I wasn't even looking for you.


It is true that God desires to love all over you. That was has happened to me is not just for me, but for everybody! For He desires all to be saved and live in His "fullness." If you know you are not living in all HE has planned for you, then simply talk to Him about it.. When you seek, you will find- Seek Him wholeheartedly- He will be there as soon as you say the word!!

Much love to you all! May you be "abnormal" for the Lord by earthly standards, but "zealous" for Him as Paul was. May you claim your journey even if it scares you to death as did Moses, Joshua, Jeremiah, Noah-I am sure the world called them "abnormal" tooJ

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A Little About ...

Here For Networking, encouraging others, and finding new friends
Interests searching after the Lord, singing and performing, read His awesome word, and loving on my kids
About me

Shelly is a born again Christian saved at an early age but didnt really experience the awesomeness of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ until later in life. After going through a difficult time, the Lord showed her that her dream of singing was a reality but was to be used for His glory. He walked her through her past of failures and showed her how He used them to prepare her for His work. She now chases after Him daily and is excited to see what He holds for her hoping that above all she will not forsake the journey-Keeping all eyes on her Father.




Denomination Interdenominational

Shelly's Bio

Have you ever heard that we must be broken in order to serve Him? Well that is my story. My Lord broke me, healed me, and changed me. One of my favorite scriptures is Proverbs 3:5-6 “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and not your own judgments, always let Him lead you and He will clear a path for you to follow.” I am a soulful singer with a heart in love with Jesus. My style is a cross from country and blues. I hope to reach others with the story of Christ and His unfailing mercy and grace. In this spirit I love to perform and use the stage as a platform to make Jesus famous. With some help from my friends-Jewels for Jesus-we praise the Lord with passion. We believe in a dynamic show that puts us into a place of worship and surrender before the Lord. I am nothing more than an unworthy sinner saved only by His grace. I am an insecure individual with many blessings I do not deserve. But He has taught me “He will never leave you comfortless, he will come to you.”(John 14:18) and “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13). For His Glory!

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Shouts: Shelly's Latest Shoutouts from Fans & Friends


:) :D :(
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:tired: :nono: :yuck:
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Testimonials for Shelly

this user is offline nowsend Tawana a messageadd Tawana as a personal friendblock/ignore Tawana  Tawana options (Contemporary)
October 08, 2006


Keep up the good work for the Lord!!!  Looking forward to being on the TX Indieheaven Tour with you!!!

In Christ,





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September 07, 2006
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August 05, 2006







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July 16, 2006

If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.

If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.

He sends you flowers every spring & a sunrise every morning.

Whenever you want to talk, He listens.

He could live anywhere in the universe & He chose your heart.

What about that Christmas gift He sent you in Bethlehem, not to mention that Friday at Calvary?

Face it! He's crazy about you!

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July 07, 2006
Thanks for your kind words!
You get the 80's BIG HAIR picture of me!

Visit Charlie & Heather
~ Charlie

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June 25, 2006

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.  Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;  but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:28-31

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June 18, 2006
Welcome to Xianz!

this user is offline nowsend Andrea C. Parker a messageadd Andrea C. Parker as a personal friendblock/ignore Andrea C. Parker  Andrea C. Parker options (Singer-Songwriters)
June 06, 2006

Glad to have you around here! 

I think you will like it here!


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June 06, 2006
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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