It's been a while since I visited Xianz land!!! I hope everyone is well. I thought I would come see some of the old and new people kicking around here:) WAnted to see whats going on.
For me the past six months have been full of twists and turns. Since the break up of my marriage and life being so filled with uncertainty for my daughters and I, I've learned a lot about myself and my faith. The summer was filled with friends and fun (some good some not so good) and then it was back to work in September at my school in a grade four classroom. I prayed I would get full time this year to assist me with financially providing for my girls and God granted me that and more!!! I was given an almost two dolloar an hour raise!!!!
Just when I knew that was all happening my car broke down. Now if you are or have ever been a single parent you would know how stressful that can be. Here I was no money, and now no way to get to work. How frustrating. Once again I was at a loss for what to do, but God provided once again and just when I had almost given up, I had a good friend help me find a way to buy a new car.
So it's been quite a ride. The girls are both in school now and life is busy as ever, but positive. I'm getting stronger each day and I feel I'm learning to make better decisions for my life.
If you are going through a hard time, I encourage you today to keep trying, and not give up. Everyone has a story, you are not alone.
I love...
Jesus, kids, piano music, the sound of water crashing against a beach (cuz that also probably means I'm actually AT the beach), the smell of coffee in the morning, sleeping zzzzzzzz, good food, cooking good food, coco de fluffy, my parents, when the house is quiet, listening to a kitten purr, the sound of childrens laughter, new born babies, hearing good news, spending time with friends, shopping, decorating my house (although you'd never know it) YOU!!!!!
WOW it's been a while how's everybody out there in XIANZland.....
I have one more week of school before summer. WOW I can't believe it. Then I'm off on a vacation...the girls and I for 15 days YEAH. I bought a little lake lot...which unfortunately needs a lot of work please keep that in your prayers as I'd really like it if it could be a place of refuge for the girls and I in the future. GRRR something ALWAYS goes wrong! I usually come out smelling like roses after it all though
AH life is full of twists and turns isn't it? I know that really good things MUST be around the corner, so I'm just waiting, God IS good....he's looking out for all of us. PTL!!!!
I woke up SO late this morning. ARG I usually don't sleep through my alarm. Have had a lot going on lately though.
Here's some thoughts that I though would encourage you today. My mom sent these verses to me at just the perfect time, what a blessing.
" I will restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." 1 Peter 5:10
"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you;
I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh...
I will be your God."
Ezekiel 36:26-28
Sometimes we feel like life is crumbling around you or maybe you have a broken heart. I can assure you today, that God is faithful and restores ALL things. Believe in HIM, pick up, and dust off, He will carry you:)
I can't believe it snowed here AGAIN. It was the wet slushy kinda snow. Felt more like rain really. But still a bummer its APRIL. HELLO UP THERE STOP SNOWING ON US PLEASE...not to be bossy or anything, but seriously, I WANT SUN!!!!!
Sorry to complain....
On a lighter note, check out this link and sign up, super easy and a quick way to make $$ if you spend a lot of time on the web.
Gigglez, not sure how we'd manage a girlz nite out, but it sure sounds like lots of fun, woohoo! We could even take OUR GIRLZ! We could let them be the grown ups and we'd be the teens, wait............... that is how it normally is for me anyhow, hmmmmmmmmmm............. might need to reconsider this situation, how about just me and you for a girlz night out! COFFEE? PIZZA? SALAD? How about just a sandy beach, some snackum foods, and a gentle breeze and some peace and serenity and girl chatter and gigglez, sounds kinda nice don't ya think?
Anywho, just cruisin' thru saying HI and GOD BLESS YA SUGAR!
Thank you so much for the kind words :).. LOL if one didn't have the bad days... they wouldn't know what the good days were ... God bless ya.. And may you be blessed with a Good Day