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My URL: xianz.com/LILmissNORTH
Krissy updated 09/22/2008
  3922 views. 12 since last visit 09/22

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#38717 Member since 08/02/2007
URL: xianz.com/LILmissNORTH


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english, pig latin a lil spanish and a lil dutch.
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homeless bird, green angel, lady in the water '>0" width="300" height="248">
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lady in the water, The good son, the girl down the lane, the good son, the crying game.
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arizona and navada ^^

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The day my life went spireling off the border of crazy May 18th, 2007 I MISS YOU JOSH! "ILM in loving memory"

Latest Blog: July 15, 2008

July 11th 2008 =[ im not for sure what time it was but he just couldn't handel the pain anymore and took a bullet to himself =[ i won't lie and say it was for the better or the wrose because i dont know if it was or not but hez gone now... and it was selfesh...i mean i under stand that he couldent handel the pain but he hurt so many good ppl when he did that to himself =[ idk what i am going to do as of living arangements i may either live with my grandparents and go to KVHS or stay with arlynda and go to south high...ppl say i am stong like he was.. that even tho i have cryed im still keeping strong and i only cry when i know i can.. most ppl say suicide will take you to hell i used to say the same thing but ppl told me in some cases it's okay and god will take you into heaven any way i'm not sure where he is or what he is doing now but im glad it's over i miss him like crazy but god had his plan and this was it, but the wrose part is that i never got to say goodbye or tell him i loved him.... he was a great person and alchohole killed him so NEVER drink plz it does awful things to you and even if you dont relize it , it hurts ppl around you.. well i loved him and i always will and i will never forget him ever... ily daddy your always be with me in my heart<3

R.i.p David Williams-Worth Blackburn 9-11-65/7-11-08 we love you<3

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A little about me...

Here For my friends of course :D and maybe i will find love again :D
Gender Female
Age 80
Location Bakersfield, CA, United States
Interests MUSIC!!! swimming horse back ridding reading writting school paintball air soft TV internet learning new things
Hometown Weldon
Schools south fork, ceaser chavez, south fork, emerson, standard
About me




boyfriend-1.jpg boyfriend image by mel_bean

 1zmgrgo.jpg heart beat image by itsa_cloudyday_sunshine


no.gif love image by ilu-13


Best of friends


-Michelle Carliel

-Cody Sanford

-Justin Gregory

- Breanna Leon

-Jacob Mcgrew

- Nick randel

- Ethan blackburn

- Aaron blackburn

- Dillon bowen

-Ali tompset

-Brock Adams

-Nat Guillian



i dont have to be stick thin if i want to be a model

i dont have to have BEAUTIFUL hair to be in a shampoo commercial

i dont have to wear makeup to make ppl think i'm pretty

i can be pretty all on my own,

no fancy make up, no fancy hair products, and i can eat

as much as i want ;D

and the best part is that i am me and i'm acctully okay with that :D


Im Krissy :) Nuf said :)

This was the sweetest guy on earth now he is the sweetest guy in heaven and we all miss him like crazy *Cancer Sux........* Joshua Charles Hilton-White June 4, 1994-May 18, 2007 may god bless ur soul lil man <3 i bet ur the star of the football team for all the 12 year old angels up there<3
It's been a year this very day today "I wrote this May 18, 2008" =[



Denomination Anglican
Current Mood coca de fluffy

A little about me...

Do you drink alcohol? Special Occasions
Marital Status Married
Body Type Petite
Do you have any Children? One day
Height 5ft - 5ft2 / 1.52m-1.57m
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Dark Blonde
Race/Ethnicity Mixed
Do you have any Pets? Dog
Do you want Children? Undecided

A little about me...

Position/Title Gardener XD
Occupation singer/acttress in training ^^
Salary Under 15K

A little about me...

Education High School
High School North high

Blog Date: June 14, 2008

Today is the first day we just concitered it =[

we call the foster care ppl on monday

i'll still be here in cali but not in bakersfield

prolly near La or maybe near san fransisco idk

I will keep you updated with each bit of information i get

untill then plz pray that if i do get into foster care

its a nice one

i just cant handel all this crap any more... <3

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Blog Date: June 11, 2008


he drank yesterday and picked me up

he was driving crazy

and he was scaring me =[

he trew his phone at the windshield and cracked it

he got mad at that and started punching the roof

i un buckeled to calm him down

and he slamed the breaks

i broke the windshield with my head

my head started to bleed but he didnt know

he just started freaking out hugging me and kissing me crying

i told him i was fine

we finally got home

him and arlynda started arguing and fighting

then i head crashes and slapping

i ran into the bathroom with my puppy

and called 911 because i knew we had a gun in the house

i was crying so hard and shaking i could hardly hold the phone

they came and got him

and i left to liz'z

i came home to ansewer some questions the cops had for me

then they took him

he sat in the drunk tank all night and came home today

he was fine but then at about 10ish tonight he started to drink beers with our neighbor terry "a guy"

and got drun k again and asked for the keys

so he could go get more beers

and now i wanna give up

i dont want him like this

but arlynda says if he keeps this up

we are leaving him

our life was going great untill this happened =[

plz pray for our family it's to good right now to be torn apart this fast =[

and if you dont belive this story find a way for me to prove it's true and i will

trust me i wish i was lying

but thats the sad part im not

and sure i should care more

but again its sad but

i dont think i do any more

i thought he had changed ... =[

but hez asleep now i just hope this is the end of it... i pray

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Blog Date: June 08, 2008

okay im at my birthday party with my bf and his brother and my EX and my other EX just showed up omg kill me it's so hard to even talk right now it's scary **** i'm so scared and just omg :( plz god just help me and let this all work out oh plz plz plz! i need things to work out so bad right now plz plz this is not my best day this sux why does my life do this ahhhrg! :(

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Blog Date: June 03, 2008

Well It's my Birthday today

June Third 2008 ")

I turned 15 today ")

I went to summer school today and goffed off in class with Cody Raven jacob and gage ")

i saw blanch today for the first time in a year i missed her ")

i saw chyann to for the first time in months ")

I went to Wendy's after school with Breanna and Chris ")

Breanna bought todays food she had a chicken sandwitch

and i had a chicken wrap and chris had a frosty ")

I found out he liked me today ") he is an amazing guy about my best friend acctully

He is 6'3 146 pounds sorta longish brown hair died a lil dark blue in his bangs he wears skinny jeans and a stripped Fallen jacket He has Black glasses and braces but idc i think it's cute ") he has Light blue eyes that are so beautiful! he has a wanna be lil beard on his chin but it's funny he knows Piglatin! i talk to him in it all the time :) he speaks Horse latin to but i dont really get horse latin it's to confusing i'll stick to Pig latin lol he gives awsome hugs and his entire arm can fit around my wait and he can still reach into his pocket and take out my cell phone that he took while we were sitting at the booth at wendy's and while he held me he keep tickeling me and poking my side to make me laugh "he enjoys my laugh lol" i went to grab his hand to pull it off "im major tickelish" and he grabed it and held it ") we just sat there and waiting for my dad "he was suposed to pick me up at wendy's at 1:30 it was like 2:30 well i saw a yellow car and yelled bannanna and we started the bannana game each time u see a yellow car u say bannanna and get a point for each yellow hummer you get 25 and the first person to get 30 points wins we played till we got to 3 cars each that was it then my grand ma and my mom called to sing me happy birthday ")  then we just sat there i layed my head on the tabel held his hand and he had his arm around my waist and the other holding my hand and his head on my shoulders ") then they kicked us out because we had been there 2 hours lol well then my mom showed up and bought us each a soda and when the lady who kicked us out relized we were waiting for someone she apoligized alot and then my mom told her it was my birthday and she was like :o im so sorry! lol it was funny well then we said good bye and he gave me a hug and rode home on his bike and i went to my moms house and my dad picked me up and let me drive home to make up for being late "yes he lets me drive sometimes the farthest was 15 minutes to school and 15 minutes back ")"  then we got home and i kinda dont wanna say what he let me do for turning 15 lets just say he let me do somethings he would normaly never ever let me do but he says i need to do them so i dont have to sneek behind his back and do it, well now i cant wait for tomorow , tomorow chris turns 17 and we are going to pizza hut after school and im paying >.< i wonder what wonders i have in store for tomorow ") well this was my day in a taco shell ") message me later <3

ppl I appriciate for being there and that help me make it threw the day

1:Chris Robberts

2:Morgan Benn

3:Michelle Carliel

4:My Mommy

5:My Daddy

") thank you ppl you are my everything <3

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My Shouts: Krissy's Latest Shoutouts from Friends


:) :D :(
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:bomb: :bye: :bye2:
:sick: :shiny: :clapping:
:love: :king: :cupid:
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:tired: :nono: :yuck:
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08/30 CALLED TO LOVE: A Book About Christian Love ( For Sale) - this user is offline nowsend jim a messageadd jim as a personal friendblock/ignore jim  jim options

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June 23, 2008


I love ya and i really do care bout u alot. are u ok? i missed u greatly. I truly

missed hearing from u lately too. please keep in touch with me sweetness.

keep reading God's Word daily. and keep praying to the Lord often at all times.

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May 25, 2008


wow I love your new beautiful hair and i love your new beautiful

photo of u! wow u keep getting more beautiful everyday! I love ya lots.

this is my favorite new photo of u! u are so beautful and very pretty!

this profile photo now is my all time favorite of your new photo!

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May 02, 2008

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April 25, 2008

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April 08, 2008


I missed u alot and missed hearing from u lately. and i love ya lots too.

are u ok? how are u doing? i really do care bout u alot as well. I'm

thinking of u today and often. and you're always in my prayers too.

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April 06, 2008

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March 24, 2008


I really have missed u greatly and missed hearing from u lately too.

I love you lots with all of my heart as well. and u are a beautiful

friend and sister in Christ! keep reading God's Word daily!

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March 23, 2008
aww how cute!

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March 23, 2008
hi krissy, thanks for the testimonial =] hope you have a happy easter

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March 19, 2008

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February 23, 2008

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February 14, 2008

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February 07, 2008
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November 03, 2007
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHey you!!!! I just wanted 2 say ily!!!!! You are the bestest!!! Hope we can talk soon... lol  ---Ashley<333

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November 01, 2007
ZWANI.com - The place for myspace comments, glitters, graphics, backgrounds and codes
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October 28, 2007

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October 20, 2007

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September 09, 2007

the warbler    

Words by Steve Hindalong

What about the thunder we hear
any time the lightning reappears?
Never fear the darkness of the shock three hundred sixty strokes before heaven already eleven o’clock.
Listen to the warbler’s rhapsody.
He never chirps any funeral melody.
He doesn’t mind the night sky or the hawk.
Sorry lovers take wing under heaven, bells ringing eleven o’clock.
Eleven o’clock.
You must believe it true when I swear we’re alive.
Beware the deceiver.
He’s a killer and a liar.
A killer and a liar.
Your spirit and your eyes are on fire.
Celebrate the wonder of lunar light.
Listen to how the coyote sings at the sight.
Never mind that drum dirge you hear droning.
Fade away into oblivion.
Let decay anyone moaning.
Anyone moaning.
You must believe it true when I swear we’re alive.
Beware the deceiver.
He’s a killer and a liar.
A chiller of desire.
Your spirit and your eyes are on fire.
Listen to the warbler’s rhapsody.
He never sings any funeral melody.
Disregard anybody moaning.
Never mind that drum dirge droning.
What about that thunder we both hear anytime the lightning reappears?
Never dread the mystery of the shock three hundred sixty strokes to touch heaven.
It’s only eleven o’clock.
Eleven o’clock.

1 Peter 5:8

 8Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Matthew 6

Do Not Worry

25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]?

 28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

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September 09, 2007
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketily!!!!!!

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September 03, 2007
another one of those songs that touches me deeply. 

One Thing I know
words: Jason Alan Whitmore, Joel Lindsey

Something in your Eyes I see
Reminds Me of What used to be
When I was still uncertain of the truth
Sleepless nights that turn to days
Alone inside an endless maze
Counting on someone to see me through

If there's one thing I know, you are never left
'Cause you can always call on Jesus' name
If There's one thing I pray, It's Jesus helps you
Find a way
To make a change and Listen to your heart
God will take away your pain
If you choose to let it go
If there's one one thing I know.

How Can I convince your heart
His light can find you in the dark
And only He can make your blind eyes see
For if we speak of lost things found
Of Lives that have been turned around
Then tell me who knows better, child, than me?

(Repeat Chorus)

I would never stake my life on any lesser thing
Than the cross of Christ where He gave His life
To Ease my suffering.

Hebrews 4:15

15For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin.

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