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Latest Blog: March 07, 2008

Suzy Bagoozy (blame that Swedish muppet)

I love C.H.Spurgeon as I love my life, he is of course famous for his many sermons. He also produced a complete commentary on the book of psalms, a book of proverbs and a book called John Ploughman's talk which are random sayings and quotes not particularly connected to a theme or topic. Suzy bagoozy will be after that style

John Calvin Why I have never read him

I very promptly made up my mind that I would never read anything written by Calvin when I read that he burned a man at the stake for holding a different opinion to the one he espoused, someone will say "well it was only one man" as opposed to the hundreds burned by the catholics, I don't suppose Servetus his victim would have found much comfort in that outlook,"but then" someone else will say, "this was the 16th century and people used to do such things." that will not wash, they had the scriptures as we have them, indeed the fame of Calvin is his thorough knowledge of scripture from which he was able to produce his wide ranging "Articles of religion" he therefore chose to ignore the words of Jesus, "thou shalt love thine enemies and pray for them that despitefully use you." there is no evidence that Servetus was even an enemy, only that he was of a different opinion. William Tyndale who was a contemporary of Calvin holding the same doctrinal views, which caused him to flee England to Geneva declared "it is a very wicked thing to do, to burn a man alive." I agree with him. St Paul said "what's the good of anything if we do not have love?" [heavily paraphrased] I agree with him. 

Corrie Ten Boom 

"The blood of Jesus Christ does not cleanse us from all our excuses, it cleanses us from all unrighteousness."


Go through, go through the gates, prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway, clear it of stones, lift up an ensign over the peoples I want to say something that may come as a shock to some people who seem to care more for a correct form of words than they do immortal souls of men and women. If you are presenting Jesus to somebody, and they stop and listen to you and they come under the power of The Holy Spirit, you do not need to throw stumbling blocks in their way, they ARE repenting, to repent is to turn, that's what the word means. If at that point in your witness you say "nay, nay, but you must repent" they will not know what they are to do more than they are doing. All you need to do is gently lead them to the cross in prayer, and when they ask the Lord (you leading them) to wash away their sins and grant to them the new Christ life in their spirit, God will answer them and they will be saved.

A certain sister.

A dear sister said to me recently with regard to witnessing "I believe that people have to be confronted with their sin." I asked her if she could readily think of an occasion in the gospels where Jesus did so on meeting people. I could think of a whole host of examples where He did not, I showed her from the scripture His words to Simon Peter when they met for the first time "So you are Simon, son of John? you shall be called Peter."  what about when He met James and John? "come follow Me, and I will make you....." Nathaniel, there's not a word of reproof or condemnation, indeed He said Nathaniel was a man without guile. Surely that rascal Mathew should have gotten a good "earwigging " or Zacharias in the tree, these were both publicans and sinners. Go through the gospels and see for yourself how Jesus dealt with people, the woman caught in the act of adultery (I wonder where the man was) maybe you are a more skilled soulwinner than the Master. Even when He was confronted with His arch enemies who were soon to be raising the rabble against Him, He said " I do not judge you... but that you might be saved."

Does that mean people do not need to repent? of course they do and we see the instances of their repentance. The Lord did not go around with a wrathful face and a bible under His arm ready to look up the scriptures to accuse and condemn people with, but that is precisely what an awful lot of supposedly bible believing christians do. St John tell us what Jesus what like, he said Moses gave us all that stuff but Jesus gave us from His fulness, grace upon grace, we touched Him we handled of the word of life we know what we are talking about.

Kathrine A.M. Kelly.

Give me a sight o Saviour

of Thy wondrous love for me

of the love that brought Thee down to earth

to die on Calvary.


O make me understand it

help me to take it in

what it meant to Thee the Holy One

to bear away my sins


Was it the nails o Saviour

that bound Thee to the tree?

nay 'twas Thine everlasting love

Thy love for me, for me.


O make me understand it

help me to take it in

what it meant to Thee the Holy One

to bear away my sin.

LEONARD RAVENSHILL .....Why I put his book down "Why Revival Tarries."

In the opening pages of his book he says "we do not need to see another miracle, we don't need more visions etc" nothing so epitomises to me what all is wrong with that branch of evangelicalism which is so opposed to pentecostalism and charismata as this throw away statement. Our late brother then goes on to talk about the awesome vision of Isaiah recorded in the 6th chapter of that prophets book and the need for the church to the awesome holiness God high and lifted up in the temple-did he personally come into that kind of experience, or have any of those who shared his out-look?-if they did I never read their testimony of it, in fact very few people do, it's all very appealing to "will worship" berating everybody and whipping them into a kind of holy zeal and fervour which they themselves never achieve.

In Matt.c14.v35 through to c.15v.9 Jesus quotes from this very scripture, we read, ....they sent round to all that region and brought Him all that were sick and besought Him that they might only touch the fringe of His garment, and as many as touched it were made well. Then the Pharisees and Scribes came and said " why do your disciples transgress the traditions of the elders?.......c.15.v.7. Jesus said, "you hypocrites well did Isaiah prophecy ABOUT YOU when he said "this people honour Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me." Don't you see the scene? those disciples were working their socks off to bring about the greatest and most wonderful healing and deliverance campaign in the whole history of the church, forget about a full nights sleep, forget about meals, dinner, tea, supper the best they could do was to rub a few heads of grain and eat them raw, they did not even have time to wash their hands. THEN came the holiness crowd. Isaiah spoke much about the glory of God in the temple, high and lifted up, I will show you God's greater glory, there He is in simple garb, among the heaving swaying poking, grasping throng. He who thought it not robbery to be co-equal with God humbled Himself. That is the true message of Isaiah's vision that is what God meant when He said "look, look but see not, listen, listen but hear not. God's great and awesome glory, that lights up His countenance so that the angels cover their eyes with their wings is the love that He has for mankind, nay that's impersonal YOU my dear friend He looks at you with a love that so lights up His countenance that the angels have to cover their eyes.

I got something working in me that's not all there yet ready to share, but I'm trying to pray through about why revival really tarries, I'll tell you my friends God is about to do a work in Britain that is going to make peoples ears tingle, Britain is an Island race we all are bunched together in our towns and cities living out each other's life in a way that is probably only comparable to Isreal, when something does hit it hits big time everybody gets on to it, everybody wants to know the ins and outs and express their opinion. And I will tell you this the real reason why revival tarries bears no relation at all to the reasons I've heard expressed by anybody. Watch this space! "Don't want to see another miracle?" that's because you are not blind, or deaf and dumb or crippled, you are not dying of cancer, you do not have a loved one locked in a padded cell lunatic, you read the scriptures but do not understand them, of you it is said "look, look but see not."


One time the famed missionary evangelist was sharing a message about the inner Christ-life from 2.Peter.c.1.v.10. and he omitted the opening words "wherefore rather brethren" for which he was berated, he defended himself by saying that those three words had no bearing whatever on the message he was preaching, and then he smiled and said "besides brethren, we've got sisterin here too."

The Apostle Paul.

What was his vision,? what did he see,? what was he working at?

Ephesians.c.3.vs.9-10...to make all men see what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God, who created all things that through the assembly the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places.....Colossians.c.1.v.27. ...To them God chose to make known how great among the gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery which is Christ in you.

I believe a great mistake is being made by a very large section of the church in that they make these promises and a great many others like them especially the promises of God to prosper his people to apply to the individual-not that they don't have an individual application, they do-but for the greater part the word Paul is speaking is addressed to the assembly, it's Christ "in you" the assembly that Paul has in view here. Elsewhere he talks about the body of Christ having many parts but each part working together, the diversity of gifts and ministries....Ephesians.c.4.vs.12-13. for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry for the building up of the body of Christ until we all attain to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. But what does it all mean as we gather together week by week in the assemblies of our particular choosing or indeed often and often among those who walk in close obedience to their Lord it is the Lord who makes that choice.

Could this be too simplistic a view? or could Paul have been working at so establishing in every town and city a body or assembly of men and women who all working and praying together in unity would make as though the actual life and ministry that Jesus manifested in Isreal with all the full manifestation of the gifts of The Holy Spirit that he demonstated among the needy throngs should be re-produced in each of those towns and cities. Why it would be as though Jesus Himself was not only to visit but that He would be in permanent Residence, what do you think? Didn't you just last week wonder when you were in fellowship "what if only The Lord would be here?" and you sighed.

Corrie Ten Boom


One of the many lessons I have learned from reading Corrie is how to simply lead people in prayer to recieve The Lord and His salvation, there is no condemnation in the gospel, It's all GOOD NEWS and good news only, there is a negative way to preach the cross, which is by focusing upon the sinner, and there is the positive way of focusing upon the SIN-BEARER. Stop condemning people, did you never read St. Paul? Ro:c.11.vs.31-32 "so they[the Jews] have now been disobedient in order that by the mercy shown to you, they[the Jews] may also recieve mercy, For God has consigned ALL MEN to disobedience that He may have mercy upon all." We are to tell of God's mercy. A good study for any wannabe soulwinner are the very first adresses or sermons of the Apostles in the book of Acts you will be amazed by how thin on the ground, in those first messages, are the threats of eternal punishments, the main focus of what you might say are the negative truths of the gospel is the certainty of the coming again of this same Jesus who was crucified to judge both the living and the dead. Christian evangelist should rightly divide what parts of the word of God pertain to the outsider and what words, which may include the more weighty doctrines expounded in the epistles, pertain more rightly to the one who is saved, not to say at all that God's word wherever it is to be found in holy scripture may be used with power to any purpose for which God may give to it.


"While women weep as they do now, I will fight. While children go hungry as they do now, I will fight. While men go to prison, in and out, in and out, I will fight. While there is a drunk, while there is one poor lost girl upon the streets. While there remains one poor dark soul without the light of God I will fight, I will fight to the very end.


Holy Spirit breathe on me

until my heart is free

let sunshine fill my inward part

with not a cloud between


Holy Spirit breathe on me

fill me with power divine

kindle a flame of love and zeal

within this heart of mine


Breathe on me, breathe on me

Holy Spirit breathe on me

take Thou my heart

cleanse every part

Oh Holy Spirit breathe on me.


Matt.c.8.v.11. I tell you many will come from east and west and sit at table with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.

I love the shalls and wills in God's word, the devil says "many will not come," people themselves fold their arms and say "we will not come," and for many their sins say to them "you cannot come." But God has said "many will come," and many have already come, and they are continuing to come, and they will continue to come until the end of the gospel age.


T.L.Osborn is a man with a great many stories to tell after more than 60 years of literally nation changing ministry, He is also a man of the people. One day in one of his U.S. campaigns a man came to him for ministry grumbling, "I've been to all of them...he told the evangelist...all the so-called healing evangelists and never got helped by any of them." T.L. with his peculiar wisdom knew that with such an apathetic and negative outlook the man could not be helped so he prodded the man's chest and said "the problem is you are lazy, you are too lazy even to think." Of course the man was very indignant and stirred up, now T.L. could see that his case was more hopeful he turned to the bible and quoted pointing at the brother "bless the Lord o my soul who forgiveth all thine iniquities...."he asked the man who he thought "thine" meant, the brother responded "well I suppose it means me." The evangelist continued reading "Who healeth all thine diseases," he asked the man who he thought "thine" referred to in this case, and the dear brother saw at once that it must refer to him, without further ado the evangelist prayed a simple prayer and the man was wonderfully healed and went on his way chuckling to himself "all these years and I never saw it."

JESUS, strategist extraordinaire.

There is a scripture which, whenever you start to talk about the wonders of God in the way He is moving across the world in mighty demonstration and power, and the way in which He has so mightily poured out of His Spirit in past times in church history to sweep the multitudes into the kingdom, somebody will raise their finger and say "ah dear sister "despise not the day of small things." this rankled with me and grated in my ear, not least because I knew it was scripture and so, whatever our personal concepts or understanding may be on any particular subject, the word of God is unassailable, my understanding of God is that when He does things He does them big, He is not a small God with a small vision.This is not at all to overlook those blessings he daily loads upon each one of us, those ordinary everyday mercies for which hopefully we remember to give Him the praise and thanks due to Him. One day the devil lifted his finger and "ah sistered" me once too often, it grated on me so much that I looked it up in Zech.c.4vs.7-10.  WHAT ARE YOU, O GREAT MOUNTAIN? BEFORE ZARUBBABEL YOU SHALL BECOME A PLAIN AND HE SHALL BRING FORWARD THE TOP STONE AMID SHOUTS OF"GRACE, GRACE TO IT!" MOREOVER THE WORD OF  THE LORD CAME TO ME SAYING "THE HANDS OF ZARUBBABEL HAVE LAID THE FOUNDATION  OF THIS HOUSE, HIS HAND SHALL ALSO COMPLETE IT. THEN YOU SHALL KNOW THAT THE LORD OF HOSTS HAS SENT ME TO YOU. FOR WHOEVER HAS DESPISED THE DAY OF SMALL THINGS SHALL REJOICE AND SHALL SEE THE PLUMMET IN THE HAND OF ZARUBBABEL. Do you think that so reducing a mountain that it becomes a plain is a small thing? Do you think that laying the foundation of the temple of the Lord was a little work? or the bringing forward the top stone, there was certainly a crowd there for they shouted "grace, grace to it." When those people saw the plumb-line in Zarubbabel's hand they must have blew out their cheeks and whistled and said "man! this guy's got a vision." whoever despised the day of small things rejoiced when they saw the MAGNITUDE of what God was doing, they were rejoicing because the day of small things were over.

When Jesus stopped and talked with the little woman at the well do you have any concept at all of His vision or stratedgy? it's just one Samaritan woman, the disciple returning from their little trip to Wallmart couldn't imagine what their Master could be doing with such a one, they thought He would be delighted with their freshly purchased cheese and pickle sandwiches, He said "I have food to eat of which you do not know...for heaven's sake look up, look, look at the fields, don't you see they are ready for harvest? it was just then that the needy people from the woman's village started to stream down the hillside. Ah you say I've got you, you mean He saw in advance that if He spoke to this one little woman she would get so excited about that "living water" she would leave her pots and go running to tell her neighbours and friends and the whole village would be saved, that's good stratedgy, Could you give an estimate to the nearest million of the number of people who have been saved by reading or hearing the words that Jesus spoke that day, I mean down through the long years of church history. When Jesus crossed over the lake to deliver the demoniac He saw 10 cities witnessed to, that one miracle opened the door to a later visit which brought healing and salvation to many. God is a big God He is never hampered because people expect too much from Him, He is hampered by the littleness of people's vision. 

Listen to me you mums and dads who have young and beautiful fair-heads going through high school or college, oh you wish they would be saved, oh you wish they will not have to go through the sorrow and stress of  sex perversion and drug abuse and all the rest, so you nag at them and you beg of the Lord in prayer and wonder why they remain far from the Lord still. Did you ever stop to consider how hard it will be for them? to be the only boy or girl in their class who is saved? You think God is so unwise and so unloving toward them as to put them through that kind of test? You say what then? God is waiting for His people to get the vision that is big enough to sweep ALL the fair-heads in, or at least enough that they might be able to join up together in friendships and fellowships so as to be able to encourage and back up one the other. That old man of yours, do you want him to be the only one on the construction site or the shop floor? Man are you going to send your wife, the only one who loves the Lord into the factory or office? God sees people all being saved together in a sweep that's what revival is all about. That's the way He has ever worked in the bible and throughout church history.

I am well aware that all of this applies far more to Europe and Britain than it does to the United States, here only one person in every hundred knows the Lord, my point is you pray for your loved one, also pray for their associates and friends and the environment in which they will have to come to grips with the trials and temptations which will inevitably accompany their salvation. THINK BIG with God and look for Him to do exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond your present desires. 


The day pentecostalism began to die in the U.K.

I was in a tiny pentecostal meeting in a town nearby where I live and we had an elderly couple who also were visiting who were able to bless the assembled brethren with a selection of old gospel duets which they sang together to the accompaniment of a little sqeeze box. After a few songs the dear brother suddenly broke down into sobbing and weeping thus he begged that he might be prayed for as he had blessed his own assembly and others for many years with his singing and skilled playing but recently he had become aware of a steadily worsening rheumatism in the joints of his fingers he feared greatly that he had perhaps been stealing God's glory and was therefore being punished. I was gobsmacked I think my mouth may have come open in disbelief.

Why would anyone think such a thing as that? Whatever anyone might read in the old testament when God dealt with His people after the manner of laws and precepts, the obedience to which bringing blessing and disobedience bringing swift judgement so that evil might be quickly curtailed and put away from the insular and isolated people of God in Isreal, but we do not belong to the old testament church we belong to the new covenant, God does not deal with us after the manner of rewards and punishment, He deals with us always after the manner of GRACE indeed to those who have truly followed the Lord in the regeneration He has covenanted Himself to do so. Does that mean He doesn't teach, correct and chastise His children? you had better believe He does, don't mess with God, He knows just how to get you into a corner, aye and keep you there till you shape up. But judgements of the more severe kind are God's strange works. If you want to quote to me Ananias and Saphira or Herod whom God smote because he gave not the glory or Elymus the magician all in the book of acts whom God dealt with after a more severe fashion I would point out to you that none of these examples in the book of acts were saved, and Elymus whom God smote with blindness for withstanding Paul was only blind for a season, his sight was restored.

We simply must get out of this way of thinking about God it is an error of the heart and it displeases Him greatly.

The only way we can possibly know what God is like is by looking steadfastly at Jesus, He IS the image of the invisable God. He came to do the will of the Father, the words He spoke were not His words but the words of the Father, the works He did were not His own works but the things He saw His Father doing He did also. He said to to Phillip "have I been with you so long time and yet you do not know me Phillip?" Now where oh where in all of the gospels would you find Him saying "go thy way, as thou hast stolen My glory, I shall smite thee with rheumatism or arthritus" or anything else for that matter. Now I am talking about how He will deal with his beloved children I am not interested in those people in the book of revelations who were servants of Jezebel who He threw on a bed of affliction and that after long suffering.

Now when I hear such things being said I fetch out my detectives hat and spy glass, I want to know where these ideas from in the pentecostal movement, they sure as anything haven't come from the bible, and I can be pretty persistant and I get under peoples skin I know, but I think they are falsely accusing the Lord and that is a much more serious matter. Most lies that come into a work of the Holy Spirit have a definite source and starting point and if you can trace it you would be amazed, you will find that just there at the point of entrance of a falsehood (I am speaking about a serious falsehood) the work stops progressing, in some cases it freezes and it will either regress or die or go into serious error. Don't you believe that? then take a good look at catholicism they are frozen into their error to me it shouts with a loud voice and a finger that points dramatically at the dress of the catholic priest like the vestments of a 2nd and 3rd century senator of the Roman government, God has not dealt with them after the manner of Lot's wife who was turned to a pillar of salt, but He has frozen them into their error so that anyone with spiritual eyes can see where the error began, in the case of the catholics it was their compromise with the government of Rome.

So I started to pursue this one, this was not the first time I had heard about this stealing of God's glory, I think if someone tries to steal God's glory they simply look foolish. And I found it in the life story of Stephen Jeffreys, one of the great evangelists of the early pentecostal movement, for those people who do not believe in divine healing I would recommend to you a trip to Kensinton Temple in London, in one of the rooms below the main church they have an amazing assortment of medical artifacts such as wheelchairs,braces, crutches, plaster casts a great heap of them all abandoned after a series of meetings conducted by Stephen Jeffreys in the 1930's, thousands were saved, hundreds healed.

Now it so happened at a certain conference (the "powers that were" in the pentecostal movement at that time had decided to abandon evangelism for a season of growing in grace) Stephen Jeffreys was not at all in favour and appealed strongly, as you might expect an evangelist in the full flow of a successful soulwinning ministry to do, he cried out "why stop when we have the world at our feet." He was immediately brought to task for this form of words "at our feet" and supposedly through a prophecy he was accused of "stealing God's glory" and therefore God would punish him accordingly. It is a sad matter of record and forms part of the history of the early pentecostal movement in Great Britain that very soon after these events Stephen Jeffreys fell victim to an ever increasing in severety case of rheumatoid arthritus which steadily increased it's grip upon his frame and crippled him so that visitors wishing to talk to him would have to do so on their knees, he not being able to lift his head. All this everyone was sure was God's judgement and underscored the decision to abandon evangelism-I mean city wide campaign evangelism-in favour of the season of growth in grace conferences. Among the oldline pentecostal denominations more than 70 years later this is still the situation. I don't mean to be unkind to them but sometimes this growth in grace is very hard to detect, what is easy to see is that their assemblies for the very great part have withered in to tiny little fellowships, for Britain at least in comparison to the U.S. sister fellowships the moment and opportunity has been lost.

The legend of Stephen Jeffreys still lives on and in strength in the British pentecostal movement, I would advise anyone reading his story to do so very prayerfully and carefully. As far as I know I am the only person in the whole world who does not believe that what happened to him was a visitation of God's judgement the key to why- and you would not believe how softly I am typing these words-he suffered in the way that he did was because he too believed the supposedly prophetic utterance of condemnation. It is the most classic case I know of exalting the gifts above what St Peter calls "the more sure word of prophecy" or the scriptures, but because he believed it and submitted to it-I am still typing softly-it came to pass in his life.

To the word and to the testimony friends let everything conform to the scripture, the WHOLE scripture weighing word against word and doctrine against doctrine, thats the old fashioned protestant way of  understanding scripture. I have got a whole lot more to say about the way the gospel should be shared, I hope as the Lord enables I shall be able to do so for it is a major key in why revival tarries for now I will leave it with a question and an answer.

What part does rancour and vitriol have in sharing the good news? none. none what-so-ever.



My grand dad was a catholic man, having been born in the catholic sector of N. Ireland what choice did he have? He was fully steeped in the sacraments and the ritualism of liturgy and mass as well as the doctrines of the virgin Mary. He used to tell the story of how one day when he was serving in the war in Palestine he visited the church of the holy sepulchre the very spot supposedly of the ressurection, and he would tell with a wondrous awe of how when he was there in that church a marvellous peace came upon him and he said in that moment he knew beyond the slightest possibility of doubt that the Lord had indeed arisen. Nor was he ever slow to testify of his faith, He would never have dreamed of eating a meal whether at home or in a restaurant or in the works canteen where men sniggered and exchanged winks, always he would make the sign of the cross and give thanks, we will always remember his oft saying when talking on matters "well the gospel tells us."

One day my mother asked him to explain what being filled with The Spirit meant, he went to the cupboard and brought out a glass and a bottle of methylated spirit dark purple in colour, he filled the tumbler 3/4 full with water and said "now watch" and he proceeded to top the water up with the purple liquid holding it up so that we could see the purple spread as it mixed until the liquid in the glass became the same colour as in the bottle, "that water is now filled with the spirit" he said. That may not be perfect theology but it's pretty not bad for a catholic is it?

An example of how literally he took the scriptures is that he read that Jesus said not to pray publicly but to go into the closet and close the door so that our prayers may be in secret, in England we say closet to mean wardrobe or a tiny room that serves as such and that is exactly where grand dad would go to pray, with no light or anything. I fully expect to find grand dad in heaven when I get there. His doctrine may have been all wrong and his understanding not perfect but this he had he loved the Lord, and he loved the gospel.


Join me in making this a prayer.

With aching heart and spirit sore distressed

I came to Thee, and Thou did'st give me rest

now Lord I pray and long with deep desire

to be made clean by Thy refining fire


Oh make me clean, oh make me clean

mine eyes Thy holiness have seen

oh send the burning cleansing flame

and make me clean in Jesu's name


Dear Lamb of God I yield my all to Thee

Thine wholly Thine forever more to be

Thy temple cleanse and make my heart Thy home

Come King of kings and reign Thyself alone


Oh make me clean, oh make me clean

mine eyes Thy holiness have seen

oh send the burning cleansing flame

and make me clean in Jesu's name.




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Here For Friends m/f
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Age 19
Location United Kingdom
Interests fellowshippy things, friends
Hometown Winchester
Denomination Other
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Marital Status Single
Body Type Average
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Height 5ft8 - 5ft10 / 1.73m-1.78m
Eye Color Brown
Race/Ethnicity White-Caucasian
Do you have any Pets? Only Pet Peeves
Do you want Children? 2

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Occupation Receptionist
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A little about me...

Blog Date: March 01, 2008

My Dove is stood beyond our wall

and will I leave Him there?

He bids me join Him where He is

His shame and loneliness to share.


I was asleep with heart awaked

my Dove was at the door

He wooed with tender words of love

and I could make Him wait no more.


My Dove put his hand 'pon the latch

my heart thrilled with delight

I rose to open up to Him

but He was gone into the night.


Sustain me with raisins

refresh me with apples

for I am sick with love.


My heart had failed me when He spoke

I sought but found Him not

I called out to Him in sorrow

my Lord, my Dove forsake me not.


Oh where is my Beloved gone

and my Dove where is He turned

city girls talk much about love

there is a love which cannot be learned.


Sustain me with raisins

refresh me with apples

for I am sick with love.


There is my Beloved, my Dove

He's pasturing His sheep

see Him gathering His lilies

I knew my hearts pledge he would keep.

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Blog Date: February 23, 2008

































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Blog Date: February 08, 2008
































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Blog Date: January 29, 2008

..When they shall look upon Him whom they have pierced, zech c12v10.

..then they sat down and kept watch over Him there. Matt.c27v36

Look unto Me and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth. Isa.c45v22.


And when they shall see Him,

there is no beauty there.

Why do they stand and stare,?

why do they stare?


When they look upon Him,

will they see majesty?

justice in travesty.

Why do they stare?


Bruised, beaten and broken,

a man nailed to a tree.

What did they come to see?

what do they see?


Yet when I look upon Him

I see such beauty there, 

His love poured out for me,

passion, majestic; rare.


I have to stand and stare

I,ve got to stare.


Yea look ye unto Me

ye ends of the earth.

If you would stand and stare

see what you are worth


 This is God's salvation.

poured out for you and me.

What have you come to see?

what do you see?


For you and me

for you and me


What do you see?

what do you see?



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February 20, 2008

The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13)

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February 18, 2008

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