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My URL: xianz.com/KAT40
Kathy updated 08/17/2008
  167 views. 166 since last visit 08/14

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#46649 Member since 08/13/2008
URL: xianz.com/KAT40


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Lori Wick. If you want to know what kind of man I am looking for - read any one of her books.
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Toby Mac, Barrlow Girl, Addison Road, Plunk, Jeremy Camp....etc
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Dancing with the Stars; So you think you can dance (I like to dance)
JWL; Fitzone
I want to meet people for
Being "newly single" and a Mother, I have NO idea how to do this anymore. I am not looking to get married soon - but would love some friends and dates and see what happens.

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Latest Blog: August 17, 2008

Last night I was online and was approched by this man.  We chatted for awhile about many different things.  It was a clean conversation yet flirty.  We talked a bit about God and his faith.  He believed in God but not organized religion.  After a while he asked me about sex and how that played a role in a relationship.  I told him that I would not have sex until I was married.  He could not believe this.  He went on to tell me how sex is part of a relationship - the passion.  I went to explaine to him about why I felt this way.  That passion is not sex.  Lust leads to sex.  I do not want a man to have sex with me I want a man to make love to me. 

Then it hit me.  All my life I have given in.  I would try to please and make the other happy so they would like me.  I don't have to do that.  I have one person I want happy with me and that is God.  All along this road of life I have given in to the flesh or lust or others needs.  I am 40 years old and it just hit me.  That I find sad and yet very exciting at the same time.

Went on to tell this man that I was not going to have sex.  That there was no reason to put the "cart before the horse" and that I was not going to back down on the subject.  He said good bye.  But before he left he said to me how sorry he was that I felt that way and that God knew how much he has been looking for a women like me.  I replyed with - Maybe God is trying to tell you that women like me are worth the wait.

I got off line and cried.  Cried for the shame of allowing others needs, my own needs to come before my Lords needs.  I asked for forgivness and prayed for the man I had just chatted with.  

WOW God is Good!  Night - KAT 

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A little about me...

Here For Friends/Date
Gender Female
Age 40
Location Any
Interests I love to glorify God in all that I do. I take pictures - looking for Gods fingerprints. I love the beach and anything to do with water. I am a barefoot Princess. Blond hair and blue eyes and tons of freckles! I love working with middle school - high school kids, along with my own children (3 girls). Church is my second home and family. God has given me so many wonderful friends that I need nothing. I love animals. I have a 142 lbs Greater Swiss Mountain dog named Hugo. My husband left me and the girls in Feb. My Christian man had someone else. It has been very difficult, but a path that I would never change. I would walk through fire for God and that is what I did and continue to do. Divorce is not of God - it rips at the core of your soul.
Hometown Holland, Michigan
Schools West Ottawa, Davenport -BBA
About me

Where do I begin?

I am a single Mom of 3 beautiful girls.  I have a 142 lbs Greater Swiss Mountain dog named Hugo.  I have not dated in over 14 years.  So this is new to for me.  With young girls I want to make sure I do this "right" and not mess them up for life.  

I have a degree in Accounting, but when my (ex) husband left, finding a job in that field has been difficult.  Being an "at-home-mom" for 9 wonderful years, I am bit behind in the latest accounting skills.

SO, I fell back on what I love to do and that is take pictures.  Looking for Gods fingerprints is what I like to call it.  Everyone is beautiful and handsome.  Everything has beauty in it.  Finding it, for me, is the fun part.  When I look at the pictures I have taken, I thank God.  It is His eye that I am looking through to find this beautiful moment or view.  It is His hands that hold the camera steady or move it to get a better shot.  He is working through me to slow down the day or the moment.  When life is so busy it is good to sit back and look at something God touched.  Remember that God is here - right now in and through everything.

My girls, and friends in my womens Bible study group,  encouraged me to start a company.  We call it 4 Girls 4 God, inc.  I take pictures and aply them to many different forms of media.  I took my first set of senior pictures and was very pleased.  I praised God for that.  He is SO wonderful.  I love being able to pray and talk with God while I work (just to myself).  I can see Him everywhere. 

As for me - the person, well - I am a Christian Women, Mother, Daughter, Sister and Friend.  I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and a Bible in my hand.  I have a love and appreciation for the water and beach.  I am loving and kind, honest and faithful, strong and innocent, worldly and a home body.  I has a passion for the elderly and the youth and all special needs people/kids.  I enjoy getting invovled with the community and church.  I am open and shy, educated and blond.  I love to dance and have fun, entertain from 2 to 50, or just sit with friends and have a glass of wine with good converstaion.  I am a Barefoot Princess  - (I would rather be without shoes/socks all year round and I am the duaghter of the King of Kings) that is what my 80 year old father tells me.

Denomination Christian Reformed
Current Mood thankful

A little about me...

Do you Smoke? No
Do you drink alcohol? Special Occasions
Marital Status Divorced
Body Type Petite
Do you have any Children? Yes
Height 5ft2 - 5ft4 / 1.57m-1.63m
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Blonde
Race/Ethnicity White-Caucasian
Do you have any Pets? Dog
Do you want Children? I have enough of my own

A little about me...

Position/Title Owner
Company 4 Girls 4 God, Inc
Occupation Photographer
Industry Fine Art
Specialties Senior Pics, kids, pets, advertising
Salary Not listed

A little about me...

Education Bachelors Degree
High School West Ottawa
College/University Davenport
Major Accounting/Math
Year of degree Do I have to?
Special Training Photography
Special Groups JWL, Coffee Break Co-Leader

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08/20 Examine Yourself ( Sharing) - this user is offline nowsend Rob a messageadd Rob as a personal friendblock/ignore Rob  Rob options
08/28 www.prophecynewswatch.com ( Sharing) - this user is offline nowsend Rob a messageadd Rob as a personal friendblock/ignore Rob  Rob options
09/01 www.perfectweightamerica.com ( Sharing) - this user is offline nowsend Rob a messageadd Rob as a personal friendblock/ignore Rob  Rob options

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August 16, 2008

Kathy, welcome to Xianz.  I hope that you have a good day.

General  (John 3.16; Acts 16)

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