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My URL: xianz.com/astigpinoy
Ryan updated 07/31/2007
  1524 views. 567 since last visit 11/02

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#518 Member since 02/19/2006
URL: xianz.com/astigpinoy


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Taglish (tagalog and english)
Favorite books
Story and poems book.......Especially Bible. . . . . . .
Favorite music
Christian Musics, Love songs.......
Favorite movies/tv
I lyk CarTooNs shows such as NaRuTo, aVaTaR, InuYasHa, sPoNgeBoB, JimmY NeuTroN, Disney Channel and Cartoon Network (what I lyk cartoons)....... AFV shows, Goin' Bulilit, and Full House ( for comedy shows)....... Kyle XY, Scarred in MTV and Discovery & History Channel (bcoz its make me laugh for some reason, in a different way --ask mo nlng me if U wanna know why) muahahaha.......
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Rank: 30
# of Votes 2
Overall: 10
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Profile: 10.0000
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Latest Blog: February 24, 2006

Have you ever known we'll be like this? Closer than classmates would A family that we will surely miss More than you think we could We've shared stories and letters And filled our hearts w/ laughter, We cried, we sang, we fought, we failed In the ocean of dreams, together we sailed Chorus: We need to separate ways And count a thousand days To fulfill our dreams No matter how hard it seems We don't need to say 'goodbye' Or cry and heave a sigh Friends, it's not yet over We'll fly high dear Alma Mater This is not goodbye... Mentors, you will allways be remembered Even as time goes by Take my hand and feel that you matter You should know why (Repeat chorus twice except the last line) This is not goodbye... The sky will be blue and stars shine w/ you Enverga University, thank you... Thank you...

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A little about me...

Here For Makapaghanap ng kaibigan ( to find friend....)
Gender Male
Age 20
Location Auburn, CA, United States
Interests Drawing, playing my guitar, reading and sometyms writing a poems, jamming with my friends, badminton, basketball, and biking.......
Hometown Lucena City in Philippines.......
Schools Sierra College
About me

Hey, eVeRyoNe AKo nGa PaLa C WiLmaRk
As You CaN See, TaGaLog aNg GiNagaMiT KoNg LeNguaHe BcoZ I’m a FiLiPiNo “aNd PROUD To Be oNe siempre.”
Isa aKoNg BorN aGiaN ChRisTiaN; so If You NeEd HeLp aNd/oR HaVe a QuesTioN aBouT BeiNg a CHRISTIAN,
You Can CounT oN Me "Mag-aSk klng".......


aBoUtZ mY lIfE
PeRsOnAl InFo
nAmE: W
aGe: 19
B-dAy: March 7,1988
ZoDiAc SiGn: aries
CuLtUrE (hErItAgE wHaTeVa U lIkE tO cAlL iT): Filipino
fOoD: pilipino food, and many more
mUsIc: Christian music, love song, etc.......
SoNg: songs that i wrote......
CoLoR: blue, black
bOoKs: books of poem, and so on....
SpOrT: basket ball, and games that we just made......
sToRe: sobra dami eh
BeSt FrIeNd(S): Jehazeil, Estefan, Kevin.......at ung iba
mOsT lUvAbLe: Me,.......
CaLlEd ThE mOsT: Me.......
mAkEs My DaY: my friends and our God.....
mAkEs Me SmIlE tHe MoSt: my friends and God......
BeSt MeMoRiEs WiTh: my friends......



Denomination Christian Reformed
Current Mood creative

A little about me...

Do you Smoke? No
Do you drink alcohol? No
Marital Status Single
Body Type Average
Do you have any Children? No
Height 5ft4 - 5ft6 / 1.63m-1.68m
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Black
Race/Ethnicity Asian

A little about me...

Occupation Student

A little about me...

Education Associates Degree
High School Enverga (in philipinnes)
College/University Sierra College

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:) :D :(
:o :p ;)
:| x( :~
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:sick: :shiny: :clapping:
:love: :king: :cupid:
:cursing: :evil: :bigeyes:
:unhappy: :frustrated: :gun:
:tired: :nono: :yuck:
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this user is offline nowsend d@r-m@rl ™ a messageadd d@r-m@rl ™ as a personal friendblock/ignore d@r-m@rl ™  d@r-m@rl ™ options
March 12, 2006

hello there, kumusta? ako, mabuti lang .. enjoy ur time here chow!

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February 19, 2006
glitter graphics

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February 19, 2006
glitter graphics and Welcome to Xianz.

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February 19, 2006
MySpace LayoutsMySpace LayoutsMySpace LayoutsMySpace LayoutsMySpace LayoutsMySpace LayoutsMySpace Layouts To Xianz!

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February 19, 2006
glitter graphics

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February 19, 2006
Welcome to Xianz


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February 19, 2006
glitter graphics
Welcome to Xianz Will! Have a great time here with all your friends in Christ. Blessings.
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