Have you ever known we'll be like this? Closer than classmates would A family that we will surely miss More than you think we could We've shared stories and letters And filled our hearts w/ laughter, We cried, we sang, we fought, we failed In the ocean of dreams, together we sailed Chorus: We need to separate ways And count a thousand days To fulfill our dreams No matter how hard it seems We don't need to say 'goodbye' Or cry and heave a sigh Friends, it's not yet over We'll fly high dear Alma Mater This is not goodbye... Mentors, you will allways be remembered Even as time goes by Take my hand and feel that you matter You should know why (Repeat chorus twice except the last line) This is not goodbye... The sky will be blue and stars shine w/ you Enverga University, thank you... Thank you...
Hey, eVeRyoNe AKo nGa PaLa C WiLmaRk
As You CaN See, TaGaLog aNg GiNagaMiT KoNg LeNguaHe BcoZ I’m a FiLiPiNo “aNd PROUD To Be oNe siempre.”
Isa aKoNg BorN aGiaNChRisTiaN; so If You NeEd HeLp aNd/oR HaVe a QuesTioN aBouT BeiNg a CHRISTIAN,
You Can CounT oN Me "Mag-aSk klng".......