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My URL: xianz.com/Northgal
Naomi updated 06/01/2008
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#288 Member since 02/08/2006
URL: xianz.com/Northgal


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The Bible, Robin Cook, Left Behind Series, By Jerry Jenkins & Tim Lahaye
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Classic Rock
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EastEnders!!!Cold Case, Law & Order, Criminal Minds. Gospel of John. Left Behind Movie part 1, 2, & 3.
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Europe, U.S., Mexico
NFA Member, Manitoba Nurses Union
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Latest Blog: November 24, 2007

Welcome to my page!
Great to see you here at Xianz.....as a moderator here at Xianz, I hope that you have a wonderful time here in fellowship and worship of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Blessings to you all!!!

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A little about me...

Here For Friends to chat
Gender Female
Age 43
Location Any
Interests enjoy spending time with my most favorite people in the world...my hubby and kids!Walks, swimming, fishing, reading, movies, and of course, reading my bible!
Hometown The Pas
Schools Morden Collegiate
About me Well, lets see...I live with my hubby and kids in northern Manitoba Canada. We are a very happy family...most of the time. We have 6 pets. We love to have company over and visit!
Denomination Just Christian
Current Mood thankful

A little about me...

Do you Smoke? Only when I'm on fire
Do you drink alcohol? No
Marital Status Married
Body Type Average
Do you have any Children? Yes
Height 5ft2 - 5ft4 / 1.57m-1.63m
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Brunette
Race/Ethnicity Native Canadian
Do you have any Pets? Cat
Do you want Children? I have enough of my own

A little about me...

Position/Title Prenatal Community Nurse
Company Health Canada
Occupation Nurse
Industry Medical and Health Care
Associations International Association of Infant Massage Instructors,Manitoba College of LPNS
Salary That's personal

A little about me...

Education Some College
High School Morden Collegiate Institute
College/University St. Boniface College of Nurses
Major Prenatal
Degree(s) LPN
Year of degree 1996
Special Training Faciitation of Groups,Infant Massage,Prenatal/Postnatal/Breastfeeding education,Women and Addictions

Blog Date: July 24, 2006

Glad you stopped by...
  Almost 2 yrs ago now, i was looking after my mama...she was diagnosed with cancer on June 14th, 2005, and passed away on Aug. 31, 2005. So it was very rapid. I just want to share how beautiful our Father can make a hard situation like death, into a beautiful time of peace, wonderment, and love....
When we first found out that mom was dying, we were devastated to say the least. I am so thankful that God made it possible for me to take care of her for practically every last minute of her days left, and that she had her mental capabilities right to her dying breath. We had 2&1/2 months to prepare and show her just how much we loved her. Our kids were there for it all, we felt God would see them through this as well, so we did not shield them at all from the situation. It amazed us of how well children can cope with a difficult time when led through it with nothing but love and compassion. They were awesome with their grandma! They would crawl into her bed, snuggle and talk with their grandma, idk what all was said, but they were always smiling and content in her arms, and when she became too weak to hold them, they held her...grandma's room or bed was never off limits to them. Grandma would have it no other way.
We talked and laughed so much those months...and mom said it helped her so much with the pain. She preferred her family to pain killers, however, near the end, she had to have the medication for comfort as well.
On the last day of her life, she did not say much, but her eyes were full of love and happiness! I was so honored to be the one God chose to hold her in my arms as she passed from us, to God arms. She was so desparately trying to tell me something, and finally i said to her, "It's okay to go mama, go be with Jesus, we will be fine..." and she took 3 more breaths, and then i closed her eyes, and it was over. We all sat there quietly and cried. Then our daughters did the same thing that they had been doing for the last few months, they crawled into her bed, and held her. They were not afraid at all of their grandma's body. I have never seen pure love at it's fullest like that b4. The kids were content, peaceful, and had no questions. I think if we would have shielded them from this all, it would have been really hard for them. I'm so thankful that God showed us that they should be involved with the process of dying and death of a loved one. It was truly a beautiful experience for us all.
Now that a year has passed, i still seem to be grieving a lot these days. However, i grieve with happiness, if that's possible. I smile through my tears, and cry and cry, because i miss her so much. I am thankful for the intense love i had with her that allows me to feel so deeply!
Father, thank you for taking one of the most difficult times in our lives, and making it wonderful...You are so AWESOME!!! I love you!
In Christ's name i pray...Amen

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Blog Date: May 04, 2006

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My Shouts: Naomi's Latest Shoutouts from Friends


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Listings From Naomi & Friends

01/04 Loving Family Group Workshop On "Explanation Of Our Premise" ( Services) - this user is offline nowsend sharen a messageadd sharen as a personal friendblock/ignore sharen  sharen options
01/11 Loving Family Group Workshop On "Description Of Our Purpose" ( Services) - this user is offline nowsend sharen a messageadd sharen as a personal friendblock/ignore sharen  sharen options
01/18 Loving Family Group Workshop On "Description Of Our Problem" ( Services) - this user is offline nowsend sharen a messageadd sharen as a personal friendblock/ignore sharen  sharen options
01/23 Online Missions Trip! Sharing Jesus on Networking sites ( Sharing) - this user is offline nowsend Rob a messageadd Rob as a personal friendblock/ignore Rob  Rob options
01/23 Good movie coming in March! ( Sharing) - this user is offline nowsend Rob a messageadd Rob as a personal friendblock/ignore Rob  Rob options

Testimonials for Naomi

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this user is offline nowsend Jamie a messageadd Jamie as a personal friendblock/ignore Jamie  Jamie options
January 17, 2009

Photobucket Photobucket

hello my precious earth angel Naomi. i've missed u. i love u lots.i'm

thinking of u now. i will keep u in my prayers. i just loved hearing

from u.i enjoy hearing from u too. i'm so glad we are friends again.

u are my favorite precious earth angel on here and on earth! I truly do

adore you. u got me smiling now before i do leave here. plus thank u

for making me feel so loved by receiving a very sweet message

from u tonight! you made my day. u made smile alot now ty.

this user is offline nowsend Jamie a messageadd Jamie as a personal friendblock/ignore Jamie  Jamie options
January 12, 2009


i've missed u more than words can say. i love u so much. i've missed our

close friendship too. i'm so glad we can rekindle our friendship now. i'm so glad

you're back in my life now. i'm thinking of u today. God bless u.

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December 23, 2008

TheChristmasCard2007.jpg picture by cmdjld


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December 18, 2008

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November 01, 2008

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October 10, 2008

Have a Blessed Weekend!

this user is offline nowsend General a messageadd General as a personal friendblock/ignore General  General options
October 09, 2008

Naomi, Xianz greetings to you.  I hope that you have a good day.

General  (John 3.16; Acts 16)

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August 07, 2008

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July 22, 2008

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June 04, 2008

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June 01, 2008

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May 29, 2008

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May 15, 2008

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May 14, 2008

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May 11, 2008
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May 10, 2008


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May 02, 2008

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April 30, 2008

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April 25, 2008
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April 24, 2008

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