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2007: end of year ministry report
Added: 285 days ago by excatholics |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:02:01 | Views: 499 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Catholic priest tells the story of Tamar (Gen 38) and how she was driven to come up with a desperate plan to save her impossible situation. She became an ancestor of Jesus
Tags // Tamar  harlot  prostitute  wife  widow  mother   
Channels // Bible Study Education
Added: 254 days ago by fatherjeffrey |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:05:13 | Views: 414 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Catholic priest gives a cautionary review of Ann Coulter's best selling book, Godless, the Church of liberalism
Added: 450 days ago by fatherjeffrey |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:12:24 | Views: 879 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
Basil's Blunders Please also see our article on Cardinal Hume:
Added: 239 days ago by excatholics |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:07:12 | Views: 594 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Catholic priest shares earthy advice that his own steelworker father passed on to him. Simple questions meant to help people make serious decisions that could affect their entire lives.
Channels // Education Youth
Added: 528 days ago by fatherjeffrey |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:05:55 | Views: 3535 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 3
A cat and his priest team up to explain the mind of God and human suffering.
Tags // cat  kitty  Catholic  priest  suffering   
Channels // Documentary Education
Added: 547 days ago by fatherjeffrey |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:03:20 | Views: 922 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Britney Spears latest album, Blackout, incorporates photos of Spears that are designed to offenc Catholics. In response this Catholic priest offers Britney a heartfelf blessing and prayer that can be applied to the viewer as well.
Channels // Entertainment Music
Added: 318 days ago by fatherjeffrey |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:03:29 | Views: 486 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Catholic priest preaches on the importance of Christian love.
Tags // love  Catholic  Christian  priest 
Channels // Evangelism Sermons
Added: 488 days ago by fatherjeffrey |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:12:22 | Views: 916 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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catholic punk rock
Tags // christian  catholic  punk  rock  ramones  mxpx  alone  alive  pope 
Channels // Church Music Worship
Added: 566 days ago by outerfringe |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:03:03 | Views: 1316 | Favorited: 1 | Comments: 1
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Highlights of a Catholic wedding mass set to music.
Tags // Wedding  catholic  mass 
Channels // People
Added: 564 days ago by Sacred_Heart |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:03:54 | Views: 1010 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
Music video for the Cheer Up Charlie song Pray.
Added: 554 days ago by cheerupcharlie |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:03:22 | Views: 1433 | Favorited: 2 | Comments: 5
Cheer Up Charlie ROCKS the Georgia Dome at NCYC. Video features the song "FLY"
Added: 554 days ago by cheerupcharlie |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:02:12 | Views: 1151 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 2
Do animals go to Heaven?
Added: 206 days ago by excatholics |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:06:14 | Views: 417 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 0
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With the manic build up to Christmas, more people than ever will be out on the streets drinking and revelling, so this short video, we pray, might make people sit up and take notice! (more)
Added: 276 days ago by excatholics |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:02:27 | Views: 505 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Catholic priest preaches on the reality and importance of the Resurrection of Christ. Homily attempts to educate, comfort, console, and challenge the viewer
Tags // Easter  2007  homily  sermon  Catholic  priest 
Channels // Sermons
Added: 534 days ago by fatherjeffrey |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:13:15 | Views: 913 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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By former Catholic priest Richard Bennett. Why did Charles Colson, Bill Bright, Pat Roberson, J. I. Packer, Max Lucado, T. M. Moore, Timothy George, and others sign the document Evangelicals and Catholics Together in 1997? Complete list of signers:
Tags // Rome      ECT      Evangeolicals  Catholics 
Added: 325 days ago by acts2031 |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:10:04 | Views: 477 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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We have posted a new video documenting the fact that several well respected and influential Evangelicals have compromised with the false gospel of Papal Rome. Michael de Semlyen and Richard Bennett make the presentation along with Brian Haskin’s narration and professional editing. We ask that you have this video shown to your church and friends. We believe that what is required is biblical separation from those who have perverted the Gospel of Christ. Christians must first know the facts, what has happened and is happening before our eyes. We pray to the all holy and righteous God that despite all of this His Gospel may be made even more splendidly clear to many for the glory of His name and the salvation of souls. Your comments placed on the website where the video is located will greatly help in this endeavor as we jointly earnestly contend for the faith once given to the saints. Richard's video list -
Added: 283 days ago by acts2031 |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:51:35 | Views: 522 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Catholic priest tells the story of the faith of a dying child and how the child helped his parents come to believe.
Channels // Sermons Youth
Added: 517 days ago by fatherjeffrey |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:07:57 | Views: 929 | Favorited: 1 | Comments: 1
Catholic priest preaches on Fergie' song Clumsy and Alicia Keys song No One and compares what they have to say about love with the woman Jesus met at the well.
Tags // Fergie  Clumsy  Alicia  Keys  No  One  Samaritan  Woman  Catholic  priest   
Channels // Music Sermons Youth
Added: 191 days ago by fatherjeffrey |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:12:42 | Views: 344 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 0
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FORMER CATHOLIC: James interviews Patrick for American and European Radio
Added: 321 days ago by excatholics |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:09:40 | Views: 554 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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FUNNY OUTTAKES: Behind the scenes of our ministry, Volume 2
Added: 324 days ago by excatholics |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:08:50 | Views: 450 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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FUNNY OUTTAKES: Behind the scenes of our ministry, Volume 3
Added: 324 days ago by excatholics |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:09:35 | Views: 516 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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FUNNY OUTTAKES: behind the scenes of our ministry, Volume 4
Added: 285 days ago by excatholics |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:05:36 | Views: 458 | Favorited: 0 | Comments: 1
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Catholic priest explains the evil of gossip and how to change it into problem solving conversations.
Tags // gossip  reputation  Catholic  priest 
Channels // Church Education Sermons
Added: 542 days ago by fatherjeffrey |  (edit this video)
Runtime: 00:03:43 | Views: 980 | Favorited: 1 | Comments: 2
Search // Catholic
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Related Tags: gossip  reputation  Catholic  priest 
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