Playlists // MissAmanda |
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Rev. Leon Taylor, HGM, A message of Hope and encouragement, for all who labor for the Lord. Be not weary in well doing, for you shall reap, if you faint not. God Bless!!!
Holocaust in the Womb! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezEr5ZYGQh4..... Eternal Perspective Ministries 39085 Pioneer Blvd., Suite 206 OR 97055..... Sandy..... 503-668-5200, ext. 22..... 503-668-5252 fax..... randy@epm.org ..... http://www.epm.org..... http://www.randyalcorn.blogspot.com..... Why Pro-Life?: Caring for the Unborn and Their Mothers - http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?even... by Randy Alcorn...... For help - randy@epm.org..... Tackling one of the most crucial hot-button issues of our time, Alcorn takes a hard look at difficult questions, including \"Is the unborn child a human being?\" \"When does life begin?\" and \"Do the unborn have the same rights as adults?\" His clear presentation of the facts provides welcome guidance to pro-choicers and pro-lifers alike. 128 pages, hardcover from Multnomah.
Added: November 25, 2007, 4:55 am
Runtime: 00:00:59 | Views: 531 | Comments: 1
Rating: Not yet rated
Eternal Perspective Ministries 39085 Pioneer Blvd., Suite 206 OR 97055 Sandy 503-668-5200, ext. 22 503-668-5252 fax randy@epm.org http://www.epm.org http://www.randyalcorn.blogspot.com Why Pro-Life?: Caring for the Unborn and Their Mothers - http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?even... by Randy Alcorn. For help - randy@epm.org Tackling one of the most crucial hot-button issues of our time, Alcorn takes a hard look at difficult questions, including "Is the unborn child a human being?" "When does life begin?" and "Do the unborn have the same rights as adults?" His clear presentation of the facts provides welcome guidance to pro-choicers and pro-lifers alike. 128 pages, hardcover from Multnomah. A pro-abortion woman asked a mother who was holding up an anti-abortion sign..."How can you allow children to see those horrible pictures?" The mother rightly responded by asking..."How can you allow children to become those pictures?" Children need to know the murderous truth about abortion...it it cold-blooded murder!!! If God could hear the voice of Abel's blood crying out to Him from the ground (Genesis 4:10), do you suppose God has missed the cries of those 50,000,000 infants who've been butchered in America since 1973? The following pictures were taken 1/25/98 and 2/1/98 at: National Cyto-Path Laboratories 3780 Woodruff Ave., #K Long Beach, CA 90808 This "lab" is a depot for Family Planning Associates, California's largest abortion mill chain. Every container holds a baby who was murdered by abortion. The size of the container is proportional to the age of the child. The larger containers hold 2nd trimester babies. Each of these children deserved to live. :http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20America/Abortio n%20is%20Murder/horror_of_abortion.htm Image url:http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20America/Abor tion%20is%20Murder/aborted_7_month_fetus.jpg
Harley Davidson +$34,000 Leather riding gear and extras +$5,000 Riding Lesson + $0.00 The moment= Priceless!
Tractor Tipping - Randy Newman
us trying to do an xianz video part 1
Added: August 13, 2007, 9:10 am
Runtime: 00:00:10 | Views: 774 | Comments: 4
Rating: Not yet rated
Catholic priest shares earthy advice that his own steelworker father passed on to him. Simple questions meant to help people make serious decisions that could affect their entire lives.
This is the episode where he's cooking a turkey.
Giggling baby laughing at parents making silly sounds... this is pretty funny!