"pluto who is always happy except for when shes not and drives a car while taking kissy pictures"
::heres a quiz::
This Quiz was made by Conundrum, Jessica aka Forsaken, Chrizzz aka Muse and s1hunny
1. Who invited you to Xianz? im not sure. lol linked from holypal.com i think.
2. Why did you join? mmm i was bored lol
3. How long have you been on Xianz? according to my profile... 06.14.2006
4. Are you a lurker? occassionally. i usually enjoy putting my 2 cents into the shouts. hehe.
5. How many clubs did you join, and how many do you actually visit? haha i've lost track. PON&Zi GROUP iS THE BEST. lol. i visit mine regularly... and others only when i get a post thing. lol
6. Why are you at Xianz? i have nothing else to do... lol. well b/c school hasnt started yet! and i like it.
7. How many times a day do you check your profile? all the time. about the same as myyspace i guess
8. How many people on your friends list do you actually talk to on a regular basis? mmm like... 5? Zombs, LalaLeah, Nat, Myx, Zack, Ryn... wow... nevermind i guess like 10. but mainly Zombs & Leah
9. Are you happy that Xianz went public? suuuure hahaha its cool that whoever wants to can joooin
10. Are you a Xianz addict? mmm yeah im pretty much addicted to *shouts*
11. How many times do you visit Xianz in a day? hahaha... depends on the dayyy... i usually just stay signed in... for foreverrr
12. What do you do most often when you are on Xianz?SHOUTS and the PON&Zi GROUP lol. im like an advertising fiend for my group. lol 1
3. How many of your Xianz friends are Christian? i cant say that i can be sure of that... hopefully all ♥
14. Before you heard it pronounced, how did you think you said "Xianz"? haha. remember myx?? omg i have noooo idea. i just couldnt comprehend it lol!
15. What is your favourite Xianz game? lol i didnt know they had games until last week.
16. Who do you talk the most to on Xianz? mmm i listed them along w/ those i talk to regularly... lol.
17. How many ppl have you ignored on xianz? blocked? none. avoided? several.
18. Chat rooms: Avoid 'em, ignore 'em, or enjoy 'em? mmm enjoyyy
19. Do you have Xianz on your favorites list? no but i can type it in my sleep lol
20. Do you blog? why? how many times? sometimes. because. rarely. lol
21. Do you visit the forums and if so which one do you visit the most? mmm i get caught in the vortex of shouts. lol
22. Do you redo your profile very often? yes. because i get bored... and im hyper
23. How many times do you change your Pic? lol often.
24. Do you ever read profiles of random strangers? shyeah.
25. How/Why did you pick your screen name? mmm plutonic like.. Platonic (unreal) and Poser b/c i am really into skaters and surfing but i dont do either lol
26. How long have you been on Xianz in one sitting? lol all day? hahaha i've lost track. wayyyyy too long.
27. How many people have you invited to Xianz? mmm none. im evil.
28. Have you ever been envious of someone else's page? haha... not especially
29. Have you ever welcomed new people on Xianz? yes! but no graphics... just type
30. How many "spams" do you have? you're actually making me *count*?!?! sheesh. 36-ish?
31. Did you meet your GF or BF on Xianz? lol nope!
32. Have you listened to the Podcasts? yes!!! i GOT A SHOUT OUT! (((myx)))
33. Do you go on Xianz at work? i prolly would if i worked. and if they had a comp there.
34. What mood do you wish was on the Mood list? RAD!!!! yayyyy robbie!!!
35. What word would YOU *beep* out if you were Robbie D? ahaha. i dont care.
36. Are you a Ninja or a Pirate or none of the above? im a ninja. nats the *real* pirate.
37. What strikes you as most appealing about xianz? mmm shouts. haha
38. Are you the owner of any clubs?PON&Zi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
39. Do you shout in your own shout box to keep it active? sometimes. usually to sayyy **thanks!**
40. How many "Favorite" bands do you have on your page? idk.. 11.
41. Do you look to see who's been on your page? sometimes. i just found out
42. Do you broadcast alot? nah
43. Do you use the text message/ instant messanger alot? not alot. my pop up blocker rejects it lol
44. What's your biggest pet peeve about Xianz? mmm fake people (but they're everywhere) aaand that myspace is *beep*ed is kinda odd.
45. Do you have a My-space? SHyEah
46. Who do you hope to see online the most when you sign in? mmm zombs & leah. im addicted to chatting w/ them lol
47. Who do you deny when you are choosing to accept friends? lol i only deny on accident... oops! unless i have this weird stalker feeling about them lol
48. Do you want to be a mod? suuure!!!! that would be cool...
49. Do you use the Hide button alot while on Xianz? i.should.
50. What do you look forward to the most when you sign into Xianz? messages... i guess