I was born in a small town in New Mexico. The son of an Air Force flight mechanic and a small town girl from northern Michigan. Life wasn't easy growing up, my dad left when I was just a kid.
Growing up with one brother and 4 sisters was fun, despite hard times and struggles. I still remember those days growing up the good and the bad, but I do struggle to remember Dad's face.
In 1982 I met Jesus near a small church near here. My best friend, Mike was there with me. I remember that I had a lot of questions, I also remember Mike had some really good answers.
In the years to come, I had many ups and downs in my Christian walk, but I never really got to know Jesus in a personal way. Today I know that I was being religious, walking the walk and talking the talk, but it didn't mean anything to me. The next twenty something years came and went, I got married, had 3 daughters, went to Church, listened to Christian music, Bible teachers on the radio and TV.... I even read a line or two in my Bible once or twice a month, whether I needed it or not ! I had been a loner all my life. I was never comfortable in crowds.
I couldn't sit in a Bible study long enough to learn anything, and thats what I learned... nothing. I had all but Given up on God.
A couple of years ago something changed. I felt the desire to seek God once again. It came unexpectedly, It was just there one day. I prayed many times that week, asking God to give me another chance, asking Him to come into my life in a big way. Something was different, I wasn't sure what.
I remember being in Church one Sunday. I had been drawn to prayer since I woke up. I kept praying all the way to Church. God was trying to get my attention, I wasn't sure why. The pastor started to speak, but he was all choked up, like he had a bad cold. I remember him asking for prayer. I watched a couple people walk forward to pray for him... then it happened! All I can say is that God kicked me out of my seat and sent me up there. I don't remember even walking up there, God sent me and there I was, praying for the Pastor.
I wasn't even back to my seat when I started to doubt what I had done. Did he only want elder to pray? Did I look like a fool? God sent me... I obeyed.. novel idea I didn't realize it at the time, but I had picked a fight with the devil, he surely didn't want me to obey God. Struggles and troubles came at me one after another, I know why. But God was faithful, always saw me through the tough times. I remember times when I was down and out, ready to throw in the towel. God always sent a sign, or just the right person to tell me what I needed to hear. Godly advice came at just the right times. God had a plan, I needed to obey.
When we feel distant from God, it isn't God who moved, its us who moved. God led me down a path to finding what was separating me from Him. There were a lot of things that I had to deal with, people I needed to forgive, or ask forgiveness from. There were relationships to mend, and some to sever. There were people God seemed to randomly send me to talk to, I didn't know why. Imagine the face of a person who had had anger towards me for 20 years when I humbly go and ask for forgiveness. It leaves them speechless. I asked God to reveal to me what was separating me from Him. As God revealed each thing I obeyed and took whatever action was needed , I will tell you that some of the things were not pleasant at all. But I needed to do this, I wanted to do this, so badly that I wasn't going to stop until I was done.
I think this is something I will want to do for the rest of my life. I don't want to be separate from God. I want to be close to Him, I want to hear His voice, and to see His face.
“When God wants to use someone, He takes an impossible man, and breaks him” My daughter (14 then) said that to me one day. I wrote it down, and I carry it with me today.
Thats where I was... broken before God. Humbled. Needing God. This started a journey that still continues today, I hope it never ends.
This journey, a road towards a renewed, personal relationship with Christ, has been an interesting ride so far. I have seen God do an amazing work in me. I would like to say that I know exactly what God has in store for me in the future, but I really have only a glimpse so far. For years I have felt that He was leading me towards some type of work with kids.
I have worked as a moderator on a couple online social websites, and have learned to communicate with teens and young people in a very rewarding way. It has bees a great experience to be able to minister to hundreds of young people in this way.
I don't think this is where the story ends, I feel God is still raising me up for more Kingdom work.
This summer I was invited to go to New Orleans with our Senior High youth group on a mission trip. We were going down for a third time to help with the Katrina disaster rebuilding effort.
This was a life changing week for me. This one time introvert went with a group over 40 people (mostly teens) for a week 1200 miles from home. I was asked by the youth pastor to take groups of teens door to door in the neighborhood of the home that we were working on. I was empowered by God to go knock on doors, and to offer to pray for/with people. God really was with us, as we went. We got to hear some incredible stories from hurricane survivors, and we got to pray with people still mourning the loss of loved ones.
So the last few years of my life has been about change. God changing me from the inside out. Friends have some and gone, life has had its good and hard times, but all in all it comes down to this: God is faithful.
As the days pass and the years unfold I look foreward to seeing where God leads me. This adventure called life is getting more interesting all the time. I can hardly wait to see where God will send me next, what He will teach me, or who He will send me to talk to. I know one thing, when God says Go Im going to go, when He speaks I am going to listen... and obey.
I hope my story has made some sense. I hope it has shown you how God can take a lonely broken man , and make him a faithful servant. I would love to tell you more, if you are interested.
I encourage you to seek Gods face daily, to make it real, make it personal. If you dont know what this is all about, if you dont know if you are saved, I would love to talk to you. I would like you to meet my friend Jesus. He is all I need. He is my rock, my fortress. He is the best friend a person could ever have.
I look foreword to talking to you about Jesus, He will change your life.. just ask, He is waiting, His arms open wide.
May God Bless you and keep you, may His love flow over and through you. I pray that you will seek His face, His Holy Presence for your life.
Its not about being good, or dressing fancy and driving a new car to church. Its about a personal relationship with God. My fater may have left so many years ago, but I have a father in heaven, waiting for me. I Just want to be where He is, to do His will, to obey, and to serve Him. He loves us so much.
Tom July 2008
. ..
.About me..
Married almost 21 years (she is a patient lady)
3 daughters ( all know self defense )
Living in Northern Michigan Employed in a local Courthouse Ive been on Xianz 2 years (joined mar 2006)
Interests: Amatuer (Ham) Radio Rebuilding old computers to give away to kids Youth ministry Law enforcement Teaching online safety
Isaiah 58:12
Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins
and will raise up the age-old foundations;
you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls,
Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.
We left Traverse City Saturday afternoon. 44 of us heading to new orleans. A return visit for our Sr High youth group. We had no idea what awaited us that week. We were going to help rebuild homes devastatred by Hurricane Katrina.
We arrived 23 hours later, it was a long bus ride. We were fed, found the showers, and all found time to relax.
The next day we all got going , had a delay or 2 but we were off to the jobsite.
At 4PM we all got on our bus to return to the church where we were staying.
There was a loud thimp under the bus.. the drive shaft had snapped...
Other churches in the area offered us rides back and forth through the week,
it was a blessing.
The bus was towed to a couple places I think before we found a place who could fix it... the part was overnighted from Michigan for the repair.
On the way to the second shop the bus somehow fell off the Wrecker
on a highway bridge over the Mississippi river... it smashed into the wrecker and was severly damaged. Through all this the teens kept to the task at the jobsite trusting God for everything. We ended up coming home on a new chartered bus that was a very nice ride
So many things happened this week. We got a huge amount of work done on the house. The kids and leaders all worked hard and served God well. This was such an incredible group of people.
On several occasions I took a group of kids out and went around the neighborhood talking to people. We enjoyed hearing their stories, and had opportunities to pray for many people. I was so blessed by this opportunity.
New Orleans is a city of contrasts. The city downtown area looks like nothing happened, or at least very little. The wealthy neighborhoods look like nothing happened. The poor areas like the 9th ward that we all saw on the news, are still a mess. After talking with residents I got a lot better feeling for what happened.
Many houses stil sit abandoned, just like the days after the floods. A lot of people left and arent coming back. Others didnt survive, my heart goes out to all of them. Its hard not to cry for them as we see their homes as we drive by.
New Orleans is coming back... slowly. It wont be exactly the same. There is such a strong bond between people in families, and in neighborhoods. I have I seen tears well up in the eyes of ladies and men as they tell me their story... friends gone, neighbors passed away. I know these people will do all they can to become what they once were, and more. They arent giving up. They need to know they arent forgotten, that someone still cares. God hasnt forgotten. As His people keep coming in and out of that city they are loving one another, reaching out and offering Gods love to a wounded city.
I am thankful for this trip, and to God for all that He has done in me and through me this week. I have changed in a way that I cant explain.
Renovate.... do you want to change? Ask God to renovate your life and your heart. Ask God to be able to see people through His eyes. You will never be the same.
The key and the secret to success--whether in this life or in the life to come--is that the more you are one with Me, and let My love and Spirit guide your every move, the more you are able to accomplish and the happier you are.
God says in the book of Jeremiah that if we'll keep the Lord as our trust and confidence, God will prosper us even in the desert. He'll prosper us even in difficult times. That means when others are going under God says you'll go over!
God can prosper us even in the desert if we'll just be bold enough to believe. You were created to thrive in life! Won't you believe that for your life today?
Every new day is an opportunity to praise and thank Him; to magnify your God instead of magnifying your problems. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!